Jamie Beswarick

By Jamie Beswarick:

Gollum (Master's Collection)

The Cave Troll of Moria

The Balrog: Demon of Shadow and Flame

Uruk-hai Swordsman


Dol Guldur Orc Soldier

The Balrog, Flame of Udun Creature Bust

Fell Beast Bust

The Cave Troll

Gandalf the Grey

Gimli, Son of Gloin

Uruk-hai Berserker

Ugluk, Uruk-hai Captain

Fell Beast and Morgul Lord



The Battle Troll of Mordor

Attack Troll Maquette

Catapult Troll Maquette

Siege Tower Troll Maquette

Grond Troll Maquette

Cave Troll Bust

Bilbo Baggins Bust

Samwise Gamgee Bust

Legolas Greenleaf Bust

The Mouth of Sauron Bust

Grishnakh Bust

Orc Soldier Bust

Smeagol Bust

Gandalf's Hat

The Arms of the Fellowship Collection One