The computer that will run the sequencer must not have the App-V client enabled. As a best practice, choose a computer with the same hardware and software configurations as the computers that will run the virtual applications. The sequencing process is resource-intensive, so make sure the computer that will run the Sequencer has plenty of memory, a fast processor, and a fast hard drive.

You can also use the command line to install the App-V sequencer. The following list displays information about options for installing the sequencer using the command line and appv_sequencer_setup.exe:

Microsoft Sequencer Download


For more information regarding the sequencer installation, you can view the error log in the %temp% folder. To review the log files, click Start, type %temp%, and then look for the appv_ log.

Use the following procedure to install the Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) 5.0 sequencer. The computer that will run the sequencer must not be running any version of the App-V 5.0 client.

You can also use the command line to install the App-V 5.0 sequencer. The following list displays information about options for installing the sequencer using the command line and appv_sequencer_setup.exe:

Note that this pattern is unfair: There is no guarantee that the waiting coroutines will be released in the order of arrival. But if fairness is not important, this is a lot less work than the fully-general task_sequencer from last time.

A future feature, in some background menu without ruining the intuitive and child-friendly interface, to maybe import and edit soundwaves, which then could be transposed on the scale like a piano or appointed to different notes like for drums, might be an idea? -Most seem to be there already with the sound editor, but I could not figure out how to put a custom made sound to use in the new beta music editor/sequencer.

In App-V 5.0 this changed drastically and now you were commanded to perform the reboot. The experience would be that at any time after the actual monitoring process started a reboot could be executed, and once the computer starts up again the sequencer will resume operations.

If no error message is presented this means that the sequencer was given enough time to prepare the sequence so that it should be successfully resumed once the computer is rebooted. However, something else can interfere during startup and then this happens;

We are about to rollout to Windows 10 in my environment. So, given that App-v client is embedded in Windows 10, and, that the app-v sequencer can now be obtained through ADK 10, I am wondering, is it necessary to have the App-v management server at all? We already have SCCM as software distribution solution. It seems to me that we could just use the app sequencer to create app-v packages, and then use SCCM to install them to clients. To me, this seems like a logical extension of what we have traditionally been doing with msi repackaging, except now the packages will just be app-v.

So I opened up a command prompt and, in my case, typed C:\extracted\appv_sequencer_LP_XXXX_xBB.msi ACCEPTEULA=1. Replace XXXX with the language code (i.e.. enus) and BB for the OS bit version (32-bit=86, 64-bit=64) for the version you want to use. Pressing Enter resulted in the installation of the English 32-bit Language Pack.

One of the most consistent recommended practices throughout the history of App-V sequencing is to always sequence on a clean sequencer. Starting with App-V 4.6 SP1, a detector was put in to warn users if they were about to sequence on a machine where a previous package was sequenced.

When the App-V sequencer is installed, it will create a registry key called ReadyBit located beneath HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftAppVSequencer and set this value to 1. As soon as a sequence begins to go forward (creating a PVAD, Package Name, etc.) this bit will be set to 0 to inform the sequencer that we are no longer working with a clean sequencer.

In defense of the sequencer, this was not as much the fault of the App-V sequencing process, but also an issue with the mechanism of the installation. This was easy to prove by going through the sequencing process and verifying the contents prior to stopping the monitoring process. The files were indeed correctly located prior to the stopping of monitoring:

So the native installation does indeed remove the files upon a reboot. The difference is after the reboot, the files are back where they need to be! How is this possible? Google triggers updates using the Google Update service which is set to start automatically. The missing files would force the Google Update service to pull down the most up to date version. Indeed a prime example of some of the exceptions to the rule that the 4.6 sequencer was not catching.

So to ensure that the sequencer works better with installations that require reboots (or even multiple reboots) the sequencer was changed to actually reboot. When the sequencer detects that the application is requesting a reboot, all tasks are recorded and deleted (except for the PendingFileRenames key) to force resume only after the system is rebooted and the monitoring has resumed, otherwise, these tasks could occur prior to the sequencer resuming. This information is recorded to disk (although obfuscated) and the system will reboot as normal

After the reboot, the PendingFileNames key will be processed as it would in a normal reboot. Upon the user logon, the sequencer will be launched (as it registered itself to do that prior to reboot.) Upon relaunch of the sequencer, the sequencer reads its state from the registry and the file system and restarts monitoring. The first tasks that will be processed will be the RunOnce tasks that were captured prior to the reboot.

For sequencing in App-V 5, the new ETW model simplifies the process and moves App-V to the Windows standards for event tracing. Even better, the sequencer not only has two logs to worry about (operational and administrative) but a simple process can occur to enable more verbose debug logging.

In addition to the sequencer logs, you can also leverage process monitor ( -us/sysinternals/bb896645.aspx) and verbose MSI logging ( -advanced-windows-installer-logging/) if you encounter errors within the application during sequencing.

While it implies that the additional settings (OS, COM, objects) will not be saved in the template, you will find that they are, in fact, saved. What the effect of this message is any settings other than General Options or Exclusion Items will NOT be imported if you import the template into the sequencer GUI for the sequencing of a new package.

On the subject of services, it is probably worth mentioning some of the changes with how App-V handles virtual services in V5. First and foremost, you may have noticed there is no separate virtual service agent service running for the V5 client. You have probably also noticed that virtual services are not managed or modified through the sequencer interface. So how do you configure a service during sequencing? Well, the same as a regular service, through the services control panel or the command line (or PowerShell) during the monitoring phase. Also, only the use of the LocalSystem account is supported. Other well-known SIDs such as Network Service are not supported. Services that are virtualized will also have read-only configuration during run-time when virtualized. You will not be able to change the state of the service when it is running in the virtual environment using traditional APIs.

The App-V sequencer will capture services during the sequencing process. In previous releases of the sequencer, there was a way to review the services detected in the Services tab. At that point, you could delete the services should you not want to keep them in the package. This has changed in the V5 version of the sequencer. If you notice, when you go to the services tab, you will notice that at this stage, you are unable to remove the virtual services from this screen.

If you want to remove services that are captured in the monitoring process with the V5 version of the sequencer, you will have to use a different method now. During sequencing, you need to delete the services registrations in the registry prior to closing monitoring. This will require you to know where the service registrations are stored in advance or before you close out the monitoring process. For example, if I wanted to remove the service registrations for the Google Update Service, I would open up the Services management console and the Registry Editor after installation has completed and prior to stopping monitoring. When you view the properties of the service, the Service name field will give you the short name of the service. This will reflect the name of the subkey of the service located in HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServices

Should you decide to move to 4.6, your 4.1/4.2 packages will need to follow a different process for migration as there is a drastic change in the sequencer file format (SFT to APPV) as well as the XML governing these packages. Sequencer generates new package format based on the Windows 8 installer (APPX).

1.) Update the 4.1/4.2 package using the App-V 4.6 SP1 sequencer or later. You can simply open a package and save it under the 4.6 SP1 sequencer and this will often serve the purpose of getting the applications to the minimum level needed for migration to 5.0 as mentioned above, you can also automate this by using the App-V sequencer command-line.

As many client changes involve patching the App-V System Guard (the component that facilitates the virtualization engine) it requires making revision to the App-V 4.6 SP Sequencer as well. I always advise all of my customers to ensure that they are always using the most recently released build of the App-V Sequencer.

The relase process for the sequencer is slightly different. Not every cumulative patch, involves a change to the sequencer. With this, you will not always see inclusion of the sequencer with every cumulative hotfix release. In the case of the most recent release of App-V as of this writing, the most recent service release of the App-V 4.6 SP1 sequencer is the refresh build that came with 4. SP1 Hotfix 3. You can download the release via the KB article for the hotfix here: ff782bc1db

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