I downloaded and installed the new Norton Driver Updater yesterday and all the updates seemed fine with the exception for the update of the PCI Express Root Complex driver, which essentially got stuck in the "waiting" mode (see screenshot) and have stayed stuck ever since.

Subsequent research on my part has led me to believe that I may actually be better off not updating PCI Express Root Complex as many have had PC performance problems after the update. For this reason, I don't want to update this driver but I don't know how I should interpret the "waiting" mode (which stays on after rebooting the PC), and more importantly how to simply undo the attempted update.

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If you click on the right arrow ">" next to the word "waiting" the little black disc gives the options to either skip the update or ignore the driver - use this to remove the "waiting" state and cancel the update.

CCleaner has the same issue and I wonder why this has started happening only in the last few days. For what it's worth Microsoft community users say that it is best not to update drivers on the recommendation of a driver updater.

My conclusion is that Norton Driver Updater was released to soon. In technical terms, this is a piece of junk. It created other PC problems and I regret installing it in the first place. I have now uninstalled the Driver Updater. Stay away from it, is my recommendation.

Totally agree mate, Norton are dodgy releasing a beta product as a fully fledged product without any mention of the risks involved. At least if you install a beta product you know you're potentially going to have issues and YOU make that decision, not like in this situation, we've gone in blind, trusting that the product is safe, only for a bunch of us to find that that is not the case, in my case it bricked my PC.

I am really sorry for all troubles associated with usage of our product. This is not intentional behavior.

In order to be able to help you I would like to ask you to send us your log files executing our Support Tool utility.

My problem is on my wife's computer, ASUS T100, and the Updater has jammed the whole system - the screen has a 'You have 1 outdated driver' image that I cannot remove - the cursor is not visible - and the touch screen is no longer working! When I try to restart the whole system, the computer simply goes back to the same place and nothing works! How do I get rid of the program and get back to being able to operate the computer at all? Frustrating!

Hi David,

Read the post from Uli a couple above yours, he's a Norton employee and trying to help, but as far as I know they haven't resolved any of the issues plaguing this dodgy programme. He's been looking into the same issue as yours on my laptop after the programme bricked my desktop and I had to reinstall Windows. Surprise, surprise, the Support Tool programme doesn't work properly either so you'll have to email the logs directly to him. Good luck, you're going to need it.

Hi GM Burgess255,

Not sure if you're replying to me or not but in my case Safe Mode couldn't fix the problem. It's not my first rodeo and I've resolved many issues over the PC years but not this one. I even paid for the Norton Help Desk people to remotely help but they couldn't fix it either, leaving me with a fresh installation as the only option. On my Laptop it's still running fine, it just has the waiting error mentioned by several others and there's no way I'm going to let the thing loose to make more changes and my laptop. I'm still waiting to hear back from Uli about that one. Thanks for trying to help.

I am really sorry for all troubles associated with usage of our product. This is not intentional behavior.

In order to be able to help you I would like to ask you to send us your log files executing our Support Tool utility.

Lugar52, best bet is to uninstall the bloody thing mate, it bricked my desktop and Norton want me to run the dodgy programme on it again to help them troubleshoot what went wrong - in your dreams, no way in the world !! It also gave me the waiting error on my laptop but at lest I haven't had to reinstall Windows on that one, but I certainly won't be letting the wretched programme loose on it that's for sure.

Pedroski, thank you, did delete the app which killed the waiting scenario; however, I did a reinstall with the idea to run and set the PCI Express Root Complex into the ignore state but it looks like Norton beat me to it.

Thanks for all comments! My problem was on my wife's computer and the program ended up stopping anything from happening - no cursor, no touch screen, not able to stop the program even re-booting etc. I eventually managed to get some access by using the keys and tabbing etc - a painful process! I've now deleted the driver update program and had to update the my Windows etc - but still trying to get to a usable computer!

Sorry to hear that you're also having so much trouble Davidgig, it seems to be par for the course for this wretched programme. We should be compensated for all the time and aggro their beta programme has caused.

Yeah Lugar52, I also agree with GM Burgess255 about leaving it alone. I've used driver updater programmes for years but never had anything like this sort of trouble, Norton have outdone themselves in producing the WORST programme in the history of computing and using us as guinea pigs to sort out the bugs. Good luck mate.

The problem with the PCI Express Root Complex driver will be fixed in the next version. In fact this is an inbox driver which is a native driver that is supplied with the Operating System and don't need an update. We stopped already offering this update for new users, for existing users this wil be fixed soon. There is no reason to updated the installed driver. 

The "Waiting" problem is also fixed with the next update.

Again: The Driver Updater is not a beta product. The offered drivers are collected, analyzed and tested internally since years. We have millions of drivers in our database! Of course there can be issues within this amount of drivers. However, we are constantly trying to eliminate these problems. There are a handful of people here on the forum with problems which we take very seriously. But this does not mean that the product causes problems in the big mass. And I try to solve all problems here!

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I am not going to uninstall / reinstall to solve a bug that has been reported ever since the Software Updater was included into N360. This post is just for the developers to consider a fix on their end.

Krusty13 - That is how it works - if it is turned off in settings, the option is not available in the main My Norton screen as shown in your posting. I Held back until yesterday, had it turned off in and it appears that is how it works. In 3.8, like you, turning ON in settings brought it up in the main My Norton screen. Your first screen is identical to my main screen but I have Dark Web Monitoring between Device Security & VPN with SW updater OFF.

Jimbo41 - I assume you have 'Check for Update' turned on to auto within Office. Go to File - Account there this is an Options drop down where you can set to on/off , select 'View Updates & that should take you to MS Office 365 update history showing the latest update number. I don't have subscription Office but a paid up version, that used to update OK but then it used to come up with an error because it appeared to be trying to update the 365 version instead - MS trick to make you start paying for the subscription version. Also, under Windows Update, there is an option to receive updates for other MS products which should be on. Before I had the Office update issue, MS did not actually issue an update on a regular basis but checking on-line history as above should provide a check.

The updater itself should work fine if invoked with a plain, POSIX-compliant shell, and it should be handling temporary directories correctly (it should try $TMPDIR, /tmp, and then the current working directory, in that order, searching for the first that is both writable and allows execution). It looks like you may have stumbled across a bug in the updater itself here, independent of the checksum validation issue for static builds.

^^^^^This! Also you say you downloaded HX Edit. Probably already did this but make sure you installed it too. HX Edit has the Windows drivers in the install package which allow your device to be recognized. Just check all the boxes when you install it. If this doesn't work, start trying other USB ports or even a different USB cable. 152ee80cbc

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