Rebecca Passonneau (center), Penn State professor of computer science and engineering, poses with Penn State computer science doctoral students Zhaohui Li (left) and Ruihao Pan (right). Passonneau's research lab focuses on natural language processing techniques as applied to education. Credit: Kelby Hochreither/Penn State. All Rights Reserved.

Natural language processing is a subfield of computer science where researchers convert the written or spoken word into computable data, according to principal investigator Rebecca Passonneau, Penn State professor of computer science and engineering.

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Nathan, who is director of the Center on Education and Work within the School of Education, was one of the four founding officers of ISLS in 2002. His research and teaching focuses on basic learning theory and research methods for understanding and improving instruction and student reasoning in mathematics, engineering and STEM more broadly. He currently serves on the editorial board for the flagship journal of the society, The Journal of the Learning Sciences.

Puntambekar is the Sears-Bascom Professor of Educational Psychology. Her research centers on the design and implementation of innovative, technology-rich learning environments to foster deep and engaging science and engineering knowledge for middle school students. She served as the executive officer of ISLS from 2010-16 and was conference chair of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning held in Madison in 2013.

Prof. Anuradha A. Puntambekar worked as an assistant professor in Vishwakarma Institute of Technology (VIT) and PES Modern College of Engineering, Pune. She was an active member in framing the university syllabus. She was very popular among the students due to her unique teaching style and in-depth knowledge of various subjects. She researched 'Heterogeneous clustering,' during which her research papers were published and presented in a national symposium. She has expertise in different topics like - Data structures, Compiler design, Theory of computation, Design, and analysis of algorithms, Object-oriented programming, Database management systems, and Web technologies. Due to her dedicated teaching and learning abilities, she has got an overwhelming response to her books on the subjects mentioned above in India's different universities. She has a total of 22 years of teaching and writing experience in the field of computer engineering.

Learning environments based on engineering design challenges can provide effective contexts for the development of scientific understanding in middle and high school students (Kolodner, Crismond, Gray, Holbrook, & Puntambekar, 1998). In many such environments, however, students solve engineering design problems with physical materials, which can limit the number of iterations of the design cycle in which students can engage. Computational microworlds (diSessa, 2000; Papert, 1980) allow students to develop mathematical and scientific knowledge by programming the behavior of objects in a virtual world. The relative ease of revision in these virtual worlds lets students (a) engage in bircolage, a design process marked by repeated iteration and testing of a design rather than explicit planning, and (b) work expressively, incorporating personal choices into their designs (Papert, 1980). Direct manipulation environments (Stevenson, 2002) are microworlds without programming, and this poster examines the role of iterativity and expressivity when students developed their conceptual understanding of center of mass engage through solving virtual engineering design challenges in a DME.

(iv)SyllabusSoftware Engineering - CSUNIT - I Software Process and Agile DevelopmentIntroduction to Software Engineering, Software Process, Perspective and Specialized ProcessModels - Introduction to Agility-Agile process-Extreme programming-XP Process. (Chapter - 1)UNIT - II Requirements Analysis and SpecificationSoftware Requirements: Functional and Non-Functional, User requirements, System requirements,Software Requirements Document - Requirement Engineering Process: Feasibility Studies,Requirements elicitation and analysis, requirements validation, requirements management-Classicalanalysis: Structured system analysis, Petri Nets - Data Dictionary. (Chapter - 2)UNIT - III Software DesignDesign process - Design concepts - Design model - Design heuristic - Architectural design -Architectural styles, Architectural design, Architectural mapping using data flow - User interfacedesign : Interface analysis, Interface design - Component level design : Designing class basedcomponents, Traditional components. (Chapter - 3)UNIT - IV Testing and MaintenanceSoftware testing fundamentals - Internal and external views of Testing - White box testing - Basispath testing - control structure testing-black box testing- Regression Testing -Unit Testing -Integration Testing - Validation Testing - System Testing And Debugging - Software ImplementationTechniques: Coding practices-Refactoring-Maintenance and Reengineering-BPR model-Reengineering process model-Reverse and Forward Engineering. (Chapter - 4)UNIT - V Project ManagementSoftware Project Management : Estimation - LOC, FP Based Estimation, Make/Buy DecisionCOCOMO I & II Model - Project Scheduling - Scheduling, Earned Value Analysis Planning - ProjectPlan, Planning Process, RFP Risk Management - Identification, Projection - Risk Management - RiskIdentification - RMMM Plan - CASE TOOLS (Chapter - 5)

Testing and Maintenance Testing Fundamentals Definition of Testing Objectives Principles ImportanceWhite Box TestingBlack Box TestingCondition TestingLoop TestingBasis Path TestingEquivalence PartitioningBoundry Value AnalysisTesting StrategyUnit TestingIntegration TestingValidation TestingSystem TestingNon IncrementalIncrementalTop downBottom upRegressionSmokeBig bangAcceptance TestingAlpha TestingBeta TestingRecoverySecurityStressPerformanceDebuggingBrute Force MethodBacktracking MethodCause Elimination MethodImplementation TechniquesCoding PracticesCoding StandardsRefactoringMaintenanceNeedTypes of maintenanceMaintenance ProcessIssues in Software MaintenanceCorrective MaintenanceAdaptive MaintenancePerfective MaintenancePreventive MaintenanceReengineeringBPR ModelReengineering ModelReverse and Forward EngineeringMind Map : Chapter 4 : Testing and Maintenance

Over the past decade, nanoscale science and engineering have emerged as a forefront of exciting research and technological applications. The intersecting fields of study that create this domain of science and engineering typify the rapid, multidisciplinary advancement of contemporary science and technology. The emergence of new forms of nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes, nanowires, and precisely controlled quantum dots hold promise for future exciting technological developments. be457b7860

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