Midtown Oakville

Midtown Oakville population density could exceed Manhattan Island, far exceeding provincial targets

Please contact your councilor and spread the word. Don't forget to attend the Planning and Development Meeting on Tuesday May 23rd at 6:30 pm at Oakville Town Hall

The Province of Ontario has set population targets for Oakville for the decades to come. We need to do our part to make sure there is enough housing for all the people that will be calling Ontario home.

The Town has released their Official Plan Amendment (OPA) for Midtown Oakville. It is the set of rules that will guide the creation of a new community within Oakville. It will help ensure that Midtown and other growth areas in Oakville are the best possible places to live for current and future residents.

We need a clear plan for what that looks like.

The Official Plan can be difficult to interpret. I have analyzed the official plan and a few of the current proposals in order to get a better idea of the population densities it allows for. This analysis can also be used to model what the built form could look like.

My goal is to hold the Town and planning professionals accountable to their communicated vision. Policies need to be set to ensure that Oakville development best serves the current and future residents, while addressing housing shortage needs.

Link to Files on my Shared Google Drive 

Here is a video I made back in October to try and make this an election issue. It is slightly dated. I will try and make a new video shortly.

About me

Ben Sprawson is an architectural technologist for developer DQI in Oakville and a housing solutions advocate. 

To contact, please email Ben at ben@dqi.ca.