Savory Scones

Savory Scones

What you need:

1 Large Cookie Sheet

1 mixing bowl


Cookie Ingredients:

450 g Self Rising Flour 1 ¾ c

2 tsp baking powder

1 tsp dry mustard

3 ½ tbsp butter (cold cubed)

1 c cheddar cheese (grated)

6-8 oz fresh chives (chopped)

1 cup Milk (more if needed)


What you need to do: 

In a mixing bowl, sift flour, baking powder, and mustard. Then cut in your butter. Add ¾ of your cheese and all of your chives. Mix with your hands. Add you milk slowly until the dough comes together. Bake at 400 degrees for 12-15 minutes


Helpful Hints: 

Once your remove them from the oven, drizzle with honey or serve with clotted cream.


Thank you,

Melissa Sunshine