The ActionScript programming language allows the development of interactive animations, video games, web applications, desktop applications, and mobile applications. Programmers can implement Flash software using an IDE such as Adobe Animate, Adobe Flash Builder, Adobe Director, FlashDevelop, and Powerflasher FDT. Adobe AIR enables full-featured desktop and mobile applications to be developed with Flash and published for Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Wii U, and Nintendo Switch.

Developers could create rich internet applications and browser plugin-based applets in ActionScript 3.0 programming language with IDEs, including Adobe Flash Builder, FlashDevelop and Powerflasher FDT. Flex applications were typically built using Flex frameworks such as PureMVC.[21]

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The Flash 4 Linux project was an initiative to develop an open source Linux application as an alternative to Adobe Animate. Development plans included authoring capacity for 2D animation, and tweening, as well as outputting SWF file formats. F4L evolved into an editor that was capable of authoring 2D animation and publishing of SWF files. Flash 4 Linux was renamed UIRA. UIRA intended to combine the resources and knowledge of the F4L project and the Qflash project, both of which were Open Source applications that aimed to provide an alternative to the proprietary Adobe Flash.

In the same year that Shumway was abandoned, work began on Ruffle, a flash emulator written in Rust. It also runs in web browsers, by compiling down to WebAssembly and using HTML5 Canvas.[137] In 2020, the Internet Archive added support for emulating SWF by adding Ruffle to its emulation scheme.[138] As of March 2023, Ruffle states that it supports 95% of the AS1/2 language and 73% of the AS1/2 APIs, but does not correctly run most AS3 (AVM2) applications.[139]

Like the HTTP cookie, a flash cookie (also known as a "Local Shared Object") can be used to save application data. Flash cookies are not shared across domains. An August 2009 study by the Ashkan Soltani and a team of researchers at UC Berkeley found that 50% of websites using Flash were also employing flash cookies, yet privacy policies rarely disclosed them, and user controls for privacy preferences were lacking.[206] Most browsers' cache and history suppress or delete functions did not affect Flash Player's writing Local Shared Objects to its own cache in version 10.2 and earlier, at which point the user community was much less aware of the existence and function of Flash cookies than HTTP cookies.[207] Thus, users with those versions, having deleted HTTP cookies and purged browser history files and caches, may believe that they have purged all tracking data from their computers when in fact Flash browsing history remains. Adobe's own Flash Website Storage Settings panel, a submenu of Adobe's Flash Settings Manager web application, and other editors and toolkits can manage settings for and delete Flash Local Shared Objects.[208]

Our industry continues to thrive and grow with new technology and more applications than ever. FMS has expanded to an all- inclusive memory and storage summit welcoming all emerging memory and storage solutions The scope of FMS23 will include DRAM, DNA data storage, UCIe chiplet interconnects, Compute Express Link (CXL), wearables, automotive, AI/ML, data centers, and entertainment applications, along with 3D flash, NVMe, ZNS, and important industry announcements. As one past attendee put it, "Flash is a big society and FMS is the right show."

About FLASH FLASH (Fast Length Adjustment of SHort reads) is a very fast and accurate software tool to merge paired-end reads from next-generation sequencing experiments. FLASH is designed to merge pairs of reads when the original DNA fragments are shorter than twice the length of reads. The resulting longer reads can significantly improve genome assemblies. They can also improve transcriptome assembly when FLASH is used to merge RNA-seq data.


 Accuracy FLASH merges reads from paired-end sequencing runs with very high accuracy. 

 FLASH accuracy on one million 100bp long synthetic pairs generated from fragments with a mean length of 180bp, normaly distributed with a standard deviation of 20bp: 


 No error 1% error rate 2% error rate 3% error rate 5% error rate default parameters 99.73% 99.68% 98.43% 94.76% 77.91% more aggressive parameters 99.73% 99.68% 99.06% 98.30% 93.65% 

 Simulated reads used in the experiments are available here:

 No error 

 1% error 

 2% error 

 3% error 

 5% error

 FLASH accuracy on real data: 


 647,052 pairs of 101bp long reads from Staphylococcus aureus 90.77% 18,252,400 pairs of 101bp long reads from human 91.02% 

 The reads are available at the GAGE site: Reads from GAGE Time requirements The latest version of FLASH includes a multi-threaded mode.

 When run in single threaded mode:

  FLASH takes 120 seconds to process one million 100-bp long pairs on a server with 256GB of RAM and a six-core 2.4GHz AMD Opteron CPU. FLASH takes 129 seconds to process one million 100-bp long pairs on a desktop with 2GB of RAM and a dual-core Intel Xeon 3.00GHz CPU.  Time is linearly proportional to the read length and the number of reads.  Impact of FLASH on genome assemblies Merging mate pairs by FLASH as a pre-processor for genome assembly yields singificantly higher N50 value of contigs and scaffolds. It also reduces the number of missassembled contigs.

 Publication FLASH: Fast length adjustment of short reads to improve genome assemblies. T. Magoc and S. Salzberg. Bioinformatics 27:21 (2011), 2957-63.

 Obtaining the Software This software is OSI Certified Open Source Software. 


 FLASH code or executable can be downloaded from Sourceforge. Release packages can also be directly downloaded from here:  source package: FLASH-1.2.11.tar.gz  precompiled Linux x86_64 binary: FLASH-1.2.11-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz  precompiled Windows binary:   Questions/Comments/Requests Send an e-mail to

 Funding This work has been supported in part by NIH grants R01-LM006845, R01-GM083873, and R01-HG006677 to S.L. Salzberg. The Center for Computational Biology at Johns Hopkins University

The Pixel TF-321 does not use wireless to trigger the flash. It is strictly a wired connection directly from your hot shoe via the PC sync cord to the flash. If your strobe is going off while connected to Pixel TF-321 it must be responding to optical slave flash since there is no other way another photographer could possibly trigger it. 

You'd have the consult the support web site for those products. I can only speak to Canon brand triggers and flashes which have a feature to select different channels and to set IDs to prevent others from triggering them.

The pics of the flash kit attached above show what appears to be series of four DIP switches on the transmitter trigger and receiver. I'm thinking the various random positions of these four switches should allow you to select up to at least 16 different channels to operate your flash remotely. Do you have the user manual for the trigger and receiver? I looked a bit online for a copy but didn't readily find one.

As rs-eos stated above you should be able to find a discrete channel that is used only by your camera and flash equipment. Unless you're working around dozens of other photographers who are already using all the available frequency channels. With the use of DIP switches you won't be able to make these adjustments thru the camera's menus. You'll have to manually set the DIP switches to a matching pattern on both your transmitter and receiver. Remote garage door openers used to use this same pairing procedure. Newer remote flash gear seems to have abandoned manual DIP switches for digital controls.

Flash memory, also known as flash storage, is a type of nonvolatile memory that erases data in units called blocks and rewrites data at the byte level. Flash memory is widely used for storage and data transfer in consumer devices, enterprise systems and industrial applications. Flash memory retains data for an extended period regardless of whether a flash-equipped device is powered on or off.

Flash memory is used in enterprise data center server, storage and networking technology as well as in a wide range of consumer devices, including USB flash drives -- also known as memory sticks -- SD cards, mobile phones, digital cameras, tablet computers, and PC cards in notebook computers and embedded controllers.

There are two types of flash memory: NAND and NOR. NAND flash-based solid-state drives (SSDs) are often used to accelerate the performance of I/O-intensive applications. NOR flash memory is often used to hold control code, such as the BIOS in a PC.

Dr. Fujio Masuoka is credited with inventing flash memory when he worked for Toshiba in the 1980s. Masuoka's colleague, Shoji Ariizumi, reportedly coined the term flash because the process of erasing all the data from a semiconductor chip reminded him of the flash of a camera.

Flash memory evolved from erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM) to electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM). Flash is technically a variant of EEPROM, but the industry reserves the term EEPROM for byte-level erasable memory and applies the term flash memory to larger block-level erasable memory.

Structure. Flash memory architecture includes a memory array stacked with a multitude of flash cells. A basic flash memory cell consists of a storage transistor with a control gate and a floating gate, which is insulated from the rest of the transistor by a thin dielectric material or oxide layer. The floating gate stores the electrical charge and controls the flow of the electrical current. 17dc91bb1f

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