MGAB-V3351 to MGAB-V3400 light curves
Gaia EDR3 position: 11.259771 50.569015
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 17.8 - 19.3 r
Period: 0.2865810 d
HJD epoch: 2458268.947
Gaia EDR3 position: 158.703887 0.867048
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 19.1 - <21.0 r
Period: 0.09155899 d
HJD epoch: 2458268.9424
Gaia EDR3 position: 167.022367 65.369847
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 18.8 - 21.2 r
Period: 0.3208343 d
HJD epoch: 2458247.6622
Gaia EDR3 position: 19.602117 34.751205
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 19.8 - <22.0 r
Period: 0.08194159 d
HJD epoch: 2458791.7821
Gaia DR2 1684562422045911040
Coordinates: 201.848032 +67.737412
Variability type: CV
Variability range: 19.6 - 21.3 r
Period: 0.05709309: d
HJD epoch: 2458373.848
Adjust for g-band: 0.25 mag
Gaia EDR3 position: 206.518422 49.832578
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 19.4 - <21.3 r
Period: 0.21499160 d
HJD epoch: 2458219.8394
Gaia EDR3 position: 226.478112 -21.449037
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 19.1 - <21.0 r
Period: 0.0742532: d
HJD epoch: 2458648.7385
Gaia EDR3 position: 286.420908 27.064795
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 19.1 - <21.0 r
Period: 0.16384025 d
HJD epoch: 2458337.863
Gaia EDR3 position: 348.456364 18.256609
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 18.8 - <21.0 r
Period: 1.334009 d
HJD epoch: 2459114.7312
Gaia EDR3 position: 38.363497 28.417863
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 19.7 - <22.0 r
Period: 0.1210068 d
HJD epoch: 2459114.830
Gaia EDR3 position: 256.746139 21.703238
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 19.3 - 21.8 r
Period: 0.18925365 d
HJD epoch: 2458747.6306
Gaia EDR3 position: 337.159228 26.110494
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 19.2 - <21.5 r
Period: 0.0720339 d
HJD epoch: 2458367.306
Gaia EDR3 position: 37.962464 27.463674
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 19.4 - <21.5 r
Period: 0.3826361 d
HJD epoch: 2458730.9305
Gaia EDR3 position: 213.086238 65.689804
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 19.3 - 21 r
Period: 0.158460495 d
HJD epoch: 2458229.8084
Gaia EDR3 position: 261.201536 -13.105138
Variability type: VAR
Variability range: 18.0 - <21.0 g
Remarks: Not an EA/WD. The correct variability type will be applied in next updates.
Gaia EDR3 position: 230.340651 32.186628
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 19.5 - 21.3 r
Period: 0.18023751 d
HJD epoch: 2458229.8125
Gaia EDR3 position: 8.397302 39.285167
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 19.1 - <21.0 r
Period: 0.24965845 d
HJD epoch: 2458436.8577
Gaia EDR3 position: 301.672243 27.480695
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 18.9 - 21.0 r
Period: 0.16610445 d
HJD epoch: 2458436.9094
Gaia EDR3 position: 211.405560 10.655350
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 19.2 - <21.5 r
Period: 0.2714122 d
HJD epoch: 2458367.301
Gaia EDR3 position: 298.016194 55.06785
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 18.7 - 20.7 r
Period: 1.314401 d
HJD epoch: 2459087.437
Remarks: A co-discovery with Adam Popowicz for follow-up of the target, to track down the period.
Gaia EDR3 position: 2.831444 -27.646678
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 19.0 - <21.0 r
Period: 0.1831946 d
HJD epoch: 2459058.0673
Gaia EDR3 position: 43.358164 52.598155
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 20.1 - <21.5 r
Period: 0.09237991 d
HJD epoch: 2459057.9241
Gaia EDR3 position: 222.081000 -2.106623
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 19.6 - 21.5 r
Period: 0.0936019 d
HJD epoch: 2459058.1507
Gaia EDR3 position: 125.046688 58.709781
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 18.7 - 20.4 r
Period: 0.3410217 d
HJD epoch: 2459058.210
Gaia EDR3 position: 248.587548 -27.222425
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 19.0 - <21.0 r
Period: 0.1560757 d
HJD epoch: 2459058.3315
Gaia EDR3 position: 217.472795 52.398122
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 19.6 - <21.5 r
Period: 0.07322132 d
HJD epoch: 2459087.4604
Gaia EDR3 position: 150.063241 30.725150
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 18.8 - 19.9 r
Period: 0.4514995 d
HJD epoch: 2459087.883
Gaia EDR3 position: 126.265702 13.089111
Variability type: EA/WD
Variability range: 19.4 - <21.0 r
Period: 0.498064 d
HJD epoch: 2458367.272
Gaia DR2 1869111286948848128
Coordinates: 312.463644 33.864757
Variability type: VAR
Variability range: 18.64 - 18.79 g
Period: 0.01498496 d
HJD epoch: 2458373.659
Adjust for r-band: -0.17 mag
Remarks: Based on Gaia DR2 distance, the target is more likely a hot subdwarf rather than a white dwarf.
Gaia EDR3 position: 113.720505 -13.811611
Variability type: CV
Variability range: 17.8 - 19.9 g
Gaia EDR3 position: 310.789712 -0.908511
Variability type: EA
Variability range: 19.4 - 20.6 g
Period: 1.582542 d
HJD epoch: 2458374.104
Gaia EDR3 position: 300.902161 21.929307
Variability type: EA/HW
Variability range: 18.55 - 20.3 r
Period: 0.4468774 d
HJD epoch: 2458373.930
Gaia EDR3 position: 307.730388 17.508895
Variability type: CV
Variability range: 17.8 - 19.3 g
Remarks: UGZ/IW type candidate.
Gaia DR2 2061053654587545728
Coordinates: 304.493526 37.93348
Variability type: E+YSO
Variability range: 14.55 - 15.23 r
Period: 227.0 d
HJD epoch: 2458498
Adjust for g-band: -0.56 mag
Remarks: Dolidze 40 open cluster member. Possibly eccentric binary with a secondary eclipse at phase = 0.62 (eclipse duration 8%), however the eclipse was not present before 2017 (ASAS-SN V-band data). A complex eclipse observed in 2019 suggests an eclipsing circumstellar disk around one of components. Out of eclipse brightness variations up to 0.20 mag (ZTF data). Significant infrared excess (2MASS, WISE). ASAS-SN magnitudes contaminated by 2MASS J20175955+3755565 (g= 14.7 mag, sep. 13"). Range has been corrected.
Information about MGAB-V3396 target currently unavailable.
Gaia EDR3 position: 318.214392 32.632673
Variability type: AM
Variability range: 18.1 - 20.3 g
Gaia EDR3 position: 44.004693 44.722945
Variability type: NL+E
Variability range: 15.6 - 18.1 g
Period: 0.130654674 d
HJD epoch: 2458356.21
Remarks: Eclipse duration 13%.
Gaia EDR3 position: 330.684015 47.059896
Variability type: NL/VY
Variability range: 19.4 - 21.4 g
Gaia EDR3 position: 199.459878 -5.976382
Variability type: UGZ:
Variability range: 18.6 - 20.4 g
These discoveries were possible with publicly available ZTF, Pan-STARRS1 and ASAS-SN data.
Masci, F. J.; et al., 2019, The Zwicky Transient Facility: Data Processing, Products, and Archive (2019PASP..131a8003M)
Chambers, K. C.; et al., 2016,The Pan-STARRS1 Surveys (2016arXiv161205560C)
Kochanek, C. S.; et al., 2017, The All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN) Light Curve Server v1.0 (2017PASP..129j4502K)
Images are taken from Pan-STARRS1 (MGAB-V3363, MGAB-V3364, MGAB-V3365, MGAB-V3368, MGAB-V3386) and ZTF (the rest)