Can anyone help please? Considering I am not very expert, please if possible keep it simple! This problem with standard and FBW. ILS landing, all going well with ap all ok with ILS but when I set lower speed for landing the plane will not slow down. Eventually with flaps down but at too high a speed (unrealistic) and reducing throttle it will start to reduce speed but very slowly and not enough for safe landing speed. When i disengage ap it's better but by then it's a mess! In case it's relevant, I am not using a flightplan. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

Wow! Thanks Tim! I did warn I'm no expert! I'll give it a bash with a flight plan. Cheeky other quick question. Default 320 changeing Knots to mach works but not in fbw version, is that the case or me again? Thanks.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Slow Download Speed Fix


Yes - well, it's intended to be - only one pilot has ever tried to fly an A320 manually (not just the autopilot off, ALL the other FBW systems too) and he ended up in court because of it. He was cleared of all charges of course. From Captain Sullenberger's Wikipedia page:

"The National Transportation Safety Board ruled that Sullenberger made the correct decision in landing on the river instead of attempting a return to LaGuardia because the normal procedures for engine loss are designed for cruising altitudes, not immediately after takeoff. Simulations performed at the Airbus Training Centre Europe in Toulouse showed that Flight 1549 could have made it back to LaGuardia had that maneuver begun immediately after the bird strike. However, such scenarios both neglected the time necessary for the pilots to understand and assess the situation, and risked the possibility of a crash within a densely populated area."

So you're saying that the OP couldn't just bring the throttle to idle (with autothrottle off, of course) and land? I can't believe the FAA would allow an aircraft designed that way, nor would I want to be on one. Just as well not have a pilot. However Sully landed fine in the Hudson, so that capability MUST be there, somewhere, to just bring it back to idle, which should have alleviated the OP's inability to slow down, instead of having to program a computer in advance, before he could land.

Yes speed brakes help. I fly the 320 all the time and the only time I have experienced something similar is early on when landing I would turn the AP off but the the auto throttle stays on and would lead to a few go arounds because i couldnt figure out why the throttle kept accelerating. So I would first check to make sure when you turn the AP off you also make sure you have the auto throttle off. Also when on final use selected on your throttle instead of managed as this allows you to manually dial down your landing speed. Also I usually set the auto brakes to max and depending on where I am landing I also use the thrust reversers to help slow my roll out. Those need to be keyed into whatever system you are using and this is important.. Make sure its a unique key and not binded to anything else. One last thing, remember theres a delay sometimes coming out of AP when applying or retarding the throttle.

Recently, I decided to delve into the world of aviation simulation and picked up the Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) 2020 release. Before I could soar the skies virtually, I faced a hiccup: the download process. Specifically, I've observed that my download speeds for this game are unusually slow.

Are there common factors that play a role here? I've heard mentions of data server loads, the sheer volume of high-quality assets (such as topographical maps, aircraft models, and real-time weather data), or perhaps the bandwidth of my own ISP being potential culprits. And, while we're at it, does the platform (like Steam or Microsoft Store) influence the speed? Lastly, are there any known tweaks or optimizations within the MSFS settings or elsewhere to expedite the process?

P.S. For context, other game or software downloads on my system generally proceed at a brisk pace. This makes me curious if the MSFS 2020 release has specific quirks related to its massive data files or server connections.

Firstly, welcome to the captivating world of flight simulation! It's always a pleasure to see a fresh enthusiast. I totally comprehend your eagerness to get started, but let's delve into your quandary.

1. Server Load and Data Volume: Microsoft Flight Simulator, given its massive popularity, often sees surges in download traffic. This can cause strain on the data servers, leading to slower download speeds. Furthermore, as you rightly pointed out, the sheer volume of high-quality assets like topographical maps, aircraft models, and real-time weather data make the total download package quite sizeable. The more intricate and detailed the simulator, the larger the download.

2. Platform Variation: Whether you've chosen Steam or Microsoft Store can indeed play a role. While both platforms are reputable, sometimes updates, server issues, or regional bandwidth allocations can impact speeds. It's always a good idea to check their respective forums or support channels for any ongoing issues.

3. Your Own ISP: While you mentioned that other software and game downloads are quick, remember that the size and server source of MSFS can challenge even the best ISPs. You might want to consider testing your connection during non-peak hours or reaching out to your ISP to see if there are any limitations on their end.

If the question and answers provided above do not answer your specific question - why not ask a new question of your own? Our community and flight simulator experts will provided a dedicated and unique answer to your flight sim question. And, you don't even need to register to post your question!

Be sure to search for your question from existing posted questions before asking a new question as your question may already exist from another user. If you're sure your question is unique and hasn't been asked before, consider asking a new question.

I currently fly FSX and FS9 but reading so many articles on MSFS it seems divided. As many love it hate it from the reviews...spending all the time downloading the MSFS? So could I get some honest reviews of how the MSFS is really working I see Steam has ...

I recently purchased the L-39 jet package online in MSFS 2020. When I fly them, the roll rate is painfully slow, taking about 5 seconds for a 360-degree roll. Is this normal for the simulator? I recently saw a couple of real ones flying at an air sh...

I have tried all ways to install Cardiff City Scenery without success. Downloaded the extracted files, into my community folder. If I go into Content Manager file 3 listed as Cardiff MSFS, Scenery Files & Screenshots I tick them all and it says waiting ...

So I want to start from an aircraft carrier in the Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) 2020 release. I read elsewhere some default-installed aircraft carriers can be used to take off and land on in - is this true? If so, how can I use (find) them?Ot...

I can't figure how to slow a plane down enough to have a safe landing. I approach, throttle back to no thrust at all. Full flaps. But, the plane never reduces in speed enough for a safe landing. And even if I can get it on the ground, I can't figure how to slow down enough to brake. I've touched down going about 250 "mph?" and then hit the "v" key because it makes a "screechy" sound and I figure that those are brakes but then the plane goes out of control.

If you are coming in too fast you didn't start to slow down soon enough, circle around and try again. Turning burns off speed which is why you usually have to increase throttle to maintain speed and altitude. Altitude=Speed, so in addition to getting rid of your speed you have to get rid of the speed you'll gain from descent. The heavier the aircraft the longer it will take to slow down.

If you post details about exactly how you're flying the approach (airspeed, altitude & aircraft configuration starting at 10k or so along with how far away you are from the runway) you'll get better advice

Indeed. Jets, heavies in particular, are quite slippery. (Go figure - they're designed to fly fast on as little fuel as possible.) Your descent from cruise altitude to approach is usually done with the engines barely above idle, starting roughly 100 miles out. As a first approximation, you can descend or you can slow down, but you can't do both at the same time. This is even true of the more efficient prop singles. Once you get slow enough to put down gear and flaps, the airplane gets a lot draggier and then you actually have to add some power to stay in the air.

If you are doing 250 knots at idle thrust, I'll assume you're in a jet. As the others have said, you do need to start managing you energy in a jet the instant you start to descend from cruise altitude. It's not something you can fix in the last few miles to the airport.

Generic non-military jet descent profile (bizjet or airliner). Start down from cruise at 10 miles from the airport per 3300 feet of cruise altitude - e.g. from 33,000 feet, start down, with near idle power, 100 miles from the airport. Track your progress - you should be down to 20,000 feet and 300 knots on the gauge at 60 miles from the airport, and 10,000 feet, and 250 knots on the gauge at 30 miles. Hitting those targets on the way down will make it much easier to get even slower when it comes time to land. If you are high or fast at those checkpoints - you have advance warning that you have a speed problem, with time to make adjustments and fix things before you get to the runway (where it is too late).

On an ILS, or replicating an ILS 3 approach slope manually: be already slowed down to 160 knots with almost full flaps as you catch the glide slope. Throttle back to your final approach speed (generically, 150 knots for a large airliner, 135 knots for a medium airliner (737/A320), 115-120 knots for most bizjets). Hold that speed right down to the flare (30 feet above the runway). Ideally, your touchdown speed will be approach speed minus 10-15 knots if you flare correctly. 152ee80cbc

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