Brigitte Wuest

By Brigitte Wuest:

Smaug the Golden

Eowyn and the Nazgul

Ringwraith at the Ford

Éomer on Firefoot

Ringwraith of Mordor

Galadriel, Dark Queen


King Thranduil

Bilbo Baggins

Ringwraith of Forod

Bilbo Baggins Miniature

Gimli on Uruk 43 Miniature


Bilbo Baggins Barrel Rider

Aragorn at the Black Gates

Gandalf the White with Shadowfax

The Morgul Lord

Elrond, Herald of Gil-galad

Fell Beast and Morgul Lord

Pippin, Guard of the Citadel

Ringwraith Bust

Nazgul Steed Bust

High Elven Infantryman Bust

Lady Galadriel Bust

Treebeard Bust