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關 於 共 同 體 ABOUT US

福爾摩沙微國家共同體(簡稱福聯、福共體、共同體,英文:Taiwanese Micronations Alliance),是位於臺灣的微國家區域組織。


The Taiwanese Micronations Alliance is currently the largest intermicronational organization dedicated to Taiwanese micronations.

 Through the TMA, we hope to enhance the participation of Taiwanese micronations in international security, social advancements, political freedom, human rights, and democracy as we believe these are self-evident in serving as the common goals shared by our member states.





The Taiwanese Micronations Alliance was first established on July 26, 2016 by the Duchy Of Karussier, the Republic of Chrisland, and the Kingdom of Castile-Portugal. It was called the United Peace Micronations of Asia(微型國家和平聯盟 2016-2017) at the time. The initial establishment was to counter the United Taiwanese Micronations (臺灣私人國家聯盟 2016-2018) led by W.S.P.R. After the disintegration of the United Taiwanese Micronations, the United Peace Micronations of Asia was transformed into a general micronational international organization.

On New Year’s Day in 2018, after countries signed the Pact for Peace and Co-Prosperity, the United Peace Micronations of Asia was officially renamed the Micronations Co-prosperity Treaty Organization(微型國家共榮公約組織 2018-2019). During this period, the number of member states continued to increase. When the organization changed its current name, there were twelve member states.

In January 2019, in order to unify and prepare for the establishment of an organization that belongs to Taiwan's micronations, the Micronations Co-prosperity Treaty Organization passed a case of changing its name to "Taiwanese Micronations Community", making this union an indicator organization in the Taiwan and Chinese speaking micronations.

In 2020, the English name of the organization changed to Taiwanese Micronations Alliance.


共同體旗 Flag of the TMA

共同體徽 Emblem of the TMA