
Lenard's room

にねんせいのクラスペット 「レナード」

(2nd grade class pet : Lenard)


(The student who takes Lenard home needs to record what he/she did with Lenard in the Lenard’s diary note in Japanese. Please use the sample quotes below for your reference.)

(Note to Parents: Per students’ requests, we received Lenard from Mrs. B. Lenard is a class stuffed sheep who goes home with one of the students everyday. Students are really excited to use Lenard in our class, and it seems like a big motivator to use Japanese at home! Please make sure you send Lenard back to school next day so that another student has a chance to spend some time with Lenard. Thank you so much for your help!)


(samples for Lenard's Diary)

(hint in English)

ぼく/わたしは レナードと ____________________をしました。

English: I <did something> with Lenard.

ex) しゅくだい (homework), なわとび (jump rope), パズル (puzzle),ぬりえ (coloring), りょうり (cooking), ...etc.

ぼく/わたしは レナードと 、_______といっしょに ____________________にいきました。

English : I went <somewhere> with <somebody> and Lenard.


<somewhere>: がっこう (school), こうえん (park), かいもの(shopping), どうぶつえん (zoo), ...etc.

<somebody>: ともだち (friend), かぞく (family),おばあちゃん(grandma), おじいちゃん (grandpa)

つぎに レナードが うちに くるまでに____________ を がんばります。

English: I will try to do <something> by next time Lenard comes back to my home.

ex) <something> : ひらなが (hiragana), かたかな (katakana), さんすう (math), ぴあの (piano), おてつだい (house chore)

つぎは レナードと _________をしたいです。

English : I want to do <something> with Lenard next time.

ex) <something> やきゅう (baseball), サッカー (soccer), かくれんぼ (hide & seek), おいかけっこ (tag)

ぼく/わたしは レナードと ____________________をたべました。

English: I ate <something> with Lenard.

ex) <something> あさごはん (breakfast), ひるごはん (lunch), よるごはん (dinner), おやつ (snack), おかし (treats), パン (bread)

ぼく/わたしは レナードと _______________のが いちばん たのしかった です。

English : I had a great time with Lenard <doing something>

ex) <doing something> ピクニックにいった (went picnic), およいだ (went swimming), あそんだ (played)