MeGraph: Capturing Long-Range Interactions by Alternating Local and Hierarchical Aggregation on Multi-Scaled Graph Hierarchy
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Honghua Dong* · Jiawei Xu* · Yu Yang* · Rui Zhao · Shiwen Wu · Chun Yuan · Xiu Li · Chris J. Maddison · Lei Han


Graph neural networks, which typically exchange information between local neighbors, often struggle to capture long-range interactions (LRIs) within the graph. Building a graph hierarchy via graph pooling methods is a promising approach to address this challenge; however, hierarchical information propagation cannot entirely take over the role of local information aggregation. To balance locality and hierarchy, we integrate the local and hierarchical structures, represented by intra- and inter-graphs respectively, of a multi-scale graph hierarchy into a single mega graph. Our proposed MeGraph model consists of multiple layers alternating between local and hierarchical information aggregation on the mega graph. Each layer first performs local-aware message-passing on graphs of varied scales via the intra-graph edges, then fuses information across the entire hierarchy along the bidirectional pathways formed by inter-graph edges. By repeating this fusion process, local and hierarchical information could intertwine and complement each other. To evaluate our model, we establish a new Graph Theory Benchmark designed to assess LRI capture ability, in which MeGraph demonstrates dominant performance. Furthermore, MeGraph exhibits superior or equivalent performance to state-of-the-art models on the Long Range Graph Benchmark. The experimental results on commonly adopted real-world datasets further demonstrate the broad applicability of MeGraph.

Challenge: Capturing Long-Range Interactions

From Multi-scaled Graph to Mega Graph

Most existing hierarchical methods like Graph U-Nets [1] and HGNet [2] successfully enlarged the nodes’ receptive fields by building the hierarchy. They downsample the graph by performing Graph poolings that consist of SELECT, CONNECT, and REDUCE steps. It forms a Graph Pyramid which involves multi-scaled graphs derived from iterative graph pooling, with the height indicating different scales.

However, such hierarchy-focused structures failed to keep multiple rounds of local aggregation in the same granity. 

Instead, we propose to view the graph hierarchy as a single mega graph, where

Message passing over such mega graph performs both local and hierarchical information aggregations. 

Basic Notations

Mega Graph Message Passing

We proposed the MeGraph model to dynamically build the mega graph and perform specialized message passing on that. The overall architecture is illustrated below, where blue and green circles represent features of intra- and inter-graphs, respectively.

In this figure, the horizontal and vertical directions represent the interaction among the local structure (intra-graph) and graph hierarchy (inter-graph) respectively. MeGraph consists of three parts: 

Alternating Local and Hierarchical Aggregation

The Mee layer performs both local and hierarchical information aggregation. We design a bidirectional pathway (powered by residual connections) to facilitate the hierarchical information aggregation process. The detailed architecture is illustrated below, where the grey and golden arrows represent the intra and inter-GN blocks.

Steps of Mee layer (rightward, downward, and upward in the figure direction):

Graph Pooling Choices and Improvements

There are many graph pooling methods, we mainly use EdgePool [3] for our experiments due to its simplicity and ability to preserve the graph’s connectivity.

However, EdgePool only allows merging two nodes in the pooling, limiting the pooling ratio (η) for the node to ≥50%. We further propose Strided-EdgePool (S-EdgePool) to overcome this, which dynamically tracks the clusters of nodes created by the contraction of selected edges without increasing the time complexity.


We established a Graph Theory Benchmark for LRIs

The MeGraph model significantly outperforms the no-hierarchy and hierarchy-based baselines in both medium and large settings.

The comparison among S-EdgePool variants also suggests the importance of allowing a customizable pooling ratio (η) and pooling stride (τ, the maximal number of nodes to be merged).

We achieved better or comparable performance than previous SOTA on LRGB [4]

MeGraph shows generality on widely adopted real-world benchmarks

Ablation Study

The figure shows the node classification accuracy for MeGraph on two synthetic datasets (TreeCycle and TreeGrid).


For more details, please read our paper.

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  title={MeGraph: Capturing Long-Range Interactions by Alternating Local and Hierarchical Aggregation on Multi-Scaled Graph Hierarchy},

  author={Dong, Honghua and Xu, Jiawei and Yang, Yu and Zhao, Rui and Wu, Shiwen and Yuan, Chun and Li, Xiu and Maddison, Chris J and Han, Lei},

  booktitle={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},




[1] Hongyang Gao and Shuiwang Ji. Graph u-nets. In international conference on machine learning, pages 2083–2092. PMLR, 2019.

[2] Ladislav Rampášek and Guy Wolf. Hierarchical graph neural nets can capture long-range interactions. In 2021 IEEE 31st International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP), pages 1–6. IEEE, 2021.

[3] Frederik Diehl, Thomas Brunner, Michael Truong Le, and Alois Knoll. Towards graph pooling by edge contraction. In ICML 2019 workshop on learning and reasoning with graph-structured data, 2019.

[4] Vijay Prakash Dwivedi, Ladislav Rampasek, Mikhail Galkin, Ali Parviz, Guy Wolf, Anh Tuan Luu, and Dominique Beaini. Long range graph benchmark. In Thirty-sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Datasets and Benchmarks Track, 2022.