But I Love You Book By Niyoti Pdf

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But I Love You: A Heartwarming Romance Novel by Niyoti Khilare

But I Love You is a romance novel by Niyoti Khilare that tells the story of Aarav and Ananya, two childhood friends who fall in love with each other. However, their relationship faces many challenges as they belong to different castes, religions and backgrounds. Will they be able to overcome the obstacles and stay together? Or will they have to sacrifice their love for the sake of their families and society?

The book is a touching and realistic portrayal of the struggles and joys of interfaith and intercaste love in India. It explores the themes of friendship, loyalty, courage, faith and forgiveness. The book also showcases the beauty and diversity of Indian culture and traditions. The author has written the book with a lot of emotion and humor, making it an engaging and enjoyable read.

But I Love You is a book that will make you laugh, cry and root for the protagonists. It is a book that will touch your heart and inspire you to follow your dreams. It is a book that will make you believe in the power of love.The book is divided into three parts: The Beginning, The Middle and The End. The Beginning introduces the main characters and their backgrounds. Aarav is a Hindu boy who belongs to a wealthy and influential family. He is smart, handsome and popular. Ananya is a Muslim girl who comes from a middle-class and conservative family. She is beautiful, intelligent and kind. They meet as kids in school and become best friends. They share a bond that transcends their differences and they support each other through thick and thin.

The Middle depicts the development of their romantic feelings and their decision to confess their love. They face a lot of opposition and criticism from their families and society, who do not approve of their relationship. They also have to deal with their own insecurities and doubts, as well as the interference of some jealous and malicious people who try to separate them. They have to fight for their love and prove themselves to the world.

The End reveals the outcome of their struggle and the consequences of their choices. They have to face some unexpected twists and turns that test their faith and loyalty. They have to make some sacrifices and compromises that challenge their happiness and future. They have to find a way to balance their love and their duties. They have to decide whether they will stay together or part ways.The book is a roller coaster ride of emotions and events that will keep you hooked till the end. It is a book that will make you feel the pain and joy of the characters. It is a book that will make you think about the issues and problems that plague our society. It is a book that will make you question your own beliefs and values. It is a book that will make you appreciate the diversity and richness of our culture. It is a book that will make you hope for a better and more tolerant world.

But I Love You is a book that you should not miss. It is a book that will stay with you long after you finish reading it. It is a book that will make you say "But I Love You" to the people who matter the most in your life. 66dfd1ed39

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