The Microsoft Graph Postman collection is configured to authenticate with the global Microsoft Entra service and access the global Microsoft Graph service ( If you want to use the collection to connect to a national cloud deployment, you must modify your fork of the collection.

? Tip The Microsoft Graph Postman collection is configured to authenticate with the global Azure AD service and access the global Microsoft Graph service ( If you want to use the collection to connect to a national cloud deployment, you must modify your fork of the collection.

Microsoft Graph Postman Collection Download

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There are Postman collections with many MS graph API requests created by Microsoft for us to explore. Import the collections and setup the environment (Client ID, Client secret, tenant id) for Application API calls and on-behalf-of API calls as per the instruction from the following article

I have a post man collection that is rather large. It calls on a postman enviornment for all information I believe should be kept secure (such as API key, bearer token, ect). I tried to follow the microsoft instructions to create a custom connector but it doesn't work as I would hope. I think I will need to go through and add the values that were being called from the enviornment into each "Get" or "Post" function. I am new to API and would appreciate any help o nhow to use my API calls. Is there an easy way to make a call using my "GET" function for all employees and then having that table in PowerBI ready to use?

In this video I have explained answers to these questions and other details that you can use during development or integration of Office 365 services in your application. Also, you will find in detail explanation of how to use MS Graph Explorer and use of MS Graph postman collection.

I manually created that in Postman, collected those RestApi calls when I was doing testing. I have tried long time ago modified this open api json file, then imported to postman. But the collection json file is too big to import for Flow custom connector.


Postman is a tool that helps you use and build with APIs. It enables seamless collaboration and experimentation in a graphical interface that is friendly for both the newcomer and the veteran to API development. An API collection in Postman is a group of saved requests and descriptions that are editable and customizable by the user. API collections in Postman come with benefits such as error detection in query formulation, auto-suggestions, the ability to define variables to use across requests, and more.

One of the major benefits of using the Postman Nerdgraph API collection is that you get auto-complete support for your queries right away. For example, if you are querying for your account data, as soon as you begin typing, Postman suggests next steps for you. e24fc04721

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