Michel Baes

I am an Engineer in Applied Mathematics from UCLouvain, where I also did my PhD under supervision of Pr. Yurii Nesterov, in which I've worked on extensions of his Smoothing Techniques to symmetric cones using the framework of Jordan algebras. After stays at the Electrical Engineering Department of KULeuven, at the Institute for Operations Research at ETH Zurich, and at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Zurich, I was an Oberassistant in the RiskLab at ETH Zurich. And now, I have the good fortune of having joined a team of top-notch experts in Optimization and Data Science at Fortum, working on making energy greener.

 A short CV.

Research interests

Optimization is my primary field of expertise. Among other things, I have worked in the design of efficient algorithms for large-scale Convex Optimization and Mixed-Integer problems. I am using Artificial Intelligence and Optimization methods in a variety of application fields, notably in Data Analysis, in Optimal Control, and Mathematical Finance. The fields that attracts nowadays my deepest enthusiasm is green electricity generation and the market challenges it conveys.

Main Papers

Here is a list of my newest papers and those that have been cited at least 10 times in papers not written by myself.

A book also often asked: Spectral Functions and Smoothing Techniques on Jordan Algebras: How algebraic techniques can help to design efficient optimization algorithms, 268 pages, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2009. Curiously available on ebay.

Ongoing project


Convex Optimization

Introduction to Optimization


Cooking, hiking, reading literature. Albeit quasi tone-deaf, I am also an avid music listener.

Erdős Number: 3


Minimizing Lipschitz-continuous strongly convex functions over integer points in polytopes (with A. Del Pia, S. Onn, Y. Nesterov, and R. Weismantel), Mathematical Programming 134, 305-322, 2012.

N. Alon, S. Onn, Separable Partitions, Discret. Appl. Math. 91(1-3), 39-51, 1999.

N. Alon, P. Erdős, Disjoint Edges in Geometric Graphs, Discret. Comput. Geom. 4, 287-290, 1989.