Meaghan Wagar

Meaghan Wagar is a Mentor, Educator and Physics Teacher at Discovery High School. Wagar has taught STEM classes for more than 25 years. 

Meaghan Wagar Educator and Teacher

Meaghan Wagar has been a Mentor, Educator and Teacher for over two decades.  Wagar is currently a Physics teacher at Discovery High School, where she has taught since 2021.  Previous teaching experience includes the following:

Meaghan Wagar is passionate about her commitment to her school.  She actively participates in school events, extracurricular activities and happenings both before and after the school bell rings.  But when she isn’t wrapped up in the world of education, Wagar keeps busy with her own interests.  In 2009, Wagar authored her first-ever fiction novel: The Unexpected Gift.  She also enjoys baking, cooking and learning new recipes from her favorite culinary entertainment shows.  

Meaghan Wagar Baking Enthusiast