Reflections is a National PTA program that encourages students to explore the arts and express themselves through a nationwide contest. Students can submit art in the form of visual arts, literature, music composition, film production, photography or dance choreography. Entries are judged on how well the art relates to the theme, creativity and technical aspects of the medium.
The 2024 - 2025 theme is...
"Accepting Imperfection"
General Participation Rules - FOR ALL CATEGORIES
Each entry is the work of only one student.
Music Composition, Dance Choreography and Film Production entries can have performers other than the entering student but the composer, choreographer or producer/camera person is the student entering the contest.
Consent form required for anyone featured in the entry that is not the entering student. Click here for Consent form or download from the bottom of this page.
Do not write student name on the front of any entries. Do not include entering student's name inside any music, dance or film files.
Only 1 entry per category per student is accepted at the state level. This number can vary at the school level.
All entries must be original and inspired by this year's theme "Accepting Imperfection"
Use of copyrighted material is prohibited. Plagiarized entries will be disqualified.
There are 5 Age Groups/Divisions:
- Primary Age Group (Pre-K to Grade 2)
- Intermediate Age Group (Grade 3 to Grade 5)
- Middle Age Group (Grade 6 to Grade 8)
- High School Age Group (Grade 9 to Grade 12)
- Accessible Arts Group (formerly Special Artist Group) (click here to see specifics for Accessible Arts)
Also see summary of category specific rules below. Full category details in attachments at bottom of webpage.
2D art cannot exceed 24"x30". Include a photograph of the entry.
For 3D art, include 3 photographs from different angles.
Accepted forms of visual art include: Architecture (2D/3D), carpentry, ceramics, collages, photographic collages (multiple photos cut/pasted), computer-generated image, crafts, design, dioramas, drawing, fiberwork, jewelry, kites, metal etching/punch work, mobiles, painting, printmaking, sculpture and wind chimes.
Reproductions or enlargements of other artwork are not accepted.
Student must be the person taking the picture
Photograph cannot exceed 8"x10" and cannot be smaller than 3"x5"
Digital format of picture must also be submitted (not a picture of a picture but the original digital file - Digital image dimensions must be at least 640x960 (pixels) and 300 dpi (resolution). Accepted file formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG.
Consent form required for anyone included in the photo who is not the entering student.
Cannot exceed 2000 words, one side of paper only, handwritten or typed.
Parents can type for a student but original handwritten entry must also be attached. ESL students can write in their native language and have someone else translate the entry into English (native language version must be attached to the English version). Parents can transcribe for students who are unable to while students dictate.
No illustrations, No books
Cannot exceed 5 minutes or 1 GB in filesize.
Student must be composer - does not need to be performer. Consent form required for performers who are not the entering student.
Acceptable audio file formats include: MP3, WAV**. Must be an audio file, not a video file.
Music notation/score or a written reflective statement that provides a musically technical explanation of how the music was created (less than 100 words) required for middle school and high school students . 8.5" by 11" paper, one side of paper only, number all pages. Optional for elementary school and younger students.
Cannot exceed 5 minutes or 1 GB in filesize. (Due to comments from several judges, we recommend dance entries be less than 2:45 minutes for a solo, but will not disqualify as long as less than 5 minutes.)
Student must be choreographer - does not need to be performer. Consent form required for performers who are not the entering student.
Background music needs to be cited on student entry form.
Acceptable file formats: AVI, MP4, MOV.
Cannot exceed 5 minutes or 1 GB in filesize.
Student must be the producer (solely responsible for screenwriting, directing and editing).
All entries must be original student footage (do not include footage taken by family/friends that was not directed by the student for the purposes of this submission). Inclusion of snippets of public domain footage acceptable.
Acceptable file formats include: AVI, MP4, MOV.
Consent form required for anyone in the film who is not the entering student.
Entry Form
Each individual entry needs it's own student entry form. Entry form will ask for an artist statements which consists of 10 to 100 words explaining how the entry is related to the theme, what inspired the work, etc. The artist statement is required. Please also provide a title and do not title the entry the theme.
Individual local school PTA/PTSA will decide if multiple entries per student are allowed but at the state level contest, only 1 entry per category per student is permitted.
Contact your Local School Reflections Chairperson or PTA for due date and information on how to submit to your school.
In general, we conduct blind judging, so please do not write your name on your entry. Judges are selected from the community and are knowledgeable in the category. Click here to read how judges are asked to determine their scores. Note that the Interpretation of the Theme receives 40% of the score, so a strong artist statement is important.
Each local school PTA/PTSA will organize the judging for their PTA unit and organize award ceremonies as they see fit. Top entries in each age group and category from each local school PTA will advance to the district/council Reflections contest if there is a district/council PTA. Top entries will advance from district/council to the state Reflections contest. State will award the top 4 entries in each age group and category. Only the single top entry from each age group and category will advance to the National Reflections Contest.