The meteo_france integration uses the meteorological data from Mto-France to provide weather forecast for any location in the world with a focus on France. One or more locations can be set via the front end or via the configuration file.

Serviciul Hidrometeorologic de Stat, la solicitare, organizeaz, n zilele de joi, excursii n incinta entitii. Doritorii sunt rugai s expedieze cerere prealabil pe adresa:

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COMUNICAT DE PRES: Serviciul Hidrometeorologic de Stat (SHS) comunic urmtoarele: n seara zilei de ieri (25.07.2023) spre Republica Moldova s-a deplasat un front atmosferic rece i n contrastele de temperaturi nalte a contribuit la schimbarea brusc a vremii, care s-a caracterizat prin averse slabe, descrcri electrice, intensificri de vnt i vijelie...(continuare)

The Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) affects the pollutant dispersion process. Within the EpiAir Project (Air pollution and health: epidemiological surveillance and prevention) we performed a preliminary analysis to identify adverse (or opportune) situation for pollutant dispersion. Knowledge of the meteo-diffusive peculiarity of a city is an efficient support in identifying and planning preventive actions.

Le precipitazioni registrate dai pluviometri della nostra rete nelle ultime 24 ore confermano le previsioni del bollettino meteorologico emesso ieri; hanno infatti raggiunto valori localmente molto...

Abstract: Snow drift modeling is a difficult challenge due to different factors as the large range of the working scales and the permanent interaction between snow, meteorological conditions and local orography. Nevertheless, these phenomena cannot be omitted in the framework of an automatic suite of snow modeling and avalanche hazard forecasting. The present version of this suite runs at a scale of about 400 km2 and provides the "large scale" conditions for wind and snow. The final purpose is to build a new local system, coupled with the larger system, at fine mesh where the drift effects can be modeled. An important task is the development of "downscaling operators" for the initialization of the local model on a realistic grid of 50m length. This scale, which exceeds the current accuracy of the automatic evaluation of wind and snow in mountainous conditions must be considered carefully. Once initialized with realistic conditions, the 2D drifting model (SYrRON2) isable to simulate the occurrence of blowing snow and to estimate the different snow mass exchanges by creep, saltation, suspension. The losses by sublimation as well as the modifications of density and crystal morphology are also treated. The center of the modeled domain corresponds to an experimental observation site, located inthe French Alps at an elevation of about 2700 m a.s.l where drifting snow events have been investigated for 10years. These observations allow an useful validation of the modeled results.

Kvieiame ibandyti atsinaujinani svetain! Js pastab ir pasilym laukiame el. patu Dabartin versij mobiliajame renginyje galite pasiekti paspaud ia

Mes naudojame slapukus tam, kad interneto svetainje galtumte narytumte patogiai ir efektyviai bei tam, kad galtumte atlikti tam tikrus veiksmus. Isami informacij apie visus slapukus rasite kiekvieno leidimo kategorijos aprayme.

The refractivity can be measured by a weather radar, and it is function of meteorological parameters, as the temperature, the water vapor pressure and the air pressure. The refractivity measurement is obtained by an estimation of the refractive index, which is depending of the change in the two-way travel time t of electromagnetic waves between the radar and the targets . This measurement by radar could be useful for convection prediction through the measurement of moisture in the boundary layer, particularly in pre-storm conditions. Until now such measurements have only been performed by coherent radars but European weather radars are mostly equipped with non-coherent magnetron transmitters, for which the phase of the transmitted pulse is random, and the frequency can drift over time, mainly due to temperature variations. Previous studies give an analytical expression of the refractivity measurement by a non-coherent drifting frequency magnetron radar. However, the measurement of radar refractivity remains sensitive to phase ambiguities, which can cause significant measurement errors. These sensibilities to the phase aliasing are directly link to the radar frequency, to the range integration between the radar and the ground target, and to the time sampling of the radar. The main objective of Meteo-France is to evaluate the capacity of their own radar Operational Network (ARAMIS) to perform a good refractivity measurement. Indeed, the network is heterogeneous in frequency (S-, C- and X-Band), contains both analog and digital radars types, and also mono or dual polarization. Moreover, the sampling cycle of each radar, due to the speed antenna rotation, is different between the oldest and the newest generation recently implement. In this study, refractivity measure by precipitation radars are compared with in situ measurement, for each radar type present in the network. This aims to identify measurement problems specifically related to the radar type. It is also investigate the possibility of the dual polarization radars to lift the phase ambiguity, and so improve the quality of the radar refractivity measurement. 2351a5e196

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