A careful retelling of the events leading up to the shoot-out are given, along with the fallout. Guinn is a fast-paced writer, and I found the reading to be fun and enjoyable. I don't know that you are going to get greatinsights into history that will profoundly change the way you view the world, but this is a good book for the beach on a summer's day.

When Books Went to War: The Stories That Helped Us Win World War II Molly Guptill Manning (2014)This book opens with the Nazis burning books. In a free society, books have a right to exist.Even really bad books. Like this one.

At the end of the day, everyone who eats fast food knows at some level or another that it simply isn't good for them. And yes, when you have a few corporations controlling something as important as food, there's going to be large economic fallout. Guess what, nobody is putting a gun to anybody's head and forcing them to eat this stuff. If there was no demand, there would be no supply.

Dear Committee Members: A NovelJulie Schumacher (2014)This is a fun book if you are a part of a select audience. The novel is meant for English professors.OK, aren't all novels meant, in some way or another, for English professors? That's a fair question, andthe answer for anything above the level of pulp is probably yes, but that's not what I mean. It's forEnglish professors as their world is at the center of the story. The main character inthis book is a tenured faculty member in a shrinking English department at what the narrator describesas a second-rate institution (which means that it is really a third-rate institution). It takes theform of a series of letters of recommendation, and since the author of the letters is a stereotypicalcurmudgeon, plenty of complaining and whining (in other words, character development and plot advancement)happens in those missives.

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With traditional publishing, we'll never see an update. I'd hope with e-books we could eventually get some news;after a dozen years though, I'm not holding my breath. Read the book anyway.

A Murder in Wartime: The Untold Spy Story That Changed the Course of the Vietnam War Jeff Stein (1992)I went to Washington DC this past summer, and one of the things I visited was the Vietnam Memorial.There were a small handfull of Marascos on that wall, so I Googled Marasco and Vietnam. I was notprepared for what I would find. In 1969 a Green Beret by the name of Robert Marasco executed Thai Khac Chuyen, a suspected North Vietnamese double agent. He and two other Green Berets had taken him out in a boatand put a bullet in his head. This fact isn't disputed, and the action constitutes a war crime.Stein's book covers the events that lead up to the killing, and then the fallout that occurred after thetop Green Beret in Vietnam lied to the American general running the war about the details. 589ccfa754

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