Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 27 March 2023

"Blind Sniper" is a Stealth and Action type game, specifically a Tactical Shooter game where player have to guess enemy position and shoot there on their turn, and hide on enemy turn. It is an offline game and you don't even need internet connection to play it.

What personal data "Blind Sniper" collects and uses

"Blind Sniper" neither collects any personal data nor it shares any personal data with any third parties.

"Blind Sniper" uses third party services that may collect information used to identify you. Links to privacy policy of third party service providers used by the "Blind Sniper" are given below:


"Blind Sniper" doesn't asks for any permissions, you can just install and play it.

I may update the Privacy Policy from time to time. I will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. You are advised to check and review this page if it gets updated.