Trustworthy data science for improving healthcare efficiency: the case of the medical referral process

Mission of the project

Trustworthy data science for improving healthcare efficiency: the case of the medical referral process

Characterizing specialty referral patterns to tackle organizational challenges

Perform a comparative analysis to characterize referral patterns between US and Portuguese health systems.

Accurate models for interpretable extreme classification, under imbalanced label distribution

Produce a transparent predictor that will work under extreme classification and ill-posed, inverse problems.

Trustworthy recommender system

Design a healthcare recommender system using graph neural networks and interpretable machine learning.

Dissemination, Management, and Ethics

Interact with real world implementations and policy recommendations. that are tightly related with ethics and data curation guidelines.


Contact to get more information on the project

This project is funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia through the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program under Grant CMU/TIC/0016/2021