
To have discovered the...

Supreme Sacred Symbol to Manifest Urgent Protection and Miracles

More than 3,189 People Around the World Have Used This Blessed Symbol of St. Benedict to Manifest Urgent Miracles and Protection Against Evil, as...

Receive the miracles you've always prayed for...

Providential protection in disastrous situations…

Unexpected help, benefits and opening doors to opportunities…

Urgent financial assistance in difficult times...

Now it is your turn to carry this “Secret Weapon of the Church” with you and receive abundant miracles and blessings like so many other people.

Catholic Saint Benedict Medal Necklace for Women Men Stainless Steel Silver Color
Catholic Saint Benedict Medal Necklace Size for Women Men Stainless Steel Silver Color


On this powerful St. Benedict protection medal, for today only.

You are about to discover how the amazing combination of the Holy Creed of St. Benedict and his 3 Solemn Blessings can easily manifest urgent miracles in YOUR life...

Dear brothers and sisters,

Do you want the opportunity to start attracting miracles through your Christian faith?

And do you want to attract healing and financial abundance without feeling alone or like you are “praying endlessly and not being heard”? (like how most people feel…)

Then this Sacred Symbol of Saint Benedict could be the most important discovery of the year for you!

Divine guidance has brought you to this precise moment, with a specific symbol, solemnly approved and recommended by the Church, endowed with immense protective properties and an astonishing track record of proven miracles.

No matter how small or insignificant you feel, God KNOWS your full potential, even if you don't realize it yet.In fact, God is ALWAYS watching over you and has sent his great protective saints to keep you out of danger.

No matter where you are, or what traumatic experiences you have had in life... Nothing is stronger than the combination of St. Benedict's blessing and his sacred symbol when it comes to manifesting urgent miracles and unexpected.

And the reason is simple…

Saint Benedict

St. Benedict is the No. 1 Saint for invoking Divine Miracles and Urgent Protection.

It’s true… Saint Benedict is the most formidable of saints and his power is feared by the Devil himself.

You can call on St. Benedict ANY time you need help with urgent miracles… In fact, he loves it when you call on him.

The Holy Father Benedict wants to help you realize your most personal prayer wishes.

He will intervene on your behalf to help you achieve the miracles you seek... as long as these wishes come from a positive intention for you or for someone else.

As a child of God, it is your divine right to receive help, in any form and whenever you ask for it.

Seeing you live a life of prosperity and abundance is the great desire of God and of Saint Benedict.

And that's not all…

More than any other symbol... the Holy Cross of Saint Benedict helps you ward off all evil and amplify your "Miracle Intentions".

St. Benedict is widely recognized as the patron saint of urgent miracles and protection from all evil, curses and vices.

According to French priest Dom Guéranger, the medal is very effective for:

Obtain urgent miracles for financial needs, health and deliverance;

Purify your body of fear, anxiety and negative energies;

Release any hold of the evil of vice on you and your loved ones Ask for inner peace/spiritual healing;

Heal bodily ailments, particularly to protect against contagious diseases;

Destroy the effects of witchcraft and all other diabolical and malicious influences;

Heal those who suffer from wounds and illnesses;

Obtain the conversion of sinners, especially when they are in danger of death.

This works especially well if you have a prayer wish that has been on your mind for a long time.

And here's the best to come...

St. Benedict has a Special Connection with this Powerful Sacred Symbol…Here’s Why…

On December 23, 1741, it was approved by Pope Benedict XIV who solemnly recommended that it be worn by all the faithful.

This is no ordinary religious pendant, the symbol contains an extremely powerful Latin prayer, that "no evil can withstand".

This is why it has even been nicknamed “the Church’s Most Powerful Weapon Against Evil”.

As you already know, Benedict of Nursia is the number 1 saint to meet the urgent need for miracles and protection.

And the powers of St. Benedict also have a strong affinity with this symbol.

That’s because… This sacred symbol was actually designed and crafted by St. Benedict himself!

what is the significance of saint benedict medal

The medal is a way to obtain God’s blessings and protection through the intercession of St. Benedict. Wearing it is a way to remind ourselves of our life in Christ and the promises of heaven.  It is a form of prayer and yet another way we can incorporate God into our daily lives.

According to the Order of St. Benedict, “The medal is a prayer of exorcism against Satan, a prayer for strength in time of temptation, a prayer for peace among ourselves and among the nations of the world, a prayer that the Cross of Christ be our light and guide, a prayer of firm rejection of all that is evil, a prayer of petition that we may with Christian courage ‘walk in God’s ways, with the Gospel as our guide,’ as St. Benedict urges us.”

After reading that powerful description of the prayer of the St. Benedict Medal, I am sure that you will agree it is a “weapon” Christians need in our day and age. We are faced with evil and temptation. Anything we can use to help us in our battle will encourage and strengthen us in our fight!

It also contains 3 Extremely Powerful Blessings...

Administered by monks within the Basilica of Saint Benedict of Norcia, the Sanctuary of Saint Benedict is the most sacred in Italy.

The father


The first prayer is to ask for God's blessing on the medal bearer, which is granted through the intercession of St. Benedict.

The son


The second prayer is a detailed and solemn commemoration of the agony, suffering and death of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit


The third prayer is to grant the power of exorcism, giving the medal special powers to counter the influence of Satan and his forces.

The presence of Saint-Benedict is closely linked to this Particular Medal, blessed on the birthplace of Saint-Benoît himself...

The Basilica of Saint Benedict, Norcia, Italy (consecrated by Saint Benedict of Nursia)

The Basilica of Saint Benedict, Norcia, Italy(consecrated by Saint Benedict of Nursia)

It is one of the most spiritually important sites. Located in Norcia, Italy, this place is dedicated to Saint Benedict…

The region was constantly rocked by earthquakes and natural disasters, but through divine intervention, surprisingly, none of the monks were ever harmed...

As you already know, St. Benedict is the number 1 saint for meeting urgent needs and miracles in your life.

Whatever you ask for during your prayer will be answered.

And when you wear his sacred symbol, you signal to the heavenly realms to chase away negative energies and, more than anything else, immediately begin attracting miracles through the grace of St. Benedict.

The medal of Saint Benedict is endowed with the same unshakable faith and the same miraculous power of deliverance from harmful disasters.

When you combine the intercession of St. Benedict and the sacred symbol of protection, you are equipped with unstoppable strength to manifest miracles at an unparalleled level of faith.

This medal can guide you to unlock opportunities for financial gain, powerful emotional and physical healing, and divine protection throughout the year...even while you sleep!

With the protection of St. Benedict protecting you 24/7, you will have all the time in the world to live the life you deserve...

As your renewed connection opens you to torrents of miracle, like urgent healing, extra money to pay the bills, or living that lifelong dream...

Around the world, thousands of people have used these medals to manifest their desires.

And you can too! As long as you use them with good intentions...

Manifesting Unexpected Miracles with the St. Benedict Medal is as easy as counting to 3.

Step 1 – Pray to God

Close your eyes for a few seconds and say a prayer for the miracle you wish to attract.Let your mind be silent and surrender yourself to the hand of God so that your desires are inspired by the spirit.Your prayer wish could be something as simple as receiving financial help the following week to pay the rent.Once you do, that’s when you call on St. Benedict for help and tap into his strength.

Step 2 - Wear the Medal

Wear the medal around your neck or on your body to keep it close to you.The St. Benedict medal is like a bulletproof vest for spiritual protection!You will also be connected by faith to the divine power of St. Benedict and open the floodgates to receive miracles.

Step 3 – Behold the Miracles

How many times can you ask St. Benedict for miracles?As long as you reach out in faith and with good intentions – there is no limit.Here's the fun part. This is where you sit back and begin to open yourself to the multitude of miracles that will begin to flow towards you.More peace and contentment.More financial opportunities.Greater protection against bad influences.Better health and well-being .Being open to divine miracles also means you will have the power to bring miracles into other people's lives - so use it wisely!

Catholic Saint Benedict Medal Necklace for Women Men Stainless Steel Silver Color San Benito Religious Chain JewelryStyle:Catholic Saint Benedict Medal NecklaceMaterial:Stainless Steel Necklace JewelrySize:50cm chain(AS SHOW Pendant)

An exclusive medal of the Sacred Cross of Saint Benedict

Inscription of a powerful Latin prayer of exorcism

3 solemn blessings performed

Lightweight and made for everyday wear

Strengthen your spiritual connection with St. Benedict and his powers for urgent needs and daily protection

It is recommended to put the Saint Benedict medal around your neck, or to carry it on your person... in order to be able to invoke Saint Benedict at any time of the day and ask for his help to attract miracles and protection.

You will Attract Unexpected Opportunities, and the Miracles you have prayed for will begin to manifest in your life, like...

Miracles of financial abundance: it is not uncommon to receive unexpected gains or investments

Divine healing: some medal wearers have experienced physical, spiritual and emotional healing

Providential protection against unforeseen disasters: medal bearers also received help to avoid calamities and catastrophes

The door open to infinite positive opportunities: it is not uncommon to receive advice and blessings

What is the investment to receive these NEW Miraculous Blessings and be Protected by a Bubble of Protection every day of your life?

I'm sure you'll agree...

By wearing the Sacred Symbol of Saint Benedict endowed with its 3 Solemn Blessings

You will strengthen your connection to the divine power that will allow you to begin manifesting the miracles you want in life this year.

Because today you receive a…

Special and LIMITED Time Discount on the Blessed Medal!


We want to send you one of these beautiful Holy Cross of St. Benedict medals for a fraction of what they would normally cost, if you order today.

You can reserve yours today by clicking the button below, we will send it to you for FREE by Post... but you need to hurry.

This window of opportunity is closing soon…

Each year we only receive a limited number of these pendants blessed by the monks of the Basilica of Saint Benedict, Italy.

Please don’t wait until “tomorrow” to decide. We don't know how long our current stock will last...

And we would really like everyone in our prayer circle to be connected by this pendant, so...

…claim your holy protection symbol of St. Benedict now (with free delivery)

Don’t let this UNIQUE Opportunity slip away…

Because we offer this protection medal ONLY on this page.

If you leave it, this opportunity may disappear.

It is time to take the first step and claim yours, in order to be able to receive the generous help of St-Benoît.

And enjoy the abundance of blessings and miracles that await you very soon…

YES ! Let Me Claim My Powerful Medal of St. Benedict Now

I understand that I can now claim my Saint Benedict Medal below at an exclusive and time-limited price.

I understand that the St. Benedict Medal is blessed and can help me manifest miracles and protection in my daily life.

The Saint Benedict Miracle Medal is $29.95 US  Including International FREE Shipping