2021 Talks

2nd Workshop on Mental Effort

September 9-10, 2021

Virtual Event

Recorded Talks

  1. Sebastian Musslick: Introductory Remarks.
  2. Roshan Cools: The role of dopamine in cognitive effort allocation.
  3. Clay Holroyd: Hierarchical control over effortful behavior by rodent medial frontal cortex.
  4. Lynne Reder: Mental effort: How familiarity and speed of input make tasks easy or hard.
  5. Anne Collins: Mental effort in reinforcement learning.
  6. Andrew Caplin: Using economic theory and psychometric data to identify mistakes and measure costs of mental effort.
  7. Candace Raio: Measuring the cost of self-control through precommitment decisions.
  8. Thomas Goschke: Deficient mobilization of effortful cognitive control predicts real-life self-control failures.
  9. Christopher Wickens: The role of mental workload in human factors.
  10. 1st Panel Discussion.
  11. 2nd Panel Discussion.

Introductory Remarks.

Sebastian Musslick (Princeton University)

The role of dopamine in cognitive effort allocation.

Roshan Cools (Radboud University Nijmegen)

Hierarchical control over effortful behavior by rodent medial frontal cortex.

Clay Holroyd (Ghent University)

Mental effort: How familiarity and speed of input make tasks easy or hard.

Lynne Reder (Carnegie Mellon University)

Mental effort in reinforcement learning.

Anne Collins (CU Berkeley)

Using economic theory and psychometric data to identify mistakes and measure costs of mental effort.

Andrew Caplin (New York University)

Measuring the cost of self-control through precommitment decisions.

Candace Raio (New York University)

Deficient mobilization of effortful cognitive control predicts real-life self-control failures.

Thomas Goschke (TU Dresden)

The role of mental workload in human factors.

Christopher Wickens (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

1st Panel Discussion.

Panelists: Jonathan D. Cohen (Princeton University), Anne Collins (UC Berkeley), Roshan Cools (Radboud University Nijmegen), Clay Holroyd (Ghent University), Lynne Reder (Carnegie Mellon University)

2nd Panel Discussion.

Panelists: Andrew Caplin (New York University), Thomas Goschke (TU Dresden), Candace Raio (New York University), Christopher Wickens (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).


The 2nd Workshop on Mental Effort was possible thanks to the support of the William K. and Katherine W. Estes Fund which is jointly overseen by the Association for Psychological Science and the Psychonomic Society. We thank our sponsors for their generous support.