Workshop on Media Forensics

CVPR 2019, Long Beach, USA

Monday, 17th June @ Room 102A


The recent advent of techniques that generate photo-realistic fully synthetic images and videos, and the increasing prevalence of misinformation associated with such fabricated media have raised the level of interest in the computer vision community. Both academia and industry have addressed this topic in the past, but only recently, with the emergence of more sophisticated ML and CV techniques, has multimedia forensics has become a broad and prominent area of research.


  • Media forensics
  • Detection of forged and manipulated images, documents and video
  • Discrimination between computer graphics and photographic images
  • Reconstruction of media genealogy
  • Analysis and detection of imagery and videos created by new synthesis methods such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
  • Counter-forensics, i.e. methods to defeat traditional media forensics

Best paper Award

NVIDIA sponsored the best paper award consisting in a Titan V GPU for the winner(s). The winner of the award was the paper:

Extracting camera-based fingerprints for video forensics. Davide Cozzolino, Giovanni Poggi, Luisa Verdoliva
