Researcher by interest, Mathematician by hobby and strongly believe in collaborative work

Here’s who I am

Let’s go invent tomorrow rather than worrying about what happened yesterday.

- Steve Jobs

Currently, I am a Computer Science Ph.D. student at Arizona State University (ASU), inventing in the BioNLP domain. My research interests lie at the intersection of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and the Biomedical domain.

I am more excited about exploring in-context learning and prompt paradigm in the biomedical/clinical domain. My recent work includes the development of various techniques to enable Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-3, T5, and BART for performing biomedical tasks. I am working as Research Assistant at ASU and primarily advised by Dr. Chitta Baral.

Past Research Experiences

I was a Graduate Research Assistant (2019-2021) at ASU in association with the Mayo Clinic and primarily advised by Dr. Murthy Devarakonda. My work includes applications of various NLP techniques in the domain of biomedical. I worked on developing accurate NLP classifiers using LMs requiring low manual effort to automate the full-text review of research articles.

I was a Research Assistant at Speech Research Lab, DA-IICT (2017-2019). I have completed many research projects based on Non-Audible Murmur(NAM)-to-Speech conversion, Whisper-to-Speech Conversion, and improvement and detection of dysarthria to make voice assistants more responsive toward pathological speech using Deep Learning Architectures. I'm also awarded the position of Teaching Assistant at DA-IICT for my excellent academic performance.

To know more about my past projects, publications, and research works, please have a look at my CV or Github profile.