The language resources on this page can help you develop localized versions of applications that integrate with Microsoft products. By using the same terminology and style that Microsoft uses, your customers will find it easier to get started with your applications when used with Microsoft products.

Microsoft Terminology can be used to ensure that terminology in your localized versions of applications match the corresponding terminology in Microsoft products. It can also be used to integrate Microsoft terminology into other terminology collections or serve as a base IT glossary for language development in the nearly 100 languages available. You can query the Microsoft Terminology via the Microsoft Terminology Search page. Microsoft terminology is also provided in .tbx format, an industry standard for terminology exchange.

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Microsoft Style Guides are collections of rules that define language and style conventions for specific languages. These rules usually include general localization guidelines, information on language style and usage in technical publications, and information on market-specific data formats.

The following tables show the supported language packs for Windows desktop editions and Windows Server, and supported language interface packs (LIPs) for Windows desktop editions. LIPs are available for Windows desktop releases, but are not available for Windows Server. For more information, see Language packs.

The version of the language, LIP, or Feature on Demand must match the version number. For example, you can neither add a Windows 10 version 1809 LIP to Windows 10 version 1803 image, nor add a Windows Server 2019 language pack to Windows Server 2016.

If you represent a government or government agency, a government-affiliated or government-sponsored cultural or language board or institution, or an accredited educational institution, you may redistribute the Pack to validly licensed users of the Software, in the same form as received from Microsoft.

Using Windows Update. If you're running an Ultimate or Enterprise edition of Windows, you can download available language packs by using Windows Updates. Language packs installed using Windows Update provide a fully translated version of Windows dialog boxes, menu items, and help content. All the languages available for this type of download have "Windows Update" listed in the right column of the table below.

Using the links on this page. You can download Language Interface Packs (LIPs) from the Microsoft Download Center by using the links below. You can install LIPs over any edition of Windows, but they provide a translated version of only the most widely used dialog boxes, menu items, and help content. To install a LIP, you will need to have the required parent language installed on your PC.

The table below shows if the language you're looking for requires a premium edition of Windows or a particular parent language.

Each .NET language is unique. C# is the most widely used language and the language most of .NET is written in. F# explores new language possibilities and the community provides a rich experience across platforms. We remain committed to Visual Basic and continue to invest in maintaining C# interop and Visual Studio features for folks that love Visual Basic or want a stable language.

We know that when you choose a language you make a commitment to your business and your career. We are honored that you chose us and we take that responsibility seriously. We love what we do and we think about you, about the developers that use .NET languages, in every decision we make.

The success of our languages depends on honest, open communication. The new location makes it easier to continue the conversations that the previous blog post started. Publishing our language strategies in a prominent location also keeps it front and center for us. It emphasizes the importance of our strategies, and how they guide us as we evolve the languages.

If feature flags are an absolute no, I feel like it might be time for a new, modern .NET language. I personally wish that TypeScript.NET were a thing. Being able to use the typescript language but with .NET instead of NodeJS would be a dream come true ^_^

Here are two recent interviews (one with Mads Torgersen and the other with David Fowler) and you can clearly tell that there is a huge internal struggle to modernize the language while also keeping it backwards compatible:



Why does a low-code platform need a language? The truth is, point-and-click tools are great for quickly assembling experiences and workflows, but many real-world solutions need a layer of logic that goes beyond what is practical to drag and drop, for example:

To put the magnitude of Excel users in perspective, analysts at IDC estimate that the most popular coding language, JavaScript, is used moderately or heavily by 11.7 million software developers today. The same report forecasts that the total population of full-time professional developers will grow 32 percent to 19.4 million by the year 20241.

This next chapter is an exciting step in a software project that has a rich history at Microsoft. The origins of Power Fx run deeper than the platform itself. With investment spanning seven years across two project code names, Tangram and Siena, the language was originally brought to life by a team of architects and engineers led by Vijay Mital, Robin Abraham, Shon Katzenberger and Darryl Rubin. With a PhD in functional languages, extensive experience in AI, expression syntax, and Excel and programming, the team took inspiration from linear solvers, Miranda, Mathematica, and Pascal, and collectively leveraged the best of Microsoft to create a low-code language.

In our first post in this series, we discussed the need for proactively addressing memory safety issues. Tools and guidance are demonstrably not preventing this class of vulnerabilities; memory safety issues have represented almost the same proportion of vulnerabilities assigned a CVE for over a decade. We feel that using memory-safe languages will mitigate this in ways that tools and training have not been able to.

Memory safety is a property of programming languages where all memory access is well defined. Most programming languages in use today are memory-safe because they use some form of garbage collection. However, systems-level languages (i.e., languages used to build the underlying systems other software depends on, like OS kernels, networking stacks, etc.) which cannot afford a heavy runtime like a garbage collector are usually not memory-safe.

If the language could automatically track and verify sizes for us, we as programmers would no longer need to worry about having to implement these checks correctly, and we could be certain that none of these issues exist in our code.

This bug is possible because of how many complex APIs interact with each other and the programmer not being able to enforce ownership of memory throughout the codebase. At [0], the program gets a pointer to a buffer owned by a JavaScript object. Then at [1], because of the language complexity, to get another variable, it might execute more JavaScript code. At [2], it will use the buffer and width to create a new JavaScript object with the contents of that pointer.

Beyond this, whenever possible software should eventually be moved to a completely memory-safe language like C# or F# that ensure memory safety through runtime checks and garbage collection. After all, you should only incur the complexity of having to think about memory management when necessary.

Adding features like auto complete, go to definition, or documentation on hover for a programming language takes significant effort. Traditionally this work had to be repeated for each development tool, as each tool provides different APIs for implementing the same feature.

The idea behind the Language Server Protocol (LSP) is to standardize the protocol for how such servers and development tools communicate. This way, a single Language Server can be re-used in multiple development tools, which in turn can support multiple languages with minimal effort.

The protocol defines the format of the messages sent using JSON-RPC between the development tool and the language server. LSIF defines a graph format to store information about programming artifacts.

With this add-in you can review text through our style and grammar checker LanguageTool. LanguageTool finds a lot of errors that a simple spell checker cannot detect, like mixing up there/their, a/an or word repetition, and it can detect many other grammar issues. Currently, we support these languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Polish, Russian, Catalan, Dutch, Portuguese, and Ukrainian

Our grammar and spelling correction works across all variations of common language, for instance distinguishing between U.S. and British English. LanguageTool also features a personal dictionary for exceptions or words that you might commonly use but that are not found in a conventional dictionary.

Since OpenAI, an AI research and deployment company, introduced its groundbreaking GPT-3 natural language model platform last year, users have discovered countless things that these AI models can do with their powerful and comprehensive understanding of language.

Built by OpenAI, GPT-3 is part of a new class of models that can be customized to handle a wide variety of use cases that require a deep understanding of language, from converting natural language to software code to summarizing large amounts of text and generating answers to questions.

Microsoft, which has a license to the GPT-3 technology that allows the company to integrate it into its own products, is using the Azure OpenAI Service to bring these natural language innovations to customers on a large scale. e24fc04721

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