Android :: Simplified

Modern Android applications can be developed in a simple and easy way by using Android Architecture Components. Unfortunately, most of the guides, tutorials, and samples around the web usually include very simple use-case scenarios and do not address the intricacies and complexities of actual real Android apps.

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Architecture Fundamentals

Good architecture provides structure, making the whole project easier to develop, debug, and test. This also facilitates maintenance and support activities, and most importantly: makes the whole project fun to work with.

The Hollywood Principle

"Don't call us, we'll call you"

Inversion of Control outlines principles for modular design, where the framework defines how the overall system works, facilitating SoC (separation of concerns)

In Android we can achieve this in several major components:

Project Structure

Disclaimer: You are free to use SimpleAndroid repository at your own risk.


UX Policies - Part 1: The Problem

UX Policies - Part 2: The UX Patterns

UX Policies - Part 3: The Implementation

Dynamic Content

A series of articles explaining why a dynamic approach could solve a lot of problems when developing native mobile-apps.