Price    PHP 750.00 

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UNIFIED Products and Services Absorbent Cee

The Mother of all vitamins ( Vitamin C )!

100% vegaetable capsule, Non Acidic Vitamin C

Unified gives you Absorbent CEE that gives you the following benefits!

☑ Strengthens immune system

☑ Improves eyesight

☑ Helps prevent heart disease

☑ Promotes healthy skin

☑ Strengthens teeth, gums and bones

☑ Reduces asthma incidence

☑ Increase body resistance from infectious diseases


Avail now and be healthy! Be unified!

VITAMIN C The Ultimate Antioxidant

Sodium Ascorbate Vitamin C

Sodium Ascorbate Vitamin C stays inside the cytoplasm of our cells for 14 hours and absorbs the viruses, bacteria, and free radicals that attack our cells. 

When it has absorbed enough invaders, it excretes them through our urine, perspiration and through our bowels.

The nucleus of the cell contains our DNA and performs all the cellular functions – so it needs food and also has to get rid of the toxins inside the cell.

This is definitely one of the most important functions of Sodium Ascorbate Vitamin C.


Vitamin C & Collagen

​The 2nd most important function of vitamin C is to help our body produce more COLLAGEN. 

Collagen is the protein that forms connective fibers in tissues such as skin, ligaments, cartilage, bones and teeth. 

​Collagen is also required for the repair of blood vessels, bruises, and broken bones. 





A non-acidic vitamin that strengthens the body’s immune system, fights common colds, viral and other types of infections, hastens wound healing and promotes collagen renewal. For prevention and treatment of Vitamin C deficiency.