Michael Hasler
Full Professor
Chair of Finance
Institute of Financial Analysis (Office 1.264)
University of Neuchâtel
E-mail: michael (dot) hasler5 (at) gmail (dot) com
michael (dot) hasler (at) unine (dot) ch
12. Equity Return Predictability with the ICAPM, with C. Martineau
Review of Asset Pricing Studies (2024)
11. Correlated Cashflow Shocks, Asset Prices, and the Term Structure of Equity, with M. Khapko
Management Science (2023)
10. A Macro-Finance Model for Option Prices: A Story of Rare Economic Events, with A. Jeanneret
Management Science (2023)
9. Explaining the Failure of the Unconditional CAPM with the Conditional CAPM, with C. Martineau
Management Science (2023)
8. Dynamic Attention Behavior under Return Predictability, with D. Andrei
Management Science (2020)
7. Should Investors Learn about the Timing of Equity Risk?, with M. Khapko and R. Marfe
Journal of Financial Economics (2019)
6. Asset Pricing with Disagreement and Uncertainty about the Length of Business Cycles, with D. Andrei and B. Carlin
Management Science (2019)
WRDS Best Paper Award, NFA, Ottawa 2014
5. Asset Pricing with Persistence Risk, with D. Andrei and A. Jeanneret
Review of Financial Studies (2019)
4. Fluctuating Attention and Financial Contagion, with C. Ornthanalai
Journal of Monetary Economics (2018)
3. Why Does Return Predictability Concentrate in Bad Times?, with J. Cujean
Journal of Finance (2017)
2. Disaster Recovery and the Term Structure of Dividend Strips, with R. Marfe
Journal of Financial Economics (2016)
1. Investor Attention and Stock Market Volatility, with D. Andrei
Review of Financial Studies (2015)
SIX Swiss Exchange Best Paper Award, SGF Conference, Zurich 2013
Working Papers
Asset Pricing with Investor Learning about the Fed’s Ability to Control Inflation, with D. Andrei
Value Premium and Equity Term Structures of Value and Growth Firms, with M. Khapko and R. Marfe