Privacy Policy

Meta Core takes your privacy seriously and is committed to making our practices regarding your personal information more transparent and fair. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, store, use and share personal information, and when you visit our site, install our apps, play our games or interact with us. or whenever you access or use our Services.

We strongly recommend that you read, fully understand and agree to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please stop and refrain from using our Services. Subject to this Privacy Policy, you have the right to stop using our Services at any time.


1. Information collection

The Company collects four main categories of information. (Information to the extent that it can identify a specific person or is linked to potentially identifiable information is considered “personal information”.)

(a)  Information Collected or Generated Automatically
When someone visits, interacts with, or uses our Services, including by sending email or text messages to or through our Services, we may collect and create record information about them. . We collect or generate this information either independently or with the help of third party services, including through the use of “cookies” and other tracking technologies (as further described below).
Such information may include IP address, in-game identifiers, game statistics, game settings, unique advertising IDs (e.g. IDFA, you may reset these IDs by following your operating system instructions), non-identifying information about your device, operating system , Browser or app version, mobile operator, location, language settings, user activity on our Services, in-app or game activity (e.g. gameplay content/product interactions and advertising data), diagnostic data (e.g. crash data and game data). It consists of linking, recording and aggregating the use of data such as performance data). We do not use this information to determine your identity or contact details, but primarily to better understand how you generally use and interact with our Services. The use of these records and device information helps us and our partners deliver interest-based or more effective advertising and content, optimize our advertising management and user viewing experience, and improve the overall performance of our Services and user experience . It's possible. See Section 48 for more information about our use of advertising.

(b)  Information You Provided
You may voluntarily provide us with personal information. For example, when you create an account or contact us (via Facebook, messenger, email, in-game chat, or other channels, including any support service), when you post on our public forums or groups, or when you post to our public forums or groups, or when you post to our email address. (e.g., if you sign up to receive email updates or gifts); if you participate in competitions, competitions, tournaments, or other promotions; if you make in-game purchases; if you interact with other users through in-game chat; , if you link your Apple or other similar account to our games.

(c)  Information received from other channels When you link
your Google, Apple , etc. similar account to the game, the company may, in some cases, provide your full name, email address you provided to your third- party account, such as Google, Apple , etc. , gender, profile picture or similar picture, place , time zone, and access to your public profile (to the extent set to “Public”), including a list of friends who play the game. In this case, the Company may display public profile pictures of you and your friends within the Game in order to create an in-game Friends List. In addition, we or our advertising partners may receive general information from Facebook and other marketing channels related to the performance of our advertising campaigns, such as target age groups or interests. We and our partners may link this general information with other information in our possession. See Section 38 below for more information about our advertising practices. If you access our Services through a third party, such as
Google or Apple, or access the Services with a third party account, you should read the third party's terms and privacy policy. If you are not sure what information a third party application shares with us, please visit the website of the third party application to learn more about how they protect your privacy.

(d)  Payment information
In-game purchases are usually handled by the relevant platform providers (eg Google, Apple), and the companies do not collect or store your financial information (eg credit card numbers or bank accounts). We receive non-financial personal information related to your purchases, such as your name, billing address, email address and items purchased, in order to fulfill your purchases and our accounting purposes.

2. Use of Information

your personal information depends on the specific purpose for which the information is being processed, but we generally use the following grounds:

(a)  Performance of the Agreement ” – Company agrees that you If you log in with a third party account, such as Apple , we use this legal basis to create games, including social games, to support the Services available to you, and to process the information necessary to send you service communications, gifts and rewards. Use.

(b)  Consent ” – In limited cases (if you have signed up to receive direct marketing emails, if you have consented to the use of cookies on the site), we will process your personal data based on your consent. You may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us using the details set out in Article 13.

(c)  legitimate Understanding ” – The Company maintains and improves the Services and events, understands how the Services are used, delivers effective advertisements in-game and through other channels, matches users to create in-game friend lists, and improves customer service and support center operations. , we process your personal information based on our legitimate interests to detect fraud and protect our users, our company and our services.

(d)  Legal duty Compliance ” – In limited cases, we may process your personal data in order to comply with our legal obligations (e.g. where required by applicable law or ordered by a court or regulatory body).

The purposes for which we use your personal information are described in more detail below.

(a)  To make, operate and provide easy to use our Services;

(b)  To authenticate players' identities and enable them to access additional features;

(c)  To provide customer support and technical support services to users;

(d)  To allow you to interact with other players within the game;

(e)  To further develop, personalize and improve the Services and user experience based on common or personal preferences, experiences and difficulties, such as personal profiles and friends lists;

(f)  To more effectively manage and manage advertising, including contextual , behavioral and interest-based advertising based on your in-game progress and activities and your preferences, including the purpose of changing goals, or other information provided to us or our service providers; to convey

(g)  Send users general or personalized service-related messages (e.g. purchase confirmations or system maintenance notifications) or promotional messages (e.g. game updates, bonuses, new features, VIP services, etc.) (email, Facebook, push notifications, other possible channels) (via), and to facilitate, sponsor and provide certain events and promotions.

(h)  To support and enhance our information security measures, including for the purpose of preventing and mitigating the risks of fraud or error, illegal or prohibited activities;

(i)  non-personal information, anonymized information ( rendered as non-personal information) that the Company or its service providers may use to provide and improve their respective services;

(j)  To comply with applicable laws and regulations

3. Storage and preservation

Privacy laws may vary by jurisdiction, but despite the lesser legal requirements that may apply in jurisdictions, Meta Core, in accordance with common industry practice, protects your personal information from its affiliates and service providers in a secure and lawful manner. We have taken reasonable steps to ensure that

The company may retain your personal information in order to maintain a relationship with you and provide services. The Company will only retain your personal information for as long as is necessary to achieve the purpose for which the personal information was collected. In other words, you remain a user and we will keep your personal information unless you notify us otherwise. If you delete your account, we will take reasonable steps to delete your personal information. In addition, the Company may, in accordance with our information retention policy, for legal and accounting purposes (e.g., when required by laws governing records and bookkeeping, in the event of legal issues after the user ceases to use it, regarding the relationship between the company and the user), We may retain your personal information (to secure evidence). If you have any questions regarding our information retention policy, please contact us at .

Except where required by applicable law, we have no obligation to retain your information for any specific period of time and may completely delete your information at any time for any reason, with or without notice to you.

In some circumstances, we may anonymize your personal information so that it can no longer be associated with you. In this case, we may use that information without further notice to you and such information will no longer be considered personal data within the meaning of this Privacy Policy.

4. Deletion of personal information and account closure

In addition to the other rights set forth in this Privacy Policy (except for the Applicant Privacy Policy set out in the Appendix), you may have Meta Core delete your personal information through the contact function of the game. If you choose to do so, your account will be closed and all your play history, purchase information, social media logins and other information related to the game will be deleted. Delete commands are irreversible. If you are running multiple accounts linked to multiple games, you must request the closure of each separately.

We will act immediately upon receipt of your request. However, it may take some time to process. In addition, we reserve the right to retain copies of your personal information as required by applicable law.

5. Information sharing

We may share your information with certain third parties, including law enforcement authorities, service providers and affiliates. The circumstances under which the Company shares information are summarized below.

(a)  Subject to laws, statutory orders and governmental authorities : The Company may provide certain personal information to governments and law enforcement officials in response to subpoenas, search warrants, court orders (or similar cases) or to comply with applicable laws and regulations, including for reasons of national security . may be disclosed or allowed to be accessed. Such disclosure or access may be made to you when Company is legally compelled to do so, or when such disclosure is appropriate in connection with actual or suspected illegal activity, or in connection with efforts to investigate, prevent, or act on fraud or other illegal activity. We may proceed with or without notice to you.

(b)  Service Providers : The Company may select and engage third parties, contractors and individuals for the purpose of supplementing the Services. (e.g. hosting services, data analytics services, marketing agencies and advertising services and tools, data and cybersecurity services, fraud detection and prevention services, payment processing services, customer support partners, external moderators and testers, user-related services, email deployment and monitoring services; session recording; our business, legal, financial, and compliance advisors ) (collectively, “Service Providers”); We may access your information and use your personal information only for the purposes we instruct you to do. We may also share anonymized and statistically analyzed aggregate information with service providers for legitimate business purposes.

(c)  Third-Party Service Integration : The Service allows users to link their Google, Apple , etc. third- party accounts to specific games, or integrate their Google, Apple, etc. third- party accounts with third-party services to log in or make purchases. there is. In this case, the user is subject to the terms of use and privacy policy of the third party (eg Google, Apple, etc. ), so you must read and agree to the terms and conditions and policy . We do not receive or store your passwords for these third party services.

(d)  Protection of Rights and Safety : Meta Core may share your personal information with or without notice to you if it is believed to help protect the rights or property or personal safety of Meta Core, all users, and the general public. .

(e)  Meta Core may share your personal information within the company and its subsidiaries and affiliates for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy. If Meta Core or its affiliates undergo a merger, acquisition, or change of management, including the purchase of most of its assets, your personal information may be shared with the company involved in the merger or acquisition. If we believe that a change in management of the company may have a significant impact on your personal information stored by the company, the company will inform you about the merger and acquisition and the actions you can take by email or an important notification within our service. .

For the avoidance of doubt, Meta Core may share your personal information in additional ways, if you have expressly authorized it, if we are legally obligated to do so, if you have made your personal information non -personal and anonymous. can. The Company may, in its sole discretion, transmit, share, or use non -personally identifiable information without the need for additional authorization.

6. Communication

(a)  Service Communication: The Company may contact you to inform you of important information about the Service. For example, we may notify you (through any means available to us) of changes or updates to our Services or payment errors. You may not opt out of receiving these Service communications.

(b)  Promotional Communications: If you sign up to receive these communications, we may provide you with new services and events, special opportunities or other information that may be of interest to you. The Company may provide this information through any available means of contact (eg phone, cell phone, email) or services, or through our marketing campaigns on other sites or platforms.

You have the right to withdraw your consent to receive such promotional communications at any time. You may withdraw your consent to receive messages by contacting or by following the “unsubscribe”, “stop”, or “change email settings” instructions on promotional communications you receive .

7. Information Security

To protect your personal information held by the Company and its service providers, the Company uses appropriate physical, procedural and electronic security measures, including encryption when deemed appropriate. However, regardless of which security measures are used , the Company cannot and does not guarantee complete protection and security for any personal information. If you find any security or vulnerability issues related to the Services, please let us know by emailing .

8. Cookies and tracking technology

Our Services and some service providers use “cookies” and anonymous identifiers and other tracking to help us provide and improve our Services, personalize your experience, monitor activity and campaign performance, and usage of apps, games and Services in one place. technology (collectively, “tracking technology”);

9. Advertising

Meta Core's games contain advertisements for third party services and products. We and our advertising partners may use certain information about you to improve our advertising practices, including interest-based advertising, targeting and building advertising measurement and attribution systems, and to make the advertising we serve more effective, relevant and enjoyable. use

This information includes information received from or about you by the Company or its advertising partners based on your consent or other legal grounds (e.g. necessary to provide the respective Services or based on the legitimate interest set forth in Article 3), on your device. advertising identifiers (e.g. IDFA or advertising ID, to the extent possible); linking your Facebook, Google or Apple profile to related information (such as your gender, region, country, etc., where applicable); game play content; Contains identity, product interaction information, and other demographic and interest-based information.

Advertisements provided by us or our advertising partners may appear on other channels, such as games, services, and third-party websites and applications.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to the practices of companies not owned or controlled by the Company or to employees or service providers not controlled by the Company. Any information you provide to sites, applications or services advertised through our Services is governed by their privacy policies. Be sure to read the privacy policies of any third-party applications, services, or sites that you visit or allow access to information about. It is their responsibility to protect the information you provide to third parties. Therefore, the company is not responsible for any third party's use of your personally identifiable information.

(a)  How to Adjust Your Preferences for Interest-Based Advertising
If you would like to prevent the use of your device advertising ID or other identifiers for interest-based advertising, you may change your device settings to reset that advertising ID or block such advertising (usually , You can set it in “Privacy” or “Advertising” in the device settings).
If you reside in the United States, Canada or Europe, you can advertise digitally by visiting (US users), (Canadian users) or (European users). You may also prevent our advertising partners participating in the federation from collecting your information.
If you reset your advertising ID or block interest-based advertising, you may still see ads in our games or other channels, but these ads are not targeted based on the identifiers mentioned above . For example, these ads may be based on context, such as your progress and actions within a game, or your language settings. If you block information collection, your enjoyment of the user experience may be reduced.

(b)  Information aggregation and analysis
companies use Google Analytics' general analysis tools, and may use additional or other analysis tools from time to time. The privacy practices of these tools are governed by the respective analytics tool's privacy policy.

(c)  Google Products
Google uses technologies such as cookies to track and analyze the use of our site and/or SDK to serve advertisements within games. If you would like to know more about how Google processes your information, please see Google's policy at For information about blocking web tools in Google Analytics , see More details about the information processed and stored by the Google SDK can be found at


10. Data Rights Subject - European Economic Area, Switzerland and United Kingdom

If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland or the United Kingdom (UK) and we process your personal data, you have the following rights.

(a)  The right to request access to personal data (commonly referred to as "Data Subject Access Requests"). This allows you to receive a copy of the personal information we hold about you and to ensure that we are processing it lawfully.

(b)  Your right to request receipt of the personal information we hold about you. This allows us to correct incomplete or inaccurate information we hold about you.

(c)  Right to request erasure of your personal data. This allows you to request that we delete or remove your personal information if we do not have a good reason to continue processing it. In addition, if you object to the processing of your data, you have the right to exercise this right to request erasure or erasure of your personal data (see below).

(d)  The right to object to the processing of your personal data where we (or a third party) pursue a legitimate interest but are required to object to the processing of your data under certain circumstances. You also have the right to object where we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes.

(e)  Right to Restrict Processing of Personal Data. This allows you to request that we suspend the processing of personal data about you, for example if you believe it is necessary to establish the accuracy of our data or the reason for the processing.

(f)  Right to request the transfer of your personal data to another party.

(g)  Generally no cost required.
You do not have to pay to access (or exercise any other rights) your personal information. However, we may charge a reasonable fee if your request for access is manifestly unfounded or excessive. Alternatively, we may deny your request in such circumstances.

(h)  possibility of our request.
We may need to request certain information from you to verify your identity and to ensure your right to access (or exercise other rights) information. This is another appropriate security measure to ensure that personal information is not disclosed to persons not entitled to receive it.

(i)  Right to withdraw consent.
In the limited circumstances in which you have consented to the collection, processing and transfer of your personal data for certain purposes, you have the right to withdraw your consent to that particular processing at any time. To withdraw your consent, please contact . We will no longer process your information for the purposes for which you originally gave your consent after we receive notice of your withdrawal of consent, unless we have another legitimate basis for doing so.

If you wish to exercise your rights under applicable law (eg the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or UK GDPR), please contact . If you would like to manage the information we receive from third party applications or platforms (e.g. Google, Apple, etc. ) through which you can play our games, please follow the instructions in the third party application to update your information and change your privacy settings. change it.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority. For EEA residents, you can learn more about the National Supervisory Authority at . UK residents can contact the Information Commission (ICO) via .

11. Data transmission

Your personal information may be maintained, processed, accessed and stored by Meta Core and its authorized affiliates, service providers and business partners in the United States and other jurisdictions to provide appropriate services or as required by law.

We may transfer the personal data we collect about you outside the EEA, Switzerland or the United Kingdom to perform our contract with you. To ensure that your personal information receives an adequate level of protection, we have ensured that third parties process your information in a manner that respects and is consistent with EU and UK data laws through the following measures : Standard contractual clauses and countries subject to EU conformity determination. If you require further information about our safeguards, you may contact us using the details in Section 13.

12. Minors

This game is intended for use by individuals over the age of 13.

The Company reserves the right to request proof of age or parental consent at any stage. Companies may block users they suspect are under that age. The Company does not knowingly collect personal information from minors and does not wish to do so. If we become aware of a minor using our services or playing our games, the Company will use its best efforts to prohibit and block such use and promptly delete personal information about such minor.

If you believe that the company has information related to minors, please contact .

13. Amended and Effective Version

The Company may update and amend this Privacy Policy from time to time by posting a revised version on the Service. Modified versions are effective from the date they are posted. In case of any material change, the Company will notify you in advance through available communication means or in the Service. After the notice period, you agree to all amendments. If you do not wish to be bound by the terms of the new or changed Privacy Policy, you must stop using the Services.

The Privacy Policy has been drafted in English, and the English version is the original and effective version of this Privacy Policy. Translations of this Privacy Policy into other languages are provided for convenience only and do not govern the meaning or application of this Privacy Policy. If there is a difference in meaning between the translated version and the English version of the Privacy Policy, the English version takes precedence.

14. Contact

If you have any comments or questions regarding this Privacy Policy, any concerns regarding your personal information, or if you wish to contact Meta Core's Privacy Officer, please contact .


Last modified: July 2023