UNIFIED Products and Services Acai Berry  (PHP 2,070.00)​

What is the acai berry?
The acai berry is an inch-long, reddish-purple fruit. It comes from the acai palm tree, which is native to Central and South America. Some studies show that acai fruit pulp is even richer in antioxidants than cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, or blueberries.

What are the health benefits of Acai berries?
People eat acai berries to address various health conditions. But so far, acai berries have no known health benefit that’s different from similar fruits.
Acai Berry mixed fruit drink
All organic and all-natural
The all-in-one solution to your overall wellness.

A powerful blend of super fruits
– regulates sugar level
– prevents cardiovascular diseases
– improves heart function

– prevents urinary tract infection
– maintains healthy teeth and gums
​– increase testosterone levels in men
– reduces the risk of kidney stones
– prevents cancer

– improves brain functions
​​Boost your overall health and wellness using 10 natural and organic ingredients packed in a single bottle.

Can acai Berries boost weight loss?
Some weight loss products tout acai, but few studies have tested whether acai promotes weight loss.
There’s no doubt that berries and other fruits are a key part of any healthy diet. the jury’s still out on whether there is something special about acai’s ability to help shed excess pounds.

What are some other acai berry health benefits?
The acai berry has numerous health benefits and has been proven to protect virtually every system in the body. A few of these benefits include:
Weight loss: acai is composed of several vitamins and minerals, and works to suppress hunger, increase energy, and stimulate metabolism.
Digestive system aid: a high level of fiber makes acai berries a natural colon cleanser.
Boosts the immune system: the high concentration of antioxidants in acai berries helps to support the immune system by fortifying cells and fighting off intruders.
Acai Berry has also been proven to:
• enhance vision
• increase *** drive
• reduce inflammation
• improve the circulatory system

The Importance of Zinc and Calcium in Our Body

​Your body is actually a house.
Many houses are built with strong concrete. Some are made of wood. Others are composed of ceramics, metals, and steel bars. Whatever type, colour, or design, they are all made with the same purpose.
Our homes protect us from the harsh elements of nature. They are built to last for a lifetime, or at least, for many years. All its parts – the foundations, walls, and roof – make a strong house.
A strong house would exempt the homeowner from expenses and inconvenience.

The Body Is Like a Structure
Humans have different sizes and figures. But we are all made with the same purpose – to harbour the most important thing to us: the person living inside it. And just like houses, we are built to last for decades, even for a hundred years. We have to take care of our bodies. Otherwise, the structure might collapse and endanger the lives of the people living in it.
Therefore, it is essential to take good care of the materials upon which the structure is built. To do so, we should strengthen the foundations and materials. The framework or skeleton is what makes a house strong and unique. It will not have a robust structure without a well-planned framework.
Just like houses, our bodies have their own framework, with complete materials to hold the pieces together. Our body has its own framework that gives us a unique figure. The bones or skeletal system is the framework of the body. The muscles also play a large role to give us a definite shape.
That is why you can stand and have such a sexy body. The curves of our hips, the length of our legs, and the broadness of our shoulders – the bones and muscles make these all possible.

But Houses Can Deteriorate!
Yes, houses are built to last and stand to the test of time.
Unfortunately, no matter how carefully or well-planned they were built, no matter how beautiful they were made, the time comes when the parts will start to deteriorate.
The framework that had once held the pieces together will soon fall apart. Our bodies will soon start to weaken as we grow older. The concretes will start to form a crack. The foundations will not be as strong as before. Some parts of the system will lose its function.
The bones and muscles will start to deteriorate. This is because we will be losing a lot of vitamins and minerals as we go through the aging process. Two of the most important minerals that we lose are Zinc and Calcium. They are like termite-repellent in woods or anti-rust paint in steel. We need both of these minerals to keep our bones strong and maintain their normal shape.

How to Prevent It from Falling Apart?
It’s impossible to stop your bones from deteriorating as you grow older.
The good news, however, is that you can do something about it. You just have to repaint the steel or use more termite repellent. You can restore the structure to its former glory, or at least, gain some strength to make the house last longer.
Staying healthy is always the key. Of course, the right dose of vitamins and minerals such as Zinc and Calcium is necessary to keep those bones intact. Proper sleep and exercise are also a great help to strengthen your body’s framework
But the problem is that it’s hard and expensive to maintain that kind of lifestyle. You must eat different types of food to maintain a balanced level of Zinc and Calcium in your bones!
This is why natural food supplements like Acai Berry Mixed Fruit Drink are created to give people a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals such as Calcium and Zinc, without expensive diet plans and exercise regimens.

Acai Berry Mixed Fruit Drink can give you vitamins and minerals like Zinc and Calcium. Plus, it can also provide a lot of other health benefits:
• Promotes Heart Health
• Stops Bad Cell Proliferation
• Aids Weight Loss
• Promotes Skin Health
• Helps Digestion
• Reduces Irritation
• Improves Cellular Health
• Immune System Booster
• Has Anti-Aging Effects
• Boosts Energy
• Encourages a Healthy Libido
• Improves Mental Function

It’s time to try the miraculous creation of Mother Nature itself.
All Organic and All Natural!
It’s the all-in-one solution to your overall wellness.  

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