Miami Car Accident Attorney

What Types Of Car Accident Injuries Are Considered The Most Serious Ones?

Car accidents are one of the most leading causes of serious injury. Although the severity of injuries sustained in car accidents varies from person to person, there are several common serious injuries. Such as:


Injuries to the muscles, ligaments, and tendons that can occur in a car accident are known as whiplash. Muscles and other soft tissues may be strained without fracturing bones as a result of this trauma. Whiplash is a traumatic injury that takes time to recover. This injury can occur at speeds as low as 15 mph, regardless of the fact that the driver is wearing a seat belt or not. Car accidents can also cause serious disc damage and cervical dislocation.

Traumatic brain injury (TBI)

A violent blow, jolt, or piercing injury can result in a traumatic brain and can disrupt the regular functioning of the brain. Mild TBI can cause temporary damage to your brain cells. Whereas bruising, bleeding, tissue injuries along with other physical damage can lead to more severe TBI. Long-term complications or death may occur as a result of these injuries. Every year, 50,000 people in the US die as a result of TBI.

Series Back Injuries

Back injuries are frequent as a result of car accidents because the human body and spine are not built to withstand such force. Back injuries can take time to manifest after an accident. A serious back injury can cause severe and long-term pain and disability. Other severe spinal cord injuries can permanently paralyze the victim. A herniated disc, though less serious than a head or spinal cord injury, mostly caused by car accidents, can also cause serious complications for a car accident victim. Pressure, numbness, and weakness in the arms and legs are common symptoms of a herniated disc.

Head Injuries

Car accidents can result in a variety of serious injuries, including head injuries. When car drivers and passengers are involved in high-speed crashes, they can sustain a traumatic brain injury, skull fractures, and can even experience vision impairment or hearing loss, among other serious injuries.

Broken Bones and Fractures

Motor vehicle crashes often result in broken legs, ribs, limbs, knees, and wrists. A broken pelvis is common among car accident victims. The severity of a break can vary from minor breaks that only involve a cast to severe breaks or compound fractures that may necessitate surgery.

Scars and facial injuries

Broken glass or collision with any hard surface can leads to facial injury in car accidents. Facial disfigurement due to injuries may necessitate surgical repair and may leave a permanent scar on the victim's face.

Other injuries

Legs, arms hand, and foot injuries are common for passengers involved in a car collision apart from the above-mentioned injuries. This can also include muscle damage, soft tissue injury, and strains.

Contact our lawyers for help

If you have suffered an injury from a car accident, let one of our experienced Miami Car accident lawyer help you review your case and advice you on methods available legally to get compensation. Get in touch with us today!