軍事社會科學專刊 Publication of Military Social Science
◎發行宗旨 The History and the Aim
Publishing Institute: National Defense University
Publisher: General Zhi-Bin Liu
Director: Major General Jyun-Jay Wang
Vice Director: Colonel Shin-Peng Wang
Editor in Chief : Colonel Hong-Kang Yang
Founded in December, 2005, this journal originally aimed to collect research findings from our colleagues as a teaching reference. In order to maximize the effects, in addition to achieving the overall goal of school development to “construct a military and culture exchange platform, integrate national defense research energy, and strengthen academic exchanges...,”“Military Social Science Special Issues Magazine” and “Editing and Review Committee” have been established since the 15th issue. Calling for external papers and two-way anonymous review mechanism have been adopted with a view to setting up an academic exchange platform, promoting the research atmosphere, and establishing the school's leading position in the field of military social sciences.
Calling for papers of all year, the journal publishes two issues in March and August respectively each year. The Republic of China Armed Forces officers and soldiers both on and off campus (including civilian teachers, hired personnel, etc.) and folk scholars (including the military servicemen) are all welcomed to provide military social science theory and practice, research papers in related fields, such as political operations, research summary, literature review (review) and other articles. After the paper is examined and approved, the author will be, according to the regulations (NT$1,600 per thousand words), paid and given a copy of the current edition.
With an aim to maximizing the extended education effects and broadening the world view, humanity, and social literacy of the high-ranking cadres of the armed forces, the research results from the journals are gradually included in the supplemental textbooks for the political training courses of the national army as extended education.
◎出版倫理 Publishing Ethics
《軍事社會科學專刊》嚴正聲明禁止收錄與出版任何研究資料或成果有造假、變造、抄襲、一稿多投等嚴重影響審核公正與違反學術倫理情事之文章。本刊之編輯委員、匿名審查委員與投稿作者亦採用並依循Elsevier B.V.公告「Publishing Ethics」之內容進行公開徵求、檢視、審核及出版文章。