I'm looking for an old i think pre-installed windows hearts card game. I don't know which version of windows it was pre-installed on but it was against CPU whos names were North, South, East, and West. My Boss recently upgraded to windows 10 and lost this game which he had over 2000 games played over a lot of years. I don't know where else to put this but thank you if you try to find a download or link for me.

I agree that the MS Hearts program is rigged and the deal, pass off, leads and play by the other "players" is fixed.

Case in point:

If you pass hearts you will receive hearts and probably either the queen, king or ace of spades for good measure (try repetitively starting a game and pass hearts, see what happens, cancel the game and repeat).

Once you have been targeted by the program to lose the game the play is rigged for the other "players" to dump points on you even if you are high hand. Conversely if you have been targeted at the start to win the game some hands are ridiculously easy.

All MS games where the cards are hidden are rigged. The only honest game is Free Cell where all the cards are face up and cannot be "reshuffled" during play.

Microsoft Hearts Card Game Download Windows 7

DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://urllie.com/2y4ycq 🔥

1) I don't believe that the program cheats in the normal sense of the term. I can't get above 61% (nearly 800 games so far), but I attribute this mostly to chance and my shortcomings as a player.

2) The computer stinks as a hearts player. If I'm winning most of the time against three computer players, and microsoft cheats, then the programmers are so bad that Vista would never even boot up, no matter how bad the program is at hearts. My computer opponents frequently pass low spades; that's just stupid strategy.

3) The one thing the computer does well is count cards that have been played. Of course the comnputer player will "know" when the only unplayed spade that it doesn't hold is an ace or king, and will lead out the queen. You should be this aware too. If card counting strikes you as cheating, you are just a very poor card player and should never try bridge unless you want your partner to divorce or strangle you.

4) I too have had a computer player refuse to drop a queen of spades on me. In my experience, this has been on hands where the computer has a reasonable chance to shoot the moon and is keeping the option open. I don't think it's good strategy, but it isn't cheating.

5) Runs of good and bad luck can look like cheating. Don't trust paranoid explanations for what is more likely just to be statistics in action.

6) Some tips:

- Don't play angry at the game. You'll make bad decisions and lose.

- The single biggest factor in my raising my win percentage from an original 50% to above 60% is that I don't try as much to shoot the moon, both on the pass and in the play. Just play safe if you can and if you don't have a virtual lock on the shoot. 

- Don't pass the queen of spades (and higher ones) with four or more spades in your hand.

- Don't give up hope on hands. I've come back from being in last place by over 50 points to win games. You could get lucky. Just concentrate on how you can win. You're never out of contention until someone goes over 100.

The computer players don't play particularly well on the whole, but seem to compensate by deciding their individual actions vis-a-vis your hand, creating an implicit form of collusion that often is akin to cheating. I don't know if this is intentional or quick programming. Annyoing, but can be adapted to.

What bothers me more is that it doesn't appear that card distrubtions are anywhere near random. When winning, the predictability of having a 5h mean that the 2h,3h and 4h are *exactly* distributed equally among opponents shows me that the card distribution is weighted. This way, after hearts are broken, a computer player leads their 2,3, or 4, and you must take 4 points with your 5. It happens over and over again.

To me, this clearly shows that the compensation of lack of sophisticated AI is card manipulation. This can be overcome to some degree (some times), but ultimately makes the game more frustration than fun...

Cheating is something that only humans can do. I suspect that it is the programmers are cheating Vista Hearts players.

I just finished a game where I was passed or had the queen of spades in every hand but one (the one was a keeper). I got stuck with the queen five times (!) and shot the moon twice to squeak out a win.

In general I have noticed that the computer players aggressively lead spades any time that I hold the queen, otherwise they use low card leads in long suits.

I am maintaining a 60% win rate after 220 games. This is only because I have figured out that chances of shooting the moon are actually increased when the program is "out to get you". Keeping low hearts can be the worst thing you can do when you have a bad hand. It prevents you from switching strategies after you are burnt by the program.

I think Vista hearts is more difficult than the XP version. I have not shot the moon four times in a row, which I manage in XP on a few occasions.

I think the term "cheats" is nonsensical. It's also paranoid. By the same token, the game isn't played by the rules of chance and there are not really any specific cards in any players hands except the human player. I've seen too many ridiculous outcomes to believe that. Rather, the program determines, not which of the other computer players will win, but what percentage of the time the human player won't, or will, take your pick. Since I don't know the programming or the intent of the programmer, I don't know the rationale behind the way it plays. I too have seen the program withold the queen when an ace or king was already on the table and too many times I've had the cards to attempt a run only to find all the rest of the hearts in one other players hand. Nevertheless, I continue to play because, apparently, I enjoy it. Maybe that's what MS was after all along.

In reply to 2/27 Anonymous: yes, it is very correct to say a program cheats if it does things against the rules of the game. There are computer vs. computer and computer vs. human tournaments held every year, with serious prize money at stake, in games like Poker, Bridge, and Chess. When a program violates the rules, it is disqualified for cheating. Secretly sharing information about hidden cards with other players is a form of collusion. It is a serious no-no in card games like poker, bridge, and hearts, and definitely qualifies as cheating. Rigging the shuffle to come out a certain way is an even more serious form of cheating. Some humans "card mechanics" do this kind of thing, too, and they get kicked out of the game, beaten up, or worse if caught.

No, I do not think it cheats... I reckon it is just bloody good programming... I played well over 300 games and have a respectable winning rate of 67%... I have observed that if I have a good hand of exclusively clubs or exclusively diamonds (>6 cards), and play them strategically, I always win (i.e., I do not get the Queen of Spades but end up with 2 to 5 hearts)...

I suspected something was amiss when I lost so frequently when I first started playing Microsoft Hearts on my Windows Vista computer. I had won so consistently on a Windows XP computer that I eventually stopped playing, as there was so little challenge. I had also "mastered" a freeware 3D Hearts game. As a result I thought I was pretty good, but came crashing down to earth when I started losing about 50% of the time in Vista Hearts,

However, I modified my strategy a bit, e.g. started discarding high hearts and rarely trying to shoot the moon and I started winning again. Currently I am at 79% wins and feeling good again.

You can see your opponent's cards in XP by adding the following key to the registry at

HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Applets/Hearts

On the right pane choose "New String value". Give it a name of ZB and a value of 42.

To see your opponent's cards, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F12 during play.

Note that this doesn't seem to work in Vista.

And adding to the topic, Vista hearts $ucks to the core.

I agree with "2) The computer stinks as a hearts player." Using the cheat on XP I found out that always Queen, King and As of spade is passed - regardless of how many spades the player has. To complete the cards, high hearts are passed. If you want to shoot the moon, play low hearts first, they aren't taken at all - only if it is the last card. On playing clubs or diamonds, the last player always takes the highest card unless a heart is inbetween.

And yes, they toss happily their high hearts if one of them makes a run, but not on you...

Is there a better free version around?

Cheers :)


Vista hearts definitely captures many human traits than XP before, nonetheless the programming is not perfect. There are many things that human opponents in hearts do not do but statistically the computer player tends to do as per Vista programming logic. Few examples below...


1. Computer player at 80-90 started taking all the points in order to let another computer player win. A human would have tried to take as less points as possible.

2. Computer player do not give points to another computer player on the first pass of a void trick. A human would have passed the point, we normally hold points only when we anticipate that one of the player is trying to shoot which is not possible early in the game.

3. Computer player plays queen of spade when there is only an ace or king of spade in the human player's hand and other small spade(s) in another computer player's hand. That's a hell of a risk very few human will take.

4. When a computer player shoots, more often the other computer players rarely hold their point cards.

Having said that initially the game do allow you to win, but after you notch up a certain win percentage new set of rules kick in ... guess they have a heuristic programming that becomes harder as time passes. I am currently stuck at 57% after 500 games ... often when i almost reach 58%, the computer starts winning and i am back at 57% :-(

In conclusion, I will say if you have programmed where the computer takes advantage of the knowledge of other players hands from the start of the game, then it is not interesting any more. e24fc04721

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