I am drawn to this program because it offers me the chance to learn from some of the most prestigious and well-known scientists in the field. This not only represents an opportunity for me, but also a chance to pursue meaningful research in the field of chemistry. My interest was sparked by a presentation on click chemistry and bioorthogonal chemistry that I was fortunate enough to give under the guidance of my professor, Dr. Vinod K. Singh. This experience not only piqued my curiosity about the field, but also allowed me to delve deeper and gain a greater understanding. I was particularly inspired by the fact that Professor Sharpless is only the fifth person to have won two Nobel Prizes, joining the ranks of Marie Curie, John Bardeen, Linus Pauling, and Frederick Sanger. My passion for asymmetric synthesis and my interest in natural synthesis has led me to seek ways to simplify the process of synthesizing compounds, with the goal of making this knowledge widely accessible. That is why I am so eager to apply for this program.

My aspirations extend beyond the boundaries of this program, and I am eager to continuously expand my knowledge and share it for the greater good. I am inspired by the contributions of Sir Alfred Bernhard Noble, who made substantial contributions to science and our civilization. My primary objective, following this experience, is to acquire more knowledge and use it to create something valuable for society, making my own contributions to the betterment of mankind.

I am pursuing a career in experimental chemistry, with a goal of applying what I learn in computational chemistry and developing new techniques in the field of science. To achieve this, I plan to earn a PhD and then work in the research and development sector in industry. My particular interest at Scripps Research Lab is in Click Chemistry and asymmetric synthesis, which I am eager to learn more about due to my prior knowledge and studies with my professors. I am also interested in learning about catalytic reactions from Professor Donna Blackmond and bio-organic chemistry from Professor Dale Boger. Science is a passion of mine because it changes our perspective and enhances our imagination by providing data, experiments, and insights. I have a fascination for all aspects of Chemistry, particularly synthesis, as it piques my curiosity to learn more and conduct research. I have previous lab experience, including working with Dr. Nagma Praveen in the Chemical Biology (Bio-Nanoparticle Lab) at the Department of Chemistry at IIT Kanpur from January to May of 2022, where we studied the SARS-CoV-2 fusion process. I also currently work with Dr. Patrick Sen in the Biophysical Chemistry lab at the Department of Chemistry at IIT Kanpur, where I am learning about NMR, Raman, fluorescence, and absorption techniques. 

I hope to further expand my knowledge of instruments and apply it in my organic chemistry synthesis. In the past, I struggled with limited resources and a low GPA in my first year of college. However, with the help of my seniors, I improved by asking questions, making notes, and reading more. My main challenge is memorization, but I am working on it by making connections and improving my note-taking skills. My personal objective stems from my humble beginnings as a student from a middle-class family in a village with a 10% illiteracy rate. My family struggled to support my education, but with loans, scholarships, and investments, I was able to attend IITK. I am now a 4th-year undergraduate student and would like to give back to my community by using my education and resources to improve the lives of those around me.
