I used to be a Basic member but am now a member of a Family Plan. I am not able to get the Dropbox icon on my menu bar on a new Mac - Monterey 12.01. I have quit and trashed the application and have reinstalled a couple of times, but nothing. I can't for the life of me get the icon on my Menu Bar. Does the Menu Bar have a space limitation? I would think not. Any help out there?

Jay - thanks for getting back to me. So I found out that we are limited to the number of icons in the Menu Bar. I deleted one that I did not need and then the Dropbox icon showed up. So it turned out to be just a space issue on the Menu Bar. I am now all good.

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Since upgrading from Mac OS Mojave on an old MacBook to Monterey on a new MacBook Pro 14, the Dropbox icon no longer appears on my menu bar. I re-downloaded and installed the Dropbox desktop app. That didn't help. And when I try to open the Dropbox app, either from my Applications folder or from the Control Panel, it only opens my Dropbox folder of all my files.

Thanks to everyone for all the replies. As @skiblues mentioned, I also learned that Monterey allows only a limited number of icons on the menu bar. I just updated to the latest Monterey (Version 12.3) and the issue is the same.

I did discover what I thought was another option: If you open a Finder window, under the View dropdown menu, you'll see "Customize Toolbar...". That opens a window that gives you the variety of icons, including Dropbox, that you can simply drag to the toolbar... not the top toolbar, but the toolbar of the Finder windows. That looked promising, but unfortunately, clicking on that icon only opens my local Dropbox folder, not the former desktop app that included the link to my Dropbox files on the web.

Since the new MacBook Pros (I have a 2021, running OS Monterey) have limited room on the menu bar, I thought maybe if I took of some apps that I don't really need, it would allow room for ones I do -- like Dropbox.

But... it still wasn't enough. One icon up there puzzled me: One that looks like an old telephone handset, called "Modem". I have no modem hardware or software connected, so it had no use. But that Modem was not listed in the "Dock & Menu Bar" settings. So... how to get rid of it?

Since the new MacBook Pros (I have a 2021, running OS Monterey) have limited room on the menu bar, I thought maybe if I took off some apps that I don't really need, it would allow room for ones I do -- like Dropbox.

I'm a paying customer of the 3TB tier of Dropbox. I have been going back and forth with Dropbox support for nearly a month, and they are unable to get my Dropbox icon back in my menu bar. It's exasperating. I have a ton of free menu-bar space.

As of a couple of days ago, after the system update I too can no longer hide the Assistant Menu floating icon...very frustrating. I don't want an edge icon either. I don't like the edge icon/access, it gets in the way.

I had an LG phone for quite a while, it's functions were simple. I upgraded to a Samsung Note 10 recently so I could make use of the Android 10 features. I used the Assistant mostly to allow me to turn off my screen with out having to always use the button. On the LG I only had to double tap the screen to turn it off. I thought the Assistant function was great...until they messed up hiding the icon.

Same thing happened to me. I'm using Note 10. I'm guessing it's because of the update. I want to be able to hide the assistant menu when I'm playing games, and unhide it once I'm done. hope they bring it back on the next patch of updates.

The .desktop file you've edited changed the icon in the "Add new items" dialog. To change the default icon name, you should patch the plugin/applicationsmenu/applicationsmenu.c file and rename the line "#define DEFAULT_ICON_NAME "xfce4-panel-menu"" or replace the pngs.

At this point, xfce is not that friendly to use, the previous gnome has a 'menu editor' option, to add, remove, edit any item, even the icon styles, but xfce, i never find such an option, even the right click on the item is no work!

Can't you just right click on the icon, click on "Properties" then when the window pops up, click on the icon in the window to change it? That's what I have done on mine. Or am I not understanding the problem correctly?

I need to change the menu button icon on the latest Raspbian OS (Buster). I tried to change it by right clicking on the button itself and brought up the menu editor. Then, clicked on the preference button menu button. On that popup window, there is no browse button to select the image you want to apply to your menu button. So, how can you change the menu icon on the latest Raspbian OS (buster)?

I had the same problem with Pi OS Buster (Debian 10.11). Entering the image path in the popup window wouldn't work, so I searched for the image itself or a link to it. Sadly I didn't find any links so I am not able to enter a path where my icon is located. But I found the images and you can replace them.

If you change it here I believe it changes Controls, Window Border and Icons, maybe even mouse pointer. So probably it will load a different icon set and consequently Brisk Menu's icon will also change.

I always use Custom theme and customize everything by hand, specially because most items are not complete and are only gtk window borders or only icons. So it's better to customize so you can choose each one you wanna use. In example at the moment I'm using Marcha-dark-aliz for Controls, Ambient-MATE for Window Border and Obsidian-Gray for Icons.

Got them all here: -look.org/

Yes. I do not use the Brisk menu usually and noticed this today when testing things: with my Gtk theme (a Numix variant), the Brisk menu displays the GNOME (foot) logo and I still use the Ambiant-MATE icon theme. I switch back to the Ambiant-MATE Gtk theme and I got the MATE logo back on the Brisk menu.

More details about that on the following post:

 Can the icons in the Top Bar be Font Awesome Light version? Support Hi @core365, Thank you for writing in, please follow the same method provided here. The data-x-icon- you need to use is data-x-icon-o for outline. As of Font Awesome version 5 they split icons into multiple fonts. This can be fixed by changing instances of the data-x-icon attribute to one of the following: data-x-icon-b for social icons. data-x-icon-o for outline icons. data-x-icon-s for solid icons. Hope this helps, Cheers!

If Ring is going to use any Red dots, Red badges, Red number icons, etc., it should be for the benefit of the user. For example, warning the user that there is a problem with one or more hardware devices. These tactics should NEVER be used in an attempt to trick users into viewing/acknowledging marketing/advertising (or punishing users for refusing to do so).

After upgrading to 8, the menu bar icon did not appear (the 8 icon, not the old 7 one, and yes I checked preferences to ensure it was enabled). So I rebooted, and it appeared, but then went away again. So I launched 1Password, and it appeared, but then when I quit, it disappeared, and now won't return, even after launching 1Password. Any suggestions?

Then try to close the main window by clicking on the red close icon in the upper left corner of the window. Does the 1Password icon stay in the menubar? If it doesn't then I'd like to ask you to create a diagnostics report from your Mac:

@Dave_1P I had tried unchecking, and then re-checking, the "Keep 1Password in the menu bar" option, to no avail. However, it turns out the issue was lack of space in the menu bar, which surprised me for two reasons:

I use Bartender to shift some items out of the menu bar. You might want to consider something like that if space is a concern. There may be other apps that can do this, but it is the one I use on my devices. I appreciate you letting us know this was resolved.

@ag_tommy I had some items in both the control center and separately in the menu bar (Wifi, battery, etc.). I just confined them to the control center only, which functions as a built in Bartender, of sorts.

2. Right align

Nom nom negative top left corner I would say. The right align has several issues.

Displaying the icon and text when the button is too small to normally display everything.

3. Center with menu icon

The icon menu icon gets included in the width calculation. The push to the left should only happen when there is inssufficient space to diplay the complete text.

Hey @peterliang ! So I have sad news - it looks like that hamburger menu is actually a character, so we cant change the thickness of the lines using CSS :( You can use any other Unicode character, so if there is another one in that character map that is a thinner version you can switch it up! But right now it is set to display character "/e030" and CSS cant change the line weight. I hope that makes sense!

This is what my header looks like, the menu itself is the reusable header. The header itself I have set to a floating element set to top left, the Menu itself is a floating group, I just set it inside the header.

I was doing some playing around, and found that a group focus does great as well,. The group focus you can have hidden on page load, still have the work flow to show the menu, but when the user clicks on the page other than the menu itself, the menu closes. I like that option with the group just in case the user opened the menu, and changed their mind. It has the function just like most menus on computer programs.

I have been able to change the main menu icon in Gnome in several other distributions running gnome 2.22 (Fedora, Debian, etc) and had no issues. The method I have always used is copy the custom icon to /usr/share/icons/gnome/24x24/places/start-here.png. I have not been successful with this in Arch. I also tried copying to the 22x22 directory and also using the GConf method (apps > panels > objects > Use_Custom_Icon...). No luck so far. I'm totally up to date with all my stuff (gnome 2.22.2), so if anyone knows a good method, it would be greatly appreciated. e24fc04721

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