Citrus and Bat


10"x 8"

Reduction prints 

November 4, 2022

This piece is part of a collection of other prints that I named CITRUS AND BAT. It is a reduction relief print that was carved on a linoleum block. A reduction print is when the same linoleum block is carved multiple times to create a multi-colored layered print. For this collection I made 5 different colored bats and 3 of each. All 15 of these prints went through the press 4 different times. The 5 in the collection are LEMON, ORANGE, GRAPEFRUIT, BLOOD ORANGE, and LIME. I finished the collection on November 4, 2022. 

I got the idea of doing citrus because I have a black and white tattoo of what was originally a lime. People always ask what kind of citrus it is. So I started to respond with a list of all the different kinds,  and ended it with “it is up to you”. Also all the citrus I chose to do were mostly monochromatic so I was able to layer the ink properly. The bat pictured is actually a vampire bat, not a fruit bat, and I in fact did do that on purpose. I like the look of vampire bat’s noses. I also came up with the design in October so a vampire bat seemed fitting for Halloween.