Mickle PTSO

Next Meeting

Thursday, October 6th at 6pm is the next PTSO meeting. We will talk about the last few months of activities, get a principal's update and review all the upcoming events and activities. We love all of the input we can get! We hope you can join us!

Conference Meals

Help pay for meals for the teachers and staff for PT conferences. Thank you for your support every little bit counts.



Do you like to recognize people? Do you like to come up with creative ideas? Are you interested in how you can help support teachers and students at Mickle? We are looking for people to join the leadership team and committees as a part of succession planning as many of the current leaders will move on after their 8th graders leave next year. Please join us and help continue the tradition of supporting Mickle!

Check out this brochure for more information: Leadership Positions

Have you downloaded the BoxTops App? No more cutting boxtops, now simply scan your receipt and Mickle will get the profits.

You can still turn in cut boxtops to Mrs. Searls (unexpired ones)

Find us on Facebook as: 'Mickle Middle School Families'

Follow us on Instagram@micklemsptso

We understand the feeling of “OH NO… not another fundraiser” or UH OH… when was I to pick up that fundraiser.” For this reason, we have created an option to support our students by participating in a buyout and not feeling any pressure about participating in our various fundraisers. This also allows you a way to support the work of PTSO without having to sell, purchase or deliver “stuff”.

Where to send your forms and payment:




PayPal – MicklePTSO@outlook.com

Venmo – MickleMS-Missiles (https://www.venmo.com/MickleMS-Missiles )


President -

Vice Pres-

Co Secretaries –

Co Treasurer’s –

Fundraising – Chairperson:

Communications – Chairperson:

Teacher Appreciation – Chairperson:

8th Grade Party – Chairperson: