Mehdi El-Herradi   

International Monetary Fund

Research interests: Empirical Macro, Inequality, Applied econometrics

Journal Papers

Monetary policy and income inequality in the Euro Area (with J.Creel), International Journal of Finance and Economics, 2024

Inflation and the income share of the rich (with J. de Haan and A. Leroy), Review of Income and Wealth, 2023

Digitalization and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic (with N.Abidi and S. Sakha), Telecommunications Policy, 2023

Inflation et inégalités (with A.Leroy), Regards Croisés sur l’Économie, 2023

The rich, poor, and middle class: Banking crises and income distribution (with A. Leroy), Journal of International Money & Finance, 2022

Monetary policy and the top 1% (with A.Leroy), International Journal of Central Banking, 2021

Do rising top incomes fuel credit expansion? (with A. Leroy), Economics Letters, 2020

Politique monétaire et inégalités, Regards Croisés sur l’Économie, 2019

IMF Working Papers

The Nexus of Climate and Monetary Policy: Evidence from the Middle-East and Central Asia (with N.Abidi and B.Yontcheva), IMF WP

Navigating the well-being effects of monetary policy: Evidence from the Euro Area (with A. Leroy), IMF WP


Middle-East and Central Asia Regional Economic Outlook, IMF (Oct. 21)

Un análisis integral de los efectos distributivos de la Política Monetaria no convencional en la Eurozona, Fundación Alternativas