If the game in target uses protected mode, try to find a

selector that has 0 as base adress (mostly used as system

selector for the dos extender) and you should be able to

dump the complete memory.

e.g. duke3d: "memdump 180:0 1000000" to dump 16mb main memory.


I'm triying to dump all the memory for a game called Vanguard Ace. It uses the WDOSX 0.95 DOS extender. So i tried the command:

memdumpbin 0:0 1000000 to dump all the memory, so I can get some memory adresses to start to hack the game. But I get the following error:

PAGING:PageFault at 110000 type [0:0] queue 1.

I think is because this game uses dpmi. I googled a lot searching dpmi, dos extended mode, but no luck. I can't understand what is "a selector that has 0 as base adress". Can you please, explain me a bit how I can find this selector, so I can dump all the memory?. I own the full version of this game and I would like to hack the main exe of the game so I have infinite energy and ammo. I had hacked some games with the debugger of dosbox. But can0t hack this one becasue of this dpmi issue.

Thanks in advance. I'll really appreciate if you can lend me a hand with this one. I googled like a crazy with no luck.


Memdump Download

Download 🔥 https://urlca.com/2y4OZc 🔥

Now if paging is enabled, linear addresses are translated using the 2-stage

page tables. Type "paging" in dosbox to see the translations (only pmode).

It gets pretty tricky to memdump that, because it might even be that some

of the (game's) memory isn't in physical memory (paged out onto disk).

I've been recently trying to dump processes with CS and use volatility to investigate a bit more. However i'm having issues loading the DMP files. I've tried it on ubuntu, mac and win10. I cannot seem to get volatility3 to read the dmp files. What are we supposed to do with memdump'd files if volatility cant read them?

Finding the RAM Image to ExamineIn your Kali Linux machine, open a Terminalwindow and execute these commands:cdcd Desktopls -lNote that the last command is"LS -L" in lowercase.You should see the memdump.mem file, whichshould be approximately 500 MB in size,as shown below. If you do not, you may needto repeat a previous project to create thememory image again.TroubleshootingIf you can't get this to work, which is happeningto a lot of students, try using mymemory dump from here:memdump.7zExtract and check the file with these commands inLinux:7z e memdump.7zmd5sum memdump.memThe correct hash isb50ae13dc659ec9c8af66b539e5768d8If you use it, explain that in the text part of theemail you send in so my grader knows your name won't bein the artifacts you find.Starting VolatilityIn your Kali Linux machine, in a Terminalwindow, execute these commands:cd /usr/share/volatilitypython vol.py -hYou see a long help message,as shown below:The volatility help is long and confusing.Fortunately, SANS has made ahandy one-pagecheat sheetwhich is much friendlier.The part that is important to us is shownbelow:Basic Volatilty UsageImage InformationIn your Kali Linux machine, in a Terminalwindow, execute this command:python vol.py imageinfo -f /root/Desktop/memdump.memThis shows basic information about the image,such as the operating system of the machinethat was imaged, and when the image was made,as shown below:Volatility needs to know what operating systemwas imaged in order to interpret the memoryimage correctly. The default profile is WinXPSP2x86,but we used Win2008SP1x86, so we'll have to includethat information in all future volatility command-lines.Running ProcessesIn your Kali Linux machine, in a Terminalwindow, execute this command:python vol.py pslist --profile=Win2008SP1x86 -f /root/Desktop/memdump.memThis shows the processes that were runningon the machine when the RAM image was made,as shown below:Notice these columns:Offset : The location in RAM of the process, in hexadecimalName : The process name, as it would be shown in Task ManagerPID : The process IDPPID : The parent process ID--that is, the process that launched this process. In the example above, the "System" process is process 4, and it is the parent of the "smss.exe" process.Console CommandsIn your Kali Linux machine, in a Terminalwindow, execute this command:python vol.py consoles --profile=Win2008SP1x86 -f /root/Desktop/memdump.memThis shows the console commands that wererecently executed on the Windows machine.You should see the command you executedto create the user account with your ownname,as shown below:Saving a Screen ImageMake sure YOUR-NAME and the Linux commandprompt root@kali arevisible.Click the taskbar at the bottom of your host Windows 7 desktop, to make the host machine listen to the keyboard, instead of the virtual machine.Press the PrintScrn key in the upper-right portion of the keyboard. That will copy the whole desktop to the clipboard.YOU MUST SUBMIT A FULL-SCREEN IMAGE FOR FULL CREDIT!On the host machine, not the virtual machine, click Start.Type mspaint into the Search box and press the Enter key.Click in the untitled - Paint window, and press Ctrl+V on the keyboard. The desktop appears in the Paint window.Save the document with the filename "YOUR NAME Proj 4a", replacing "YOUR NAME" with your real name.ServicesIn your Kali Linux machine, in a Terminalwindow, execute this command:python vol.py svcscan --profile=Win2008SP1x86 -f /root/Desktop/memdump.mem | moreThis shows the first page of a long list of services,as shown below:Registry HivesIn your Kali Linux machine, in a Terminalwindow, execute this command:python vol.py hivelist --profile=Win2008SP1x86 -f /root/Desktop/memdump.memThis shows the location in RAM of the Registryhives,as shown below:Examine your output and find the twoaddresses outlined in green above:the virtual addresses of the SAM andSYSTEM hives. Those two hives togethercontain enough information to extractWindows password hashes.Password HashesIn your Kali Linux machine, in a Terminalwindow, execute the command below.You will have toreplace the two hexadecimal addresses with thecorrect virtual addresses of your hives, in this format:-y SYSTEM -s SAM

During the course of the analysis it may become necessary to dump the memory resident pages associated with a process. In this case, the memdump plugin is run against the memory image, with the output directed to the home folder, utilizing the following command:

memdump-1.01.tar.gz (Solaris/BSD/Linux memory dumper)memdump-1.01.tar.gz.sig (Wietse's PGP signature)memdump-1.01.README (README file)tct-1-patch19 (upgrade tct1.18 to tct-1.19)tct-1-patch18 (upgrade tct1.17 to tct-1.18)tct-1-patch17 (upgrade tct1.16 to tct-1.17)tct-1-patch16 (upgrade tct1.15 to tct-1.16)tct-1-patch15 (upgrade tct1.14 to tct-1.15)tct-1-patch14 (upgrade tct1.13 to tct-1.14)tct-1-patch13 (upgrade tct1.12 to tct-1.13)tct-1-patch12 (upgrade tct1.11 to tct-1.12)tct-1-patch11 (upgrade tct1.10 to tct-1.11)tct-1-patch10 (upgrade tct1.09 to tct-1.10)tct-1-patch09 (upgrade tct1.08 to tct-1.09)tct-1-patch08 (upgrade tct1.07 to tct-1.08)tct-1-patch07 (upgrade tct1.06 to tct-1.07)tct-1-patch06 (upgrade tct1.05 to tct-1.06)tct-1-patch05 (upgrade tct1.04 to tct-1.05)tct-1-patch04 (upgrade tct1.03 to tct-1.04)tct-1-patch03 (upgrade tct1.02 to tct-1.03)tct-1-patch02 (upgrade tct1.01 to tct-1.02)tct-1-patch01 (upgrade tct1.0 to tct-1.01)wietse.pgp (Wietse's PGP public key)FeaturesNotable TCT components are the grave-robber tool that capturesinformation, the ils and mactime tools that display access patternsof files dead or alive, the unrm and lazarus tools that recoverdeleted files, and the findkey tool that recovers cryptographickeys from a running process or from files.WarningThis software is not for the faint of heart. It is relativelyunpolished compared to the software that Dan and Wietse usuallyrelease. TCT can spend a lot of time collecting data. And althoughTCT collects lots of data, many analysis tools still need to bewritten.RequirementsDifferent versions of TCT were tested with the following systems:Solaris 2.4, 2.5.1, 2.6, 7.0, 8FreeBSD 2.2.1, 3.4, 4.4RedHat 5.2, 6.1, 7.3BSD/OS 2.1, 4.1OpenBSD 2.5, 3.0, 3.1SunOS 4.1.3_U1, 4.1.4TCT requires Perl 5.004 or later, although Perl 5.000 is probablysufficient if you only use the data collection software, and dothe analysis on a different machine.Extensions by other peopleTCT has inspired people to implement additional functionality.In order to have your software listed here, send mail to thetct-users mailing list (see below).HP-UXsupport by Knut Ecksteintctutils by BrianCarrier (backup copy).Since Dan&Wietse's resources are limited we are usually unable totake over the maintenance of contributed code.Mailing list This mailing list is now closed. The announcement belowis kept for historical reasons.

Program which dumps system memory to the standard output stream, skipping overholes in memory maps. By default, the program dumps the contents of physicalmemory.This program will not work if CONFIG_STRICT_DEVMEM is enabled in kernel. Since2.6 version, several kernels are enabling this option by default.memdump is useful in security tests and forensics investigations. Tags: Implemented in: C, Role: Program, Scope: Utility

I'm having an issue with memdump/memdumpbin - for some reason it's not producing a memory dump. I've tried with and without running the program under DEBUG (MS-Debug). DosBox gives me the correct log message of "DEBUG: Memory dump success.", however I cannot find memoydump.txt/bin under my current directory, where DosBox is installed, or where the program I'm debugging is installed. I've also done multiple full-system searches for these files and they do not exist. e24fc04721

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