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Mercè Roca i Puigvert

Contact: merce.roca@esci.upf.edu

Social & research networks: @mrocapuigvert

Fields of interest

I am interested in the application of qualitative and quantitative market research techniques in the following domains: international business management and marketing; consumer/citizen behavior and decision making; sustainability, CSR, recycling and behavior; organizational practices towards sustainability; circular economy and alternative market mechanisms; the management of multiculturalism.

Current positions / duties:

Associate professor and researcher at ESCI-UPF | Affiliate professor at UPF Barcelona School of Management.

Head of studies of the BDIBM of ESCI-UPF | Director of the MScIB jointly offered by ESCI-UPF and UPF Barcelona School of Management | Academic coordinator of the Official Master Programmes offered by ESCI-UPF 

Official accreditations: Titular (ANECA, 2016), Agregada-Recerca (AQU Catalunya, 2011).


PhD, Leeds University Business School (2006) | Master's Degree in Economics and Management, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2002) | Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2000) | Bachelor's Degree in Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (1999).


Work in progress / ongoing project participation

Food Sustainability Education (FSE) in Catalan Schools. With  Sergi Jiménez Martín (CRES UPF), Antonio Ladrón de Guevara (BARG UPF), Laura Batlle Bayer, Mercè Roca i Puigvert, Pere Fullana i Palmer, Christian Reynolds (City, University London). Research Assistant: Laia Hoyos .

Waste recycling for planetary wellbeing. With Jesica de Armas Adrián - DEE - Business Analytics Research Group (BARG), Jaume Garcia Villar (project PI-2) - DEE - Business Analytics Research Group (BARG), Mohammad Ghaderi – DEE - Business Analytics Research Group (BARG), Mercè Roca i Puigvert - ESCI-UPF Research in International Studies and Economics (RISE), Alba Bala Gala - ESCI-UPF UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change, Pere Fullana-i-Palmer - ESCI-UPF UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change. Research Assistant: Luis de Querol. 

Academic articles in indexed journals

Roca, M., Segura, M., Puig, J., Martín Belmonte, S. (2023). The local multiplier of income support paid in a complementary currency: comparative evaluation in the city of Barcelona. Urban Studies. https://doi.org/10.1177/00420980231177

Campos, C., Gutiérrez, D., Días, A., Quinteiro, P., Herrero, A., Gallergo, M., Villanueva, P., Laso, J., ., Albertí, J., Fullana-i-Palmer P., Bala, A., Mélon, L.,  Sazdovski I.,  Roca M.,  Xifré R.,  Margallo, M.,  Aldaco R. (2023). ‘Small-scale’ tourism versus traditional tourism: Which will be the new key to achieve the desired sustainable tourism?. Science of the Total Environment, 912, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168964

Campos, C., Gallego, M., Villanueva, P, Laso, J. Dias, A., Quinteiro, P., Oliveira, S., Albertí, J., Fullana-i-Palmer P.,  Mélon, L.,  Sazdovski I.,  Roca M.,  Xifré R.,  Margallo, M.,  Aldaco R. (2023). Life cycle assessment to address the environmental impacts of tourism in a Spanish tourist destination: The case of Rias Baixas (Galicia) holidays. Science of the Total Environment, 896. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.166242

Roca, M., Albertí, J., Bala, A., Batlle-Bayer, L., Ribas-Tur, J., Fullana-i-Palmer, P. (2021). Sustainability in the Opera Sector: Main Drivers and Limitations to Improve the Environmental Performance of Scenography. Sustainability , 13(22):12896. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132212896

Roca, M., Ayuso, S., Bala, A., Colomer, R., Fullana-i-Palmer, P. (2021). Evaluating the implementation of a packaging Deposit and Refund System in Catalonia. Two surveys on citizenship's expected behaviour. Science of the Total Environment, 806, 2. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150640

Martín Belmonte, S., Puig, J., Roca, M., Segura, M. (2021). Crisis Mitigation through Cash Assistance to Increase Local Consumption Levels—A Case Study of a Bimonetary System in Barcelona, Spain. Journal of Risk and Financial Management 14(9):430. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/jrfm14090430

Roca, M., Ayuso, S., Bala, A., Fullana-i-Palmer, P. (2020). What factors determine attitudes towards the implementation of a packaging deposit and refund system? A qualitative study of the perception of Spanish consumers. Journal of Environmental Management, 270, 15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110891.

Batlle-Bayer, L., Bala, A., Roca, M., Lemaire, E., Aldaco, R., Fullana-i-Palmer, P. (2020) Nutritional and environmental co-benefits of shifting to “Planetary Health” Spanish tapas. Journal of Cleaner Production, 271, 20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.122561.

Blanca-Alcubilla, G., Roca, M., Bala, A., Sanz, N., De Castro, N., Fullana-i-Palmer, P. (2019). Airplane cabin waste characterization: Knowing the waste for sustainable management and future recommendations. Waste management, 91, 1, 57-64. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2019.07.002.

Albertí, J., Roca, M., Brodhag, C., Fullana-i-Palmer, P. (2019). Allocation and system boundary in life cycle assessments of cities. Habitat International, 83, 41-54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2018.11.003.

Ayuso, S., Roca, M., Arebalo, J.A., Arabind, D. (2016). What determines principle-based standards implementation? Reporting on Global Compact adoption in Spanish firms. Journal of Business Ethics, 133 (3), p. 553-565. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-014-2412-4 .

Grasas, A., Caceres Cruz J., Lourenço H. R., Juan A. A., Roca M. (2013). Solving the heterogeneous VRP in realistic scenarios including multiple trips. OR Insight. DOI: 10.1057/ori.2013.2

Ayuso, S., Roca, M., Colomé, R. (2013). SMEs as “transmitters” of CSR requirements in the supply chain. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, 18,  5. https://doi.org/10.1108/SCM-04-2012-0152.

Arebalo, J.A,, Arabind, D., Ayuso, S., Roca, M. (2013). The Global Compact: An Analysis of the Motivations of Adoption in the Spanish Context. Business Ethics: A European Review, 22, 1. https://doi.org/10.1111/beer.12005 .

Roca, M., Maule, A.J. (2009). The Effects of Endowment on the Demand for Probabilistic Information. Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 109, 56-66. 2https://doi.org/10.1016/j.obhdp.2009.01.002 .

Roca, M., Hogarth, R. M., Maule, A. J. (2006). Ambiguity Seeking as a Result of the Status Quo Bias. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, vol. 4 (1), 5-28. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11166-006-9518-8 .


Books and book chapters

M. Roca (2014). “Investigación de Mercados. Estudios en el sector de los Medios”. In Analisis de audiencias y estrategias de visibilidad. Editorial UOC. ISBN:978-84-9029-815-2  and in Audiencia y Visibilidad en los Medios de Comunicación I,    pp. 179-217. Editorial UOC. ISBN: 978-84-694-4385-9. https://www.amazon.com/-/es/V%C3%ADctor-Cavaller-Reyes-ebook/dp/B00Q6QO58A

Roca, J. and Roca M. (2010). Una Estrategia Singular. Claves del Éxito del Grupo Alimentario Guissona. Profit Editorial, Barcelona. ISBN: 9788496998537. https://www.profiteditorial.com/libro/una-estrategia-singular/

Roca, M. (2010). Reference Dependence in the Face of Ambiguity. Trading Lottery Tickets and Probabilistic Information. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Publishing House.  ISBN: 9783639227468. https://www.amazon.com/Reference-dependence-face-ambiguity-probabilistic/dp/3639227468

Roca, M. (2007). “El impacto de la inmigración en Guissona (Lleida)”. In Inmigración y Transformación Social en Cataluña. Aspectos Socio-Económicos del Fenómeno Inmigratorio. Las cuestiones relevantes, 361-441. Editorial: Fundación BBVA. Project (book published in Spanish) directed by E. Argullol y G. López-Casasnovas (Universitat Pompeu Fabra). ISBN: 978-84-96515-20-8. https://www.fbbva.es/publicaciones/inmigracion-y-transformacion-social-en-cataluna-vol-i-aspectos-socioeconomicos-del-fenomeno-inmigratorio-las-cuestiones-relevantes/

Competitive projects

Economía Circular y Turismo Sostenible en Destinos del espacio SUDOE (GREENTOUR).  INTERREG SUDOE. Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER).SOE4/P5/E1089. 01/11/2020 to 28/02/2023. Investigador/a principal: Dr. Pere Fullana-i-Palmer (ESCI-UPF).

KAIROS-BIOCIR- Enhancing the nexus Water-Energy-Food to improve the agri-food sector in Spain: opportunities based on circular bioeconomy and sustainable consumption. With Laura Batlle, Alba Bala, Ramon Xifré, Pere Fullana, Mercè Roca, Rosa Colomé, Joan Ribas, Silvia Ayuso.

Creative Europe Programme Call EACEA-34-2018. Analysis of Opera sets eco-design and circular practices among European opera houses and festivals.

CERES – Food Consumption Strategies for the mitigation of Climate Change towards an environmentally sustainable diet..  CTM2016-76176-C2-2-R. CConvocatoria 2016 proyectos I+D+I programa estatal de investigación, desarrollo e innovación orientada a los retos de la sociedad. Ministerio de Ciencia Innovación y Universidades.

LIFE15/ENV/ES/000209 Zero Cabin Waste, co-financed by the European Comission. Senior researcher.

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (BUSINESSCOOP subproject of GREEN COOP). Métodos Híbridos para la Cooperación Horizontal en Transporte y Logística Sostenibles). Directed by Helena Ramalhinho UPF.

European Commission (TEMPUS: 530260-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPCR). Exporting Master programme in Enterprise Systems Engineering to Jordan Syria, Tunisia and Egypt. Directed by Oldenburg University, prof. Jorge Marx.

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (TRA2013-48180-C3-2-P). Modelos de Analítica Empresarial y de Cooperación Horizontal para el área de Logística y Transporte (2013-216). Directed by prof. Helena Ramalhinho Lourenço.

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (ECO2009-11307). Métodos cuantitativos de decisión en entornos logísticos y productivos (2009-2013). Directed by por prof. Daniel Serra Figuera.

European Commission (FENIX LIFE 08 ENV/E/000135). Finding environmental life cycle assessment information on packaging waste management through flexible software tools and databases. Directed by prof. Pere Fullana i Palmer.

Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. ECO2008-01768 Experimentation, markets and behaviour. Directed by Rosemarie Nagel, January 2008-2011.


Applied research, conference proceedings and working papers

Segura, M., Puig, J., Muns, Ll., Roca, M. (2019). Avaluació de l'impacte econòmic de la moneda ciutadana a l'eix Besòs per al projecte  B-Mincome. Promogut per l'Ajuntament de Barcelona i Novact.

Roca, M., Corella, P., Colomé, R., Segura, M. (2018). Mapa de la internacionalització de les empreses catalanes de retail. Promogut pel Consorci de Comerç, Artesania i Moda del Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

Fullana-i-Palmer, P., Bala, A., Hauschild, M., Aldaco, R.,  Such, B. D., Colomé, R., Ribas, J., Roca, M., Ayuso, S., Muñoz, I. (2018). Critical review process of an LCA comparative assertion: a case on beverage packaging waste management alternatives. LCA Food, conference paper,  Thailand.

Blanca G., Chavarri R., de Castro N., Roca M., Fullana-i-Palmer P. (2017). The LIFE+ Zero Cabin Waste project. Waste characterizations. Sardinia 2017 - 16th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. Cagliari, October 2017.

Fullana, P., Bala A., Colomé R., Ayuso S., Díaz B., Muñoz I., Retolaza J.L., Ribas R., Roca M., Weidema B. (2017). Estudio de sostenibilidad sobre la introducción de un SDDR obligatorio para envases: análisis ambiental, social y económico comparativo con la situación actual. Càtedra UNESCO Cicle de Vida, ESCI-UPF.

Ayuso, S., Roca, M. (2015). La RSC en la cadena de suministro: ¿riesgo u oportunidad? Revista de Responsabilidad Social de la Empresa, 21.

Colomé, R., González, S., Pahissa, E., Roca, M., Vilalta, M. (2015). Perfils i competències per a la internacionalització. Editat per ESCI- UPF i AMEC.

Raugei, M., Bala, A., Colomé, R., Roca, M. (2015). Herramienta para calcular la huella de carbono de una cadena Logística. In: http://mango.esci.es/assets/Uploads/Otros-documentos/Gua-clculo-huella-de-carbono-cadena-logstica-2015.pdf

Ayuso, S., Roca, M. (2015). Orientación emprendedora y desarrollo sostenible en las PYMES catalanas. XXII Congreso Anual de EBEN-España, Cátedra Ethos.

Roca, M., Ayuso, S. (2015). Integración del desarrollo sostenible en las PYMES catalanas. Documento de Trabajo nº21 Cátedra de  Responsabilidad Social Corporativa Mango, ESCI-UPF.

Colomé, R., González, S., Pahissa, E., Roca, M., Vilalta, M. (2015). Perfils i competències per a la internacionalització. Edited by ESCI-UPF   and AMEC.

Ayuso, S., Roca, M. (2014). Entrepreneurial orientation and Sustainable Development Engagement in Spanish SMEs. Final Proceedings of the 59th International Council for Small Business World Conference.

Ayuso, S., Roca, M., Arevalo, J.A. (2013). What determines progress in Global Compact principles implementation? Proceedings of the 13th EURAM Conference.

Roca M. (2013). Lecciones de la investigación sobre el comportamiento del consumidor ante las acciones de RSC. Document de treball 13 Càtedra de Responsabilitat Social Corporativa Mango, ESCI-UPF.

Roca, M., Florit R. (2013). Desafíos del Director de Ventas ante la Internacionalización Comercial. Harvard Deusto Marketing & Ventas, 119.

Roca, M., Ayuso, S (2013). La RSC en la cadena de suministro de las 50 mayores empresas en España. Documento de trabajo nº 15 Cátedra  de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa Mango, ESCI-UPF.

Roca M. (2013). Lecciones de la investigación sobre el comportamiento del consumidor ante las acciones de RSC. Documento de trabajo 13 Cátedra de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa Mango, ESCI-UPF.

Caceres Cruz J., Grasas A., Lourenço H. R., Juan A. A., Roca M., Colomé R (2012). Aplicación de un algoritmo randomizado a un problema real de enrutamiento de vehículos heterogéneos. Proceedings MAEB 2012. 767-773. (ISBN: 978-84-615-6931-1).

Roca, M., Ayuso, S., Colomé, R. (2010). CSR requirements in the supply chain: the case of Catalan SMEs. Proceedings of the 10th EURAM Conference.

Roca, M. , Roca,  J, (2010). Expectativas ante la expatriación internacional. Revista Experiencias, 4. ICEX (70509004-X).

Roca, M., Roca, J. (2010). Alianzas estratégicas: Internacionalización empresarial en forma de consorcio de exportación. Revista Experiencias, 3. ICEX. (70509004-X).

Ayuso, S., Roca, M. (2010). Las Empresas Españolas y el Pacto Mundial. Documento de trabajo nº 8 Cátedra de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa Mango, ESCI-UPF.

Roca, M., Ayuso, S., Colomé, R. (2010). Requisitos de RSC en la Cadena de Suministro: el Caso de las PYMES Catalanas. Documento de trabajo nº 4 Cátedra de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa Mango, ESCI-UPF.

Bala, A., Roca, M., J. P. Soto, Pérez, M., Leao, S. (2010). Evaluación del grado de conocimiento de las unidades de gestión de residuos de envases de España y Portugal sobre enfoque de Ciclo de Vida y Herramientas de Análisis Ambiental.  Report for LIFE project, EU Comission.

Roca, M. (2010). COFME: estudio de caso. Study commissioned by PIMEC and the ESF.

Roca, M., Roca, J. (2009). Estudio de la Internacionalización de Esteve Química. Centro Virtual de Casos de Internacionalización, ICEX-AEEDE.

Roca, M., Soto, J.P. (2009). Anàlisi de Llocs web de compra verda a España. Report for Fundación Club EMAS.

Roca M., Soto, J.P. (2008). Estudio del sector de los media en Cataluña. Report for Fundación Barcelona Media.

Roca, M. (2007). La Internacionalización de S.A. Grober: México. Case study for the Centro de Experiencias de Internacionalización, CECO-ICEX.

Roca, M. (2007). México: Ficha País. Centro de Experiencias de Internacionalización, CECO-ICEX.

Roca, M. (2007). La Internacionalización del Sector Textil. Pulligan Internacional S.A.: Implantación en Marruecos. Case study for the Centro  de Experiencias de Internacionalización, CECO-ICEX.

Roca, M. (2007). Marruecos: Ficha País. Centro de Experiencias de Internacionalización, CECO-ICEX.

Roca, J., Roca, M. (2004). Desarrollo y Gestión de una Transformación Empresarial: Grup Alimentari Guissona. Universitat Pompeu Fabra Business and Administration Case Studies 44. Available electronically: http://www.econ.upf.edu.

Roca, M. (2003). The Value of Information in Ambiguous Settings and the Endowment Effect. Master Thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, GPEM.

Roca, M. (2001). Swissair. Case Study. Universitat Pompeu Fabra Business and Administration Case Studies, 21. Available electronically: http://www.econ.upf.edu.



Data Analysis prep course in the Bachelors' Degree in International Business and Marketing at ESCI-UPF

Statistics in the Bachelors' Degree in International Business and Marketing at ESCI-UPF

Market Research Analytics in the Bachelors' Degree in International Business and Marketing at ESCI-UPF

Data treatment tutoring of the Final Degree Project in the Bachelors' Degree in International Business and Marketing at ESCI-UPF

Statistics Brush-up course in the MSc programs of the UPF Barcelona School of Management 

Market Reseach and Opportunity Analysis in the MSc in International Business, jointly offered between the UPF Barcelona School of Management and ESCI-UPF. 

International Trade Mission in the MSc in International Business, jointly offered between the UPF Barcelona School of Management and ESCI-UPF. 


Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2022-present). MSc in Sustainability Management (jointly offered between Barcelona School of Management and ESCI-UPF).  'Statistics Brush-up course', 'Master Thesis coordination'.

Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2017-present). MSc in International Business (jointly offered between Barcelona School of Management and ESCI-UPF). ‘Maketing Research and Opportunity Analysis’, 'Statistics Brush-up course', 'International Trade Mission'.

ESCI-UPF (2007-present). Bachelors’ degree in International Business and Marketing: ‘Statistics’, 'Market Research Analytics'. Former courses: ‘Marketing Research’, ‘Dirección Comercial III’.

Surrey University Business School (UK, 2018). Visiting Lecturer of Organizational Culture and Individual Decision Making.   Erasmus+ Exchange program (8h course).

Reultingen University (Germany, 2016). Visiting Lecturer of Statistics under the Erasmus+ Exchange program (8h course). 

Sinai University and Ahram Canadian University (Egypt, 2015). Visiting Lecturer of “ESE Business Applications” under the TEMPUS program: Exporting Master program in Enterprise Systems Engineering to Jordan Syria, Tunisia and Egypt (1 week).

University of Sfax and Tunis University (Tunis, 2015). Visiting Lecturer of “ESE Business Applications” under the TEMPUS program: Exporting Master program in Enterprise Systems Engineering to Jordan Syria, Tunisia and Egypt (1 week).

Princess Sumaya University of Technology and German-Jordanian University. ). Visiting Lecturer of “ESE Business Applications” under the TEMPUS program: Exporting Master program in Enterprise Systems Engineering to Jordan Syria, Tunisia and Egypt (1 week).

UOC (2011-2014): lecturer of ‘Marketing Research’ of the Postgrado en Mediaweb Impact.

ADEIT - Universidad de Valencia (2005-2008): Teacher of the module on ‘Decision-Making’ for the online Master in “Dirección Integrada, Diseño y Pilotaje de Proyectos” (Executive Master in Project Management).

BES La Salle (2011) – Lecturer of ‘Marketing Research’ in the Executive Master in Business Administration.

Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2006-2007): Adjunct Lecturer of ‘Investigación de Mercados’ in Diplomatura de empresariales.

Escola Universitaria del Maresme (2006-2007): Lecturer of ‘Dirección de Productos’ and ‘Investigación de Mercados’.

Leeds University Business School (2003-2006): Teaching Assistantship. Lecturer of ‘Decision Making and Information Systems’, and ‘Economic Theory and its Applications’.

Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2000-2003): Teaching Assistantship. Lecturer of ‘Business Strategies’, ‘Introduction to Data Analysis’, ‘Logistics’ and ‘Marketing’.

Communication & media


Dissemination articles published in blogs and press and/or refering to research in which I have participated. Chronologically ordered and classified by topics: Sustainability-CSR, Management-International Business, Consumer Behavior and Data Analytics.

Communication regarding academic programs and activitites

Participation in communication initiatives of the academic programs of the university:

Institutional videos: