Gary Hunt

By Gary Hunt:

Smaug the Terrible

Dain Ironfoot on War Boar

Saruman the White at Dol Guldur

Bard the Bowman

Tauriel of the Woodland Realm

The Witch-king at Dol Guldur

Mirkwood Elf Soldier

Lord Elrond at Dol Guldur

Legolas Greenleaf


Royal Guard of Rohan


King Thror on Throne

Treebeard (Master's Collection)

Minas Morgul

Gandalf the Grey Bronze

Gandalf the White

King Elessar

King of the Dead

Easterling Soldier

Ugluk, Uruk-hai Captain

Uruk-Hai Scout Swordsman

Frodo Baggins

Saruman the White

Samwise Gamgee

Gandalf on Gwaihir

The King of the Dead

Smaug King Under the Mountain

The Fellowship Set 1

Riddles in the Dark

Barrel Riders

Silent Reflection

Dwarf Miner

Oin Barrel Rider

Bofur Barrel Rider

Gandalf the White

Helm of the Witch-king

Helm of the Ringwraith of Forod

Erebor Royal Guard's Helm

Lord Elrond of Rivendell: Dol Guldur Miniature

The Witch-king of Angmar: Dol Guldur Miniature

The Last Alliance

The Nazgul

The Arms of Lurtz