The square root of negative 1 is not a real number. Real numbers can be represented on a number line. The square root of negative 1 cannot be represented on the number line is called an imaginary number.

Reviewing the concept of a square root makes understanding the meaning of the square root of -1 easier. The square root of a number is a number multiplied times itself. For instance, the square root of 16 is 4 or -4.

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So what number, positive or negative, can multiply times itself and the result be -1? The {eq}\sqrt-1 = \pm i {/eq}. The value of i times i or -i times -i equals -1. The unit i was developed years ago when trying to find a solution to the equation {eq}x^2 + 1 = 0 {/eq}. The only solution that would make the equation true is the square root of -1.

During the 16th century in Venice, Italy, solving equations was considered sacred information for the intellectuals. One in particular intellectual, Niccolo Tartaglia, was studying quadratic and cubic equations in reference to item in flight. During his studies, he and other mathematician realized some equations had solutions which were the square roots of negative numbers. By utilizing the square root of negative numbers, they realized valid solutions could still by provided.

How do you take the square root of -1? It's useful for us to review a few things about the concept of square roots. When we take the square root of a number, 25 for example, we are looking for a number that, when multiplied by itself, equals exactly that number (in this case, 25). There are precisely two numbers that satisfy this equation: 5 and -5.

But what happens when we try to take the square root of a negative number? No real number, when multiplied against itself, will result in a negative number, so at first glance, it looks like -1 and other negative numbers have no square root.

The unit i, also referred to as imaginary number i, represents the value of the square root of -1. Taking the square root of a number means finding a number times itself, positive or negative, that will give the value of the square root. Observe the table and recognize patterns that take place. The first 10 powers of i are represented in the following the table. The exponent rules are the same for the values of i as with any other number.

An imaginary number is the value of the square root of a negative number. There is no place on the number line to represent them. The letter "i" is used to represent an imaginary number. The term imaginary was given not because the the values are non-existent, but given because there was no "real number" solution for the equation {eq}x^2 + 1 = 0 {/eq}.

The square root of a number is a number multiplied times itself. The {eq}\sqrt-1 = \pm i {/eq}. The unit i was developed years ago when trying to find a solution to the equation {eq}x^2 + 1 = 0 {/eq}. The unit i, also known as imaginary number i, represents the value of the square root of -1 and part of the number system called imaginary numbers. An imaginary number is the value of the square root of a negative number. The numbers are not fake just simply have no place on the number line like real numbers. Real numbers are numbers that can be represented on a number line. Real and imaginary number are part of the complex number system. Complex numbers contain a combination of real number and an imaginary number: -4 + 3i, 16 - i, 5 + 2i.

Complex numbers take the form a + bi where a and b are both real numbers and i is the imaginary part. For example, our solution for the square root of -1 can be considered to be two complex numbers: 0 + i and 0 - i. Real numbers are a subset of complex numbers where b = 0 and a can be any real number.

Although the concept of the square root of -1 started out as merely a theoretical mathematical exercise, it ends up having a lot of uses in modern life. For example, in electrical engineering, designers of computer circuit boards, cell phones, and tablets use imaginary numbers to help them design ever more complex, compact, and efficient systems to help power the modern world. Other fields that use this concept include quantum mechanics, heat diffusion, optics, and fluid dynamics, just to name a few.

The square root of a number is a number that, when multiplied by itself, equals exactly that number. When taking the square root of a positive number, the result is always two numbers, but the square root of a negative number?

Early mathematicians thought it was impossible, as no real number, when multiplied against itself, will result in a negative number. The result of any such computation was called an imaginary number, implying that these numbers had no practical use or real value. The name stuck and the symbol assigned is i. So our answer for the problem of the square root of -1 is two numbers: +i and -i.

The idea is that at each iteration, you add one bit onto r, the "current" square root of x; each square root is accurate modulo a larger and larger power of 2, namely t/2. At the end, r and t/2-r will be square roots of x modulo t/2. (Note that if r is a square root of x, then so is -r. This is true even modulo numbers, but beware, modulo some numbers, things can have even more than 2 square roots; notably, this includes powers of 2.) Because our actual square root is less than 2^32, at that point we can actually just check if r or t/2-r are real square roots. In my actual code, I use the following modified loop:

The speedup here is obtained in three ways: precomputed start value (equivalent to ~10 iterations of the loop), earlier exit of the loop, and skipping some t values. For the last part, I look at z = r - x * x, and set t to be the largest power of 2 dividing z with a bit trick. This allows me to skip t values that wouldn't have affected the value of r anyway. The precomputed start value in my case picks out the "smallest positive" square root modulo 8192.

Your algorithm may be nearly optimal, but you might want to do a quick check to rule out some possibilities before calling your square root routine. For example, look at the last digit of your number in hex by doing a bit-wise "and." Perfect squares can only end in 0, 1, 4, or 9 in base 16, So for 75% of your inputs (assuming they are uniformly distributed) you can avoid a call to the square root in exchange for some very fast bit twiddling.

This should be faster because it reduces the number of division operations done in naive square rooting down to a simple divide by 2 (actually a * 0.5F multiply operation) and replace it with a few fixed number of multiplication operations instead.

I'm not sure if it would be faster, or even accurate, but you could use John Carmack's Magical Square Root, algorithm to solve the square root faster. You could probably easily test this for all possible 32 bit integers, and validate that you actually got correct results, as it's only an appoximation. However, now that I think about it, using doubles is approximating also, so I'm not sure how that would come into play.

It should be much faster to use Newton's method to calculate the Integer Square Root, then square this number and check, as you do in your current solution. Newton's method is the basis for the Carmack solution mentioned in some other answers. You should be able to get a faster answer since you're only interested in the integer part of the root, allowing you to stop the approximation algorithm sooner.

Another optimization that you can try: If the Digital Root of a number doesn't end in 1, 4, 7, or 9 the number is not a perfect square. This can be used as a quick way to eliminate 60% of your inputs before applying the slower square root algorithm.

This can be generalized to any modulus m, ie. n % m can be used to rule out some percentage of numbers from being perfect squares. The modulus you are currently using is 64, which allows 12, ie. 19% of remainders, as possible squares. With a little coding I found the modulus 110880, which allows only 2016, ie. 1.8% of remainders as possible squares. So depending on the cost of a modulus operation (ie. division) and a table lookup versus a square root on your machine, using this modulus might be faster.

I used java BigInteger and a slightly modified version of Newton's method, one that works better with integers. The problem was that exact squares n^2 converged to (n-1) instead of n because n^2-1 = (n-1)(n+1) and the final error was just one step below the final divisor and the algorithm terminated. It was easy to fix by adding one to the original argument before computing the error. (Add two for cube roots, etc.)

If you do not need micro-optimization, this answer is better in terms of simplicity and maintainability. If you will be calculating negative numbers, you will need to handle that accordingly, and send the absolute value into the function. I have included a minor optimization because no perfect squares have a tens digit of 2, 3, 7, or 8 due to quadratic residues mod 10.

I had a negative comment that my previous edit did not work for large numbers. The OP mentioned Longs, and the largest perfect square that is a Long is 9223372030926249001, so this method works for all Longs.

for calculating square roots, but it's meant to be used for decimals. I wondered what would happen if I just coded the same algorithm using integer maths. Would it even converge on the right answer? I didn't know, so I wrote a program...

To calculate the true RMS current, you need to take a large number of readings at regular intervals over a whole number of mains cycles. Last time I did this on an Arduino, I took a reading every 500us and accumulated 200 readings over 0.1 sec (which works for both 50Hz and 60Hz mains). Square each reading and add it to a running total that was initialized to zero. When you have accumulated the required number of readings, divide the total by the number of readings, then take the square root, and that is the RMS current. ff782bc1db

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