
Privacy policy

Privacy Policy of Membley app

Last Updated: 12 Nov, 2022

Your privacy is important to us. Our Privacy Policy covers how we collect, use, disclose, transfer, and store your information and customized user data. We hope our policy is straightforward and easy-to-understand. If you do not accept the content of the following terms, we are unable to provide service for you.

By using the Membley mobile application AKA MemeCraft (hereinafter referred to as “Membley application” or “Application”), you acknowledge and agree that you have consented to the collection, use, disclosure, transfer and storage practices set out in this Privacy Policy. Particularly, if you are under 18 years old, you shall read these terms under the guidance of your parent or legal guardian, and you shall use Membley only after your guardian agrees to these terms.

1. Collection of Non-Personal Information

We may collect Non-Personal Information. Non-personal data is collected, used, transferred, disclosed and stored for a number of purposes. These purposes include the use of cookies and other technologies that give us a better understanding of our users' needs.

1.1 Device Information or System Information

If you use MemCraft application, we shall receive and record the device related information you use (such as device type, operating system and its version, device settings, device identifier, time zone and language, software version number, browser unique identifier) according to specific permissions you grant in the software installation and use.

The purposes of the Device Information or System Information includes: 1) identifying the user’s using habits; 2) decision on service adaptation to some older devices or systems; 3) helping developers locate the errors in the software; and 4) improving the Membley application such as access speed etc.

1.2. Log Data

We may automatically record certain information about how you use our Application (we refer to this information as “Log Data”). Log Data may include information such as a user’s Internet Protocol (IP) address, date and time of login/logout. We use this information to administer and provide access to the Service. Such information will be guaranteed to be under control of Membley. We shall protect such Log Data through both technical and administrative means to prevent the risk of loss, improper use, unauthorized access, disclosure or changes.

1.3. Retention time

Your data will be stored for as long as this is necessary for achieving the defined purposes, or if we have a legal obligation to archive data for a certain time period.

1.4. Transfer of data to third parties

Your data will be transferred to third parties only if we have a legal obligation to do so, or if the data transfer is necessary for us to provide my services.

2. Collection Of Personal Information

Membley application does not collect any personal information.

3. Enforcement

We regularly review our own compliance with our Privacy Policy. If you submit a formal written complaint, we will contact you and try our best to resolve the issue.

4. Changes

Our Privacy Policy may change occasionally. We will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy without providing explicit, advanced notice. We will post any privacy policy changes on this page and, in the event of significant changes, we will provide a more prominent notice (such as an in-app notification). We will also archive prior versions of this Privacy Policy for your review.

5. Contact

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please send us an email at