I'm currently using CoreImage, and while I've been able to use the CoreImage functionality to do Metal processing outside of the FxPlug SDK, FxPlug only provides me the frame as an OpenGL texture. I've tried just passing this into the CoreImage filter, but I end up getting this error:

After a bit of research, I found that I can supposedly use CVPixelBuffers to share textures between the two, but after trying to write code utilizing this method for a while, I've come to the belief that this was intended as a way to WRITE (as in, create from scratch) to a shared buffer, but not convert between. While this may be incorrect, I cannot find a way to get the existing GL texture to exist in a CVPixelBuffer.

Metal Texture

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TL;DR: I've found ways to get a resulting Metal or OpenGL texture FROM a CVPixelBuffer, but I cannot find a way to create a CVPixelBuffer from an existing OpenGL texture. My heart is not set on this method, as my ultimate goal is to simply convert from OpenGL to Metal, then back to OpenGL (ideally in an efficient way).

I have written an FxPlug that uses both OpenGL textures and Metal textures. The thing you're looking for is an IOSurface. They are textures that can be used with either Metal or OpenGL, though they have some limitations. As such, if you already have a Metal or OpenGL texture, you must copy it into an IOSurface to use it with the other system.

Once you have an IOSurface, you can copy your OpenGL texture into it by getting an OpenGL texture from the IOSurface via CGLTexImageIOSurface2D() (defined in ). You then take that texture and use it as the backing texture for an FBO. You can, for example, draw a textured quad into it using the input FxTexture as the texture. Be sure the call glFlush() when done!

Next take the IOSurface and create a MTLTexture from it via -[MTLDevice newTextureWithDescriptor:ioSurface:plane:] (described here). You'll want to create an output IOSurface to draw into and also create a MTLTexture from it. Do your Metal rendering into the output MTLTexture. Next, take the output IOSurface and create an OpenGL texture out of it via CGLTexImageIOSurface2D(). Now copy that OpenGL texture into the output FxTexture either by using it as the backing of a texture-backed FBO or whatever other method you prefer.

As you can see, the downside of this is that each render requires 2 copies - 1 of the input into an IOSurface and 1 of the output IOSurface into the output texture the app gives you. The other downside is that this is probably all moot, as with Apple having announced publicly that they're ending support for OpenGL, they're probably working on a Metal-based solution already. It may be extra work to do it all yourself. (Though the upside is that you can use that same code in other host applications that only support OpenGL.)

Hello, everyone.

Can you teach me about texture? I want to display a gltf file of a partially metallic kitchen, but the metal is completely black and does not display well. I uploaded the file to the sandbox and the metal was displayed successfully. I have no idea what program it is using to make this possible.

I would like to render a simple metallic UV sphere on a plane, but unfortunately there is not much metal. I set up nodes according to a short YouTube tutorial, but apparently to no avail. What did I do wrong here? I have attached the .blend file.

your textures are missing.you can store the file if you click on fakeuser (marked red arrow)

and you need texturecoordinate vector for the textures.

the colorspace for data should be set to non color data,if its not the diffuse albedo map (these should be sRGB)

fake1938489 59.6 KB

the reflection appearence, especially on a metallic surface,are depending on the surrounding lighting and objects ect.in example if you have only a black backround with one light,then you get a dark reflection with the mirrored light point.

Same applies for the environment mask. Set to 255 in the viewer, the specular maps alpha channel will be encoded from it's grayscale values in the map. Note, this is just a mask though, it's just the plain old reflection which we used to set to Low, Medium, or High before materials were introduced. With the mask we have much finer control how strong the reflection is for each pixel of the texture though.

To the OP --- in case you aren't using an EEP viewer, be sure and test in one since the shininess factor can change greatly from Windlight to EEP (sometimes disastrously) Also keep in mind that even forgetting about EEP the "shine" will appear very differently in various Windlight settings. Here is a simple cube with blank red texture and blank used as the specular map. In MANY Windlgihts it doesn't show any glossiness at all even when cranked up high. I worked hard to get this one

EDIT: I didn't mean to switch to "texture" on that screenshot below but I did NOT make any modifications to the specular map --- just wanted to be clear on that. Easy enough to do your own test -- and educational to boot. 

This type of effect works best on curved surfaces as I mentioned. The downside is that depending on the lighting you use to bake (VERY IMPORTANT) is that you WILL most often have shadows. On most things I tend to bake pretty "flat" with only ambient textures so that the item can be used in many types of lighting. Pluses and minuses to this too and completely a choice. But on "arty" things the cast shadows work for me. This screenshot is taken under completely flat lighting with no viewer shadows. It is pretty old and I bake my textures on larger texture planes now for better resolution but you get the idea hopefully.

I bake with a complete light setup (usually a bit different for each type of object). I don't think you can bake in Cycles without a light source :D. And I do back COMPLETE (so ambient textures etc all bake as one texture (or sometimes several textures depending on how complex the item is)

I think you already made a texture where the RGB is your very first specular map in this thread (3a2L1.png) and the alpha channel is your muted version (3a4bh.png). That should have worked as long as you set your Environment to 255. I just tried it myself and it looked pretty good.

Blender 2.91.2

Renderer: EEVEE

Hi guys. I am a noob in the node editor setup. I have been working on a car modelling personal projects and wanted to test out the metal material. I am trying to make keep it procedural to allow ease of use across multiple objects.Fused13682304 562 KB

Can you please guide me towards improving it. I am trying to take on a realistic approach for the materials.

Thanks in Advance

Important for this step is to leave out some paper white as it functions as the highlight later on. Decide on a few highlights, but do not go overboard by adding too many. The highlights usually appear closer to the light-source and on elevated parts or the metal.

You can take as much time as you need with the pencils, in order to give the metal the polished look you are after. What I described in the steps above can be applied to other metal types as well, may it be bronze or even gold. Just exchange the colours to your liking.

I know that in Blender you can can use a gradient ramp attached to the map's height node to "shave off" the top of the texture. I've seen various Max tutorials that get close to this, but every one has the ramp applied to the geometry itself which won't work in this case as I need a stand-alone material that can be applied to various models.

Quick question- my texture kept showing up inverted, even after swapping the Output color A & B and messing with a handful of settings between the Ubernoise, your OSL map, and the VRayDisplacementMod. I ended up running it through an Output Map with the output inverted and that did the trick. Is this an acceptable fix, or is there a more appropriate/efficient method?

If you could explain me how to get an image that does not look so dark as in my saved file, but which look brighter as in the model file, it would be very helpful. In general I am a bit block on how to save files using nice metal or other like wood texture :(.

I am working on a few upper stages along the lines of Centaur (shuttle centaur/Titan IV centaur).I was just wondering if anyone of you talented modders out there could share some techniques, or point me in the direction of tutorials on how to make seamless shiny/glossy metal textures, preferably using Gimp/PS or Blender.

If you're trying to make things look metallic in the current Stock game, there are some tricks. The metallic sections should be textured in medium or dark grey colors, with some patterning that gives it a speckled or brushed sort of look to it. The alpha channel (Specular) on the texture should give it high reflectivity, possibly speckled or streaked here too. Then in Unity, under the Specular settings, set the "shininess" somewhat low (to give a wide reflective sheen), but increase the reflective color further toward white (to make it a brighter reflection).

Of course this is all going to change with the next version of KSP and Unity 5 as it uses physically based shaders. I don't know if that version of KSP is going to use them but it will still be possible in the next version and would really help with metal textures looking metallic.

I did pull your atlas textures into GIMP a while back to get an idea on how to go about making shiny metallic textures, but it was hard to figure out how exactly you did it by the .dds alone. Having the opportunity to look at how you layered everything is going to help me out alot. I'll go ahead and post some results here once I've gone through the PSD file.

The Metal Texture Import example shows how an application can import and use a MTLTexture in the Qt Quick scene. This provides an alternative to the underlay or overlay approaches when it comes to integrating native Metal rendering. In many cases going through a texture, and therefore "flattening" the 3D contents first, is the best option to integrate and mix custom 3D contents with the 2D UI elements provided by Qt Quick. e24fc04721

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