Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Last updated: May 18, 2023


This Privacy Policy applies to the Meet AI app and Tijimu Ltd. Meet AI is a comprehensive AI product that provides multiple AI models and aims to provide consumers with a general platform for accessing AI products. In this policy, "personal data" means any information that relates to, describes, or is attributable to an individual.

Applicability: This policy applies to the use of data by Meet AI, which may include: (i) data uploaded by users (ii) records of usage data by users

Changes: We may update this policy from time to time to reflect changes in laws, regulations, operational requirements, our practices and other factors. Please check this Policy periodically for updates. If any changes are unacceptable to you, you should stop interacting with us. As required by applicable law, we will notify you of any changes to this policy.

Definitions: For purposes of this Policy, you or you mean the individual accessing or using the Services, or, as applicable, the company or other legal entity accessing or using the Services on behalf of an individual. Company (referred to in this Agreement as "the Company", "we", "our" or "our") means Tajimu Limited Liability Company. Usage data is data that is collected automatically through the use of the service or the service infrastructure itself (for example, the duration of a page visit).

2.Personal information we collect

This product does not collect any personal privacy information of users, but some service provider technologies we use may collect the following information to help us provide better services:

Usage Data: We may automatically collect information about your use of the Services, such as the types of content you view or engage in, the features you use and the actions you take, as well as your time zone, country, date and time of access, user agent and version, type of computer or mobile device, computer connection, IP address, etc.

Device information: including the device name, operating system you are using. The information collected may depend on the type of device you use and its settings.

Cookies: We use cookies to operate and manage our services and to improve your service experience. A "cookie" is a piece of information sent to your browser by the website you visit. You can set your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies or to notify you when a cookie is offered so that you can decide whether to accept it each time. However, in some cases, refusing cookies may prevent you from using the website or certain areas or features of the website, or negatively affect the display or functionality of the website. For more detailed information on cookies, please visit About Cookies.

Analytics: We may use various online analytics products that use cookies to help us analyze how users use our Services and to enhance your experience when you use the Services.

Uploading Information: Our App allows you to upload text messages, photos, screenshots, and other communications within the App, even if you choose to do so, your text messages, photos, screenshots and other communications will not be stored and used by us , which we will only use to provide our services. Additionally, if you choose to share these items with other users, we are not responsible for any use or misuse of the information you share. At the same time, we do not guarantee that the generated content can be used for commercial purposes.

Transaction Information: To complete a commercial transaction in-store, you will need to provide your payment information, including your credit card number, card expiration date, CVV code and billing address. In this case, we will securely transfer your information directly to the Apple App Store. We do not process or store your payment information. However, we may record other information about purchases you make on the Services, which may include the date, time and amount of the transaction, as well as other behavioral information.

3.How we use personal information

We may use Personal Information for the following purposes:

Aggregated or De-Identified Information. We may aggregate or de-identify some information and use the information to analyze the effectiveness of our Services, to improve and add features to our Services, to conduct research and for other similar purposes. In addition, from time to time, we may analyze the general behavior and characteristics of users of our Services and share aggregated information like general user statistics with third parties, publish such aggregated information or make such aggregated information generally available. We may collect aggregated information through the Services, through cookies, and through other means described in this Privacy Policy. We will maintain and use de-identified information in anonymous or de-identified form and we will not attempt to reidentify the information.

4.Security of your personal data

The security of your personal data is important to us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet is 100% secure. Although we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

So please remember, try not to access any other connections in the app, or upload other personal privacy information such as accounts in the app in places other than the app

5.Links to other websites

The Service may contain links to other websites not operated or controlled by Meet AI, including social media services (“Third Party Sites”). The information that you share with Third Party Sites will be governed by the specific privacy policies and terms of service of the Third Party Sites and not by this Privacy Policy. By providing these links we do not imply that we endorse or have reviewed these sites. Please contact the Third Party Sites directly for information on their privacy practices and policies.

6.Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.

Before the changes take effect, we will notify you via email and/or a prominent notice on our Services and update the "Last Updated" date at the top of this Privacy Policy.

You are advised to periodically review this Privacy Policy for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when posted on this page.

7.Contact us

If you have any questions about this Policy or wish to exercise your rights under this Policy or applicable law, you may contact us at