Meng Chen


I am a Post-Doc in School of Information Technology, York University (under the supervision of Prof. Xiaohui Yu). My research interests contain spatio-temporal data mining, embedding learning and deep learning. I received a BSc degree and a PhD from Shandong University (under the supervision of Prof. Xiaohui Yu and Prof. Yang Liu).

Email: mchen16 [at]

Academic Position:

    • 2016.09 - : Post-Doc in School of Information Technology, York University, Toronto, Canada.


    • 2011.09 - 2016.06: Ph.D in Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University, China.
    • 2007.09 - 2011.06: BS.c in Software College, Shandong University, China.


Journal papers

  1. Meng Chen, Linlin Zhang, Xiaohui Yu, Yang Liu. Weighted Co-training for Cross-Domain Image Sentiment Classification. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2017, 32: 714-725.
  2. Meng Chen, Xiaohui Yu, Yang Liu. Mining Object Similarity for Predicting Next Locations. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2016, 31: 649–660.
  3. Meng Chen, Xiaohui Yu, Yang Liu. Mining moving patterns for predicting next location. Information Systems, 2015, 54:156–168.
  4. 陈勐, 禹晓辉, 刘洋. 基于深度表示模型的移动模式挖掘. 计算机应用, 2016, 1:33–38.
  5. 陈勐, 刘洋, 王月, 禹晓辉. 基于时序特征的移动模式挖掘. 中国科学信息科学, 2016, 9: 006.

Conference papers

  1. Yue Wang, Meng Chen, Xiaohui Yu, Yang Liu. LCE: A Location Category Embedding Model for Predicting the Category Labels of POIs. In ICONIP, 2017.
  2. Linlin Zhang, Meng Chen, Xiaohui Yu, Yang Liu. CoDS: Co-training with Domain Similarity for Cross-Domain Image Sentiment Classification. In APWEB, pp. 480-492, 2016.
  3. Meng Chen, Yang Liu, Xiaohui Yu. Predicting next locations with object clustering and trajectory clustering. In PAKDD, pp. 344–356, 2015.
  4. Lei Lv, Meng Chen, Yang Liu, Xiaohui Yu. A Plane Moving Average Algorithm for Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction. In PAKDD, pp. 357-369, 2015.
  5. Meng Chen, Yang Liu, Xiaohui Yu. Nlpmm: A next location predictor with markov modeling. In PAKDD, pp. 186–197, 2014.

Ph.D Thesis

  1. 陈勐. 轨迹预测与意图挖掘问题研究. 山东大学, 2016.

Scientific Community Activities:

    • Reviewer for: Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS).