Grants of the McIntyre Lab
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Dr. McIntyre
Research Funded as Faculty Member at Texas Tech University, 2000-present
Federal Sources
NSF-BIO LEAPS (Leading Culture Change through Professional Societies of Biology). K. Naithani (PI), N.E. McIntyre (co-PI), and .A. With (co-PI). 2024. IMPLEMENTATION: Shifting culture and mitigating inequities in landscape ecology through a collaborative network of professional societies. $1,359,303; 02/15/2024-01/31/2029.
Department of Interior - National Park Service. K. Griffis-Kyle (PI) and N. McIntyre (co-PI). 2023. Sonoran desert tortoise: Monitoring and population connectivity in the border region. $52,915; 04/01/2023-12/31/2024.
NSF-Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation. L. Schovanec (PI), R. Britt (co-PI), D. Hamilton (co-PI), R. Higgins (co-PI), and J. McNaughtan (co-PI). (I am Senior Personnel.) 2021. New STEM Pathways Implementation-Only Alliance: The Bridges Across Texas Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation. $2,017,456; 09/01/2021-08/31/2026.
Department of Interior - National Park Service. K. Griffis-Kyle (PI) and N. McIntyre (co-PI). 2021. Sonoran desert tortoise monitoring. $50,000; 06/01/2021-08/31/2022.
Department of Interior - National Park Service. K. Griffis-Kyle (PI) and N. McIntyre (co-PI). 2021. Southwest Border Resource Protection Program - Connectivity risk analysisto protect sensitive natural and cultural resources. $35,678; 06/01/2020-12/31/2021.
Department of Interior - National Park Service. K. Griffis-Kyle (PI) and N. McIntyre (co-PI). 2021. Southwest Border Resource Protection Program - Connectivity analysis of border roads to protect sensitive natural resources. Award supplement $10,012; 06/01/2021-12/31/2021.
Department of Interior - National Park Service. K. Griffis-Kyle (PI) and N. McIntyre (co-PI). 2020. Southwest Border Resource Protection Program - Connectivity analysis of border roads to protect sensitive natural resources. Award supplement $11,205; 05/15/2020-005/14/2021.
Department of Interior - National Park Service. K. Griffis-Kyle (PI) and N. McIntyre (co-PI). 2020. Southwest Border Resource Protection Program - Connectivity analysis of border roads to protect sensitive natural resources. $45,243; 05/15/2020-05/14/2021.
Department of Interior - National Park Service. K. Griffis-Kyle (PI) and N. McIntyre (co-PI). 2019. Great Plains CESU - Connectivity analysis of border roads to protect sensitive natural resources. $38,209; 06/01/2019-05/31/2020.
NSF-Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation. R. Higgins (PI), D. Hamilton (co-PI), and D. Jackson (co-PI). (I am Senior Personnel.) 2016. Pre-Alliance Planning: The Bridges Across Texas Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation. $125,000; 08/01/2017-01/31/2020.
USDA-NRCS-CIG. S. Longing (PI), R. Cox, N. McIntyre, C. McKenney, and C. West (Project Collaborators). 2015. Demonstration of pollinator conservation practices and a framework for regional implementation on the Southern High Plains. $761,781; 11/01/2015-10/31/2018.
Featured in Texas Tech Today -
Western Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies. K.L. Griffis-Kyle (PI) and N.E. McIntyre (co-PI). 2015. Assessment of landscape conservation success for non-target species at risk. $5364; 01/01/2016-12/31/2017.
NSF-Macrosystems Biology. N.E. McIntyre (PI) and K. Hayhoe (co-PI). 2013. Collaborative Proposal: Climatic and anthropogenic forcing of wetland landscape connectivity in the Great Plains. $309,080; 06/01/2014-5/31/2019.
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation - Desert and Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperatives. K.L. Griffis-Kyle (PI) and N.E. McIntyre (co-PI). 2013. Landscape connectivity of isolated waters in the Sonoran Desert for wildlife. $85,424; 01/01/2014-12/31/2015 (no-cost extention through 2016).
NSF-DMS (Division of Mathematical Sciences). L. Allen (PI), E. Allen (co-PI), S. Jang (co-PI), N. McIntyre (co-PI), and L.-I. Roeger (co-PI). 2013. Fourth International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Populations in Biological Systems (ICMA IV): Mathematical Modeling of Complex Dynamics from Cells to Ecosystems. $19,000; 09/01/13 - 08/31/14.
Mathematical Biosciences Institute. L. Allen (PI), E. Allen (co-PI), S. Jang (co-PI), N. McIntyre (co-PI), and L.-I. Roeger (co-PI). 2013. MBI Institute Partner Proposal: The Fourth International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Populations in Biological Systems (ICMA IV). $5000; 09/01/2013-08/31/2014.
NSF-Macrosystems Biology. N.E. McIntyre (PI), and K. Hayhoe (co-PI). 2010. Collaborative Proposal: Climate forcing of wetland connectivity in the Great Plains: An exploratory study using graph theory. $88,498; 09/01/2011-08/31/2013.
NSF press release -
NSF-PRISM (Proactive Recruitment in Science and Mathematics). Williams, G. (PI), J. Cañas (co-PI), J. Dwyer (co-PI), S. Jang (co-PI), and N.E. McIntyre (co-PI). 2010. RMR-TTU: Recruitment, Mentoring, and Research in Mathematics and Science at Texas Tech University. $1,457,733; 01/01/2011-12/31/2015 (no-cost extention through 2016).
NSF-LTER. Grimm, N.B., C.R. Redman, M. Elser, D. Hope, and P. McCartney. (I am Senior Personnel.) 2004. Central Arizona-Phoenix LTER: Phase 2. $4.9M.
State Sources
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. S. Kahl, R.D. Cox, C. Portillo-Quintero, G. Perry, and N. McIntyre. 2018. Landscape assessment of west and south Texas grasslands to inform conservation of two native reptile species of concern in Texas. $869,745; 09/01/2018-05/31/2023.
Featured in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources’ NewsCenter -
Advanced Research Program. Houck, M., and N. McIntyre. 2002. Landscape epidemiology of a Texas hantavirus: effect of habitat structure and potential role of ectoparasites on transmission dynamics. $249,520.
Texas Department of Agriculture. McIntyre, N.E., and P. Porter. 2001. Monitoring and control of the larger black flour beetle, an evolving threat to the cotton ginning industry on the Southern High Plains. $13,255.
Local Sources
TTU Wellbeing & Success Mini-grant Program. McIntyre, N.E. (PI). Request for travel support. $2000; 03/31/2024-04/04/2024.
Grand Challenge Catalyst Grant Program, Davis College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. S. Longing (PI), B. Kelly (co-PI), N. McIntyre (co-PI), A. Laubmeier (co-PI), and A. Pan (co-PI). Advancing biodiversity research to support transdisciplinary conservation innovation in Texas' ecosystems. $249,368; 09/01/2023-08/31/2026.
J.T. & Margaret Talkington College of Visual & Performing Arts, Texas Tech University. R. Little (PI), D. East, N. McIntyre, and C. Carmona. 2020. Constructing place with others: The East Lubbock Student Arts Promise. $5000. 09/01/2020-08/31/2021 (deferred due to COVID-19 pandemic).
Texas Tech University Open Access Publication Initiative. McIntyre, N.E., S.M. Starr, L.J. Heintzman, K.R. Mulligan, and L.S. Barbato. 2016. Using remotely sensed imagery to document how land use drives turbidity of playa waters in Texas. $1100.
Texas Tech University Proposal Support Program. K. Griffis-Kyle and N. McIntyre. 2016. Synergistic links between ecological traps and climate change in metapopulation dynamics: the keystone role of arid wetlands. $2000; 09/01/2016-08/31/2017.
Departmental F&A Mini-grant. McIntyre, N.E. 2006. Graduate student travel. $2500.
Texas Tech University Research Enhancement Fund. Cox, S.B., and N.E. McIntyre. 2005. Zoonoses in urban environments: a metapopulation perspective. $3300.
Texas Tech University Research Enhancement Fund. McIntyre, N.E. 2002. Pest control of the Larger Black Flour Beetle, an emerging threat to the cotton ginning industry on the Southern High Plains of Texas. $2668.
Texas Tech University Research Enhancement Fund. McIntyre, N.E. 2001. Population dynamics in heterogeneous environments: linking landscape ecology with metapopulation biology. $3000.
Industry Sources
Cotton Inc. Parajulee, M., P. Porter, N. McIntyre, and B. Baugh. 2007. Control of the Larger Black Flour Beetle in extended storage of cotton gin trash. $16,000.
Cotton Inc. Nansen, C., P. Porter, N.E. McIntyre, M.N. Parajulee, and B.A. Baugh. 2008. Multiple control options for the Larger Black Flour Beetle, Cynaeus angustus (LeConte) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), in cotton gin trash piles. $16,000.
Cotton Inc. Nansen, C., P. Porter, N.E. McIntyre, M.N. Parajulee, and B.A. Baugh. 2009. Control of the Larger Black Flour Beetle in extended storage of cotton gin trash. $25,000.
Cotton Inc. Nansen, C., J. Brown, D. Schaefer, P. Porter, N. McIntyre, M. Parajulee, and B. Baugh. 2010. Innovative control of the Larger Black Flour Beetle in cotton gin trash piles. $27,500.
HHMI Research Grant. Hamilton, D.E., C. Craig, and N. McIntyre. 2007. Radio-telemetry of female tarantulas (Aphonopelma hollyi). $5000.
Research Funded Prior to Faculty Position at Texas Tech University
Colorado State University Department of Biology Research Travel Award. N.E. McIntyre (PI). 1998. Interactions between habitat patch availability and configuration: Implications for animal movement. $200.
NASA-Michigan State University Professional Enhancement Award. N.E. McIntyre (PI). 1998. Interactions between habitat patch availability and configuration: implications for animal movement. $400.
Colorado State University Dissertation Fellowship. N.E. McIntyre (PI). 1997.Landscape heterogeneity at multiple scales: effects on movement patterns and habitat selection of eleodid beetles. $11,000.
Colorado State University Department of Biology Research Travel Award. N.E. McIntyre (PI). 1997. An empirical determination of the effects of landscape structure and the scale of patchiness on animal movements. $225.
Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research. N.E. McIntyre (PI). 1997. Consequences of landscape heterogeneity on animal movements: an empirical determination of the effects of hard and soft patch boundaries on percolation. $700.
Colorado Graduate Fellowship. Colorado State University. N.E. McIntyre (PI). 1996. Effects of landscape structure on animal movement patterns. $3491.
Colorado State University Department of Biology Research Travel Award. N.E. McIntyre (PI). 1996. Effects of internal and external motivational factors on animal movements in an experimental landscape. $300.
Colorado State University Department of Biology Research Travel Award. N.E. McIntyre (PI). 1995. Effects of vegetational architecture on the movements of insects on the shortgrass steppe. $300.
Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research. N.E. McIntyre (PI). 1995. Effects of vegetational architecture on movements of three beetle species occupying different trophic levels. $400.
Baker, K. (M.S. 2011) -
2009-10 - Graduate School Water Conservation Research Fellowship
2008-09 - AT&T Chancellor’s Fellowship
Biddy, A. (M.S. 2022) -
2021 - Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research
2021 - Systematics, Evolution, and Biodiversity Section, Entomological Society of America Student Research Travel Award
2021 - Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Grant-in-Aid of Research
2021 - International Association for Landscape Ecology-North America Student Virtual Travel Award
2021 - Dragonfly Society of the Americas Grant
Claassen, C. (undergraduate) -
2015-16 - NSF-PRISM Fellowship
Collins, S. (Ph.D. 2014) -
2013 - TTUAB Grant-in-Aid of Research
2013 - Endowment Fund for the Society for Freshwater Science
2013 - TTU Summer Dissertation Research Award
2012 - TTUAB Grant-in-Aid of Research
2011 - NASA-MSU Professional Enhancement Award
2010 - TTUAB Research Grant
2009-10 - TTU American Recovery and Reinvestment Act/VPR Scholarship
2009-10 - FY10 “Incentive 2 Graduate” Scholarship
Craig, C.N. (undergraduate) -
2007 - HHMI Research Grant
2006-07 - HHMI Research Fellowship
Dawsey, J. (M.S. in progress) -
2022-24 - Helen Devitt Jones Fellowship
Gary, D. (M.S. 2017) -
2016-17 - Congressional Internship, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, TTU
Girgente, H. (M.S. 2024) -
2023 - Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research
2022-2023 - TTU Graduate School Graduate Student Research Support Award
2021-2023 - TTU Graduate Recruitment Fellowship
2022 - Dragonfly Society of the Americas
2022 - Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research
2022 - TTUAB Grant-in-Aid of Research
Girgente, J. (M.S. 2024) -
2023 - Dept. of Biological Sciences Short Summer Research Assistantship Award
2022-2023 - TTU Graduate School Graduate Student Research Support Award
2021-2023 - TTU Graduate Recruitment Fellowship
2022 - TTUAB Grant-in-Aid of Research
Gossett, K. (undergraduate) -
2014-15 - NSF-PRISM Fellowship
Hamilton, D.E. (Ph.D. 2008) -
2007 - HHMI Research Grant
2006-07 - Texas Public Education Grant
2006-07 - HHMI Graduate Teaching Fellowship
2006 - TTUAB Summer Research Mini-Grant
2005-06 - Texas Public Education Grant
2004-05 - Texas Public Education Grant
2004 - Texas Tech University Association of Biologists Summer Mini-Grant
2003-04 - Texas Public Education Grant
2003-04 - University TEACH Fellowship
Heintzman, L. (M.S. 2013, Ph.D. 2019) -
2017 - TTU Water Conservation Research Scholarship
2017 - TTU Graduate Student Research Support Award
2016 - TTU Graduate School Travel Award
2016 - US Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology Travel Award
2015-18 - Elo and Olga Urbanovsky Assistantship
2015-16 - TTUAB Research Grant
2014 - TTUAB Research Grant
Hernandez, K. (undergraduate) -
2004-05 - HHMI Research Fellowship
Husband, D. (M.S. 2022) -
2021 - Dragonfly Society of the Americas
2020 - TTUAB Grant-in-Aid of Research
2020 - TTU Graduate School Graduate Student Research Support Award
Kempken, A. (M.A. 2023) –
2023 - Heritage and Museum Sciences mini-grant
2022 - Visitor Studies Association Student Scholarship
McLellan, L. (undergraduate) -
2008-09 - Honors College Undergraduate Research Fellowship
Owens, R. (undergraduate) -
2013-14 - NSF-PRISM Fellowship
2013-14 - Terry Foundation Scholarship
Parikh, N. (undergraduate) -
2012-13 - NSF-PRISM Fellowship
Randall, S. (undergraduate) -
2020-21 - NIH Plains Bridges to the Baccalaureate Program Fellowship
Reece, B.A. (Ph.D. 2009) -
2008 - TTU Graduate School Summer Dissertation Research Award
2007-08 - University TEACH Fellowship
2006 - TTUAB Summer Research Mini-Grant
2003-04 - AT&T Chancellor’s Fellowship
Ruiz, L. (undergraduate) -
2012-13 - NSF-PRISM Fellowship
Starr, S.M. (Ph.D. 2018) -
2016 - TTU Graduate School Summer Dissertation Research Award
2016 - TTU Graduate School Travel Award
2016 - TTUAB Travel Grant
2016 - US Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology Travel Award
2015-16 - TTU Doctoral Dissertation Completion Fellowship
2015-16 - Water Conservation Research Fellowship
2015 - TTU Graduate School Student Travel Grant
2015 - TTUAB Travel Grant
2015 - TTU Dept. Biological Sciences Travel Grant
2011-15 - The CH Foundation Doctoral Fellowship
2014 - Teaching Scholarship: Outstanding TA at 4000/Graduate Level
2013-14 - TTU/HHMI Graduate Teaching Scholarship
2013 - TTUAB Grant-in-Aid of Research
2012 - University TEACH Fellowship
Sutor, S. (Ph.D. candidate) -
2024 - TTU Doctoral Dissertation Completion Fellowship
2024 - NASA-MSU Professional Enhancement Award
2024 - David J. Morafka Memorial Research Award
2023 - Student Travel Award, International Association for Landscape Ecology-North America
2022 - TTUAB Grant-in-Aid of Research
2021 - Charles H. Lowe Herpetology Research Fund