1:6 Statues

By Weta Workshop


Arwen and Frodo on Asfaloth

Aragorn at Amon Hen

Ringwraith at the Ford

Mouth of Sauron on Steed

Éomer on Firefoot

Lurtz at Amon Hen

Boromir at Amon Hen

Uruk-hai Swordsman




Royal Guard of Rohan

Lady Éowyn of Rohan

Elven Warrior


The Balrog - Demon of Shadow and Flame

Galadriel, Dark Queen

The Witch-King & Frodo at Weathertop

The Cave Troll of Moria

Legolas and Gimli at Amon Hen

Bilbo Baggins in Bag End

Saruman the White on Throne

Sauron, Lord of the Rings


Leaflock the Ent


Gandalf the Grey Pilgrim

Ringwraith of Mordor

Galadriel of the White Council

Bilbo Baggins at his Desk

The Balrog

Aragorn: Hunter of the Plains

Gandalf the White

Azog, Commander of Legions

Azog the Defiler on Warg

Balin the Dwarf

Bard the Bowman

Bifur the Dwarf

Bilbo Baggins

Bofur the Dwarf


Bombur the Dwarf

Dain Ironfoot on War Boar

Dol Guldur Orc Soldier

Dori the Dwarf

Dwalin the Dwarf

Dwarf Soldiers of the Iron Hills

Fili the Dwarf

Gandalf the Grey

Gloin the Dwarf

Gollum Enraged

Kili the Dwarf

King Thorin on Throne

King Thranduil

King Thror on Throne

Legolas Greenleaf

Lord Elrond at Dol Guldur

Mirkwood Elf Soldier

Nori the Dwarf

Oin the Dwarf

Ori the Dwarf

Radagast the Brown

Ringwraith of Forod

Saruman the White at Dol Guldur

Smaug the Terrible


Tauriel of the Woodland Realm

The Lady Galadriel at Dol Guldur

The Torturer of Dol Guldur

The Witchking at Dol-Guldur

Thorin Oakenshield (Exclusive)

Thranduil on Elk

War Troll and Helm


Smaug, the Fire-Drake